
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 粗鲁 + cu1lu3 crude; coarse; rough
1 Old HSK word(s): D VS * cu1lu3 rude


Thô lỗ +
Grade E word(s):

粗鲁 [cu1 lu3] grob (Adv)

Häufigkeit: 4.93 Komposita

他外表粗鲁,心地善良。 He has a rough outside, but a good heart.
你争我夺是粗鲁的行为. It's rude to snatch.
他的粗鲁让我生气。 His rudeness made me really angry.
他的粗鲁惹得我揍了他。 His rudeness provoked me to strike him.
在英国,用刀把食物送进嘴里被认为是粗鲁的行为。 Putting food into one's mouth with a knife is considered vulgar in England.
她粗鲁是粗鲁, 但还有许多优秀品质. She had many good qualities despite her apparent rudeness.
他的粗鲁的举止使每个人震惊。 His coarse manners shocked everyone.
他外表粗鲁, 心地却十分善良. Beneath his gruff exterior he's really very kind-hearted.
老师因为他们态度粗鲁而责罚他们。 Their teacher punished them for their rudeness.
粗鲁的缺乏良好的举止,文化,或修养的 Lacking good manners, culture, or refinement.
他在餐桌上举止粗鲁, 在座的人颇为难堪. His ignorant behaviour at the dinner table caused much embarrassment.
那个新来的学生粗鲁地跟老师顶嘴, 一开始就把关系搞僵了. The new student started off on the wrong foot with the teacher by answering back rudely.
你怎么可以这么粗鲁呢? How could you be so rude?