
4 New HSK word(s): HSK4 签证 + qian1zheng4 visa; certificate; to certify; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 + qian1 to sign one's name; visa; variant of 签/签qian1 HSK5 + qian1 inscribed bamboo stick (used in divination, gambling, drawing lots etc); small wood sliver; label; tag HSK6 签署 + qian1shu3 to sign (an agreement)
6 Old HSK word(s): B VA * qian1ding4 conclude and sign D VA * qian1fa1 sign and issue D * qian1 ming2 sign one's name D VA * qian1shu3 sign/ affix to/ subscribe D v;n * qian1zheng4 visa D * qian1 zi4 signature



Visa +

Đừng +

Đừng +

Ký +
Grade E word(s):
便签 标签 草签 抽签 会签 棉花签 棉签 签到 签收 签约 入境签证 书签 药签 牙签 抓签
签 [qian1] unterschreiben (V)

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我父亲喜欢在饭后用牙签。 My father likes to use toothpick after meals.
第二次世界大战期间,日本政府和德国签订了一项密约。 The Japanese Government made a secret deal with Germany during the Second World War.
他申请出国签证经历了很大的困难。 He experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country.
签定这一协议是两国关系加强的序幕。 The signing of the agreement was a prologue to better relations between the two countries.
剪贴簿,影集,签名薄有空白页以便插入或存放收集品,如邮票、照片或签名的本子 A book with blank pages for the insertion and preservation of collections, as of stamps, photographs, or autographs.
请在这张支票背后签名。 Please back the check.
把标签粘贴在你的手提箱上。 Stick a label on your suitcase.
他们表示有签订合同的意愿。 They showed a disposition to sign the contract.
我们为了双方的利益签订这项合同。 We entered into this contract in the interests of both parties.
一定要先看清小号字体印刷部分再签字. Make sure you read all the small print before signing.
他们拒绝签约,从而使我们的处境有些困难。 Their refusal to sign the contract has put us in a bit of a bind.
他申请延长签证有效期。 He asked for an extension of his visa.
这项协议的签订将有助于缓和国际紧张局势。 The signing of this agreement will help to reduce international tension.
政府已与莫斯科签了一项条约。 The Government has signed a treaty with Moscow.
美国和前苏联都是条约的签署国. The US and the former Soviet Union were co-signatories of/to the treaty.
你有进入加拿大必备的签证吗? Have you the requisite visa to enter Canada?
合伙契约两个人或多个人签订的法律契约,每个人都同意为一个商业实体出一部分资金和劳力,从而每个人都可分享固定比例的一部分利润和承担固定比例的一部分损失 A legal contract entered into by two or more persons in which each agrees to furnish a part of the capital and labor for a business enterprise, and by which each shares a fixed proportion of profits and losses.
他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。 He persuaded her to sign the document by guile.
我不知道这件衣服的价钱,它的标签掉了。 I don't know the price of the dress; its ticket has fallen off.
英国和中国签署了贸易协定. Britain concluded a trade agreement with China.
若不立即签署合同我就撤回我提出的条件. Unless the contract is signed immediately, I shall withdraw my offer.
两国签定了和约. Peace/A Peace was signed between the two countries.
谁也没记著应当签名. Nobody remembered to sign their names.
会计签发的一批支票。 The accountant sign a batch of cheque.
签名册亲笔签名组成的册子 Autographs considered as a group.
士兵离开营房得登记签字. Soldiers sign out when they leave the barracks.
她已签字把房子转让给女儿了. She has signed her house over to her daughter.
多数美国人有银行签发的信用卡。 Most Americans have bank-issued credit cards.
我有许多著名足球运动员的亲笔签名. I've got lots of famous footballers' autographs.
你如果不会签名,画一个十字也可以。 If you can't sign your name, make a cross instead.
你应该签个合同使你任职合乎规定手续. You should sign a contract to make your job situation regular.
他们就建立合资公司的事和我们签了合约。 They covenanted with us for establishing a joint venture.
他们在请愿书上签名,支持工人的请求。 They signed a petition in support of the workers' demands.
她真心实意地在信上签了字, 没意识到其中另有含义. She signed the letter in good faith, not realizing its implications.
软件保护中,把不能复制的标记或签名存放在软盘上的方法,用一个特殊测试程序来检测签名是否存在,如不存在,则被保护的程序不能运行。 In software protection, a method of giving a mark, or signature, that cannot be duplicated, to a floppy disk. A special test routine detects if a signature is present, and if it is not found the protected program will be disabled.
他正向领事申请签证。 He is applying to the Consul for a visa.
他们签署了协议与附件。 They signed the agreement and the documents appended thereto.
公务员须签署遵守公务保密条例. Civil Servants are required to sign the Official Secrets Act.
我们得简化手续才能将你的签证及时办妥. We've had to cut a few corners to get your visa ready in time.
银行直到签字得到了确认才兑现了这张支票 The bank refused to cash the check until the signature was verified.
经劝说, 他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利. They were persuaded to sign a waiver of claims against the landlord.
他伪造父亲的签字. He faked his father's signature.
国王签署了逊位的文告. The king signed the instrument of abdication.
他们在支票上伪造了经理的签名。 They forged their manager's signature on the cheque.
该足球队已签约聘用了两名新队员。 The football team has signed two new players.
你是说我务必去弄一份签证? Do you mean I have to get a visa?
我应该先审慎打探一下这家公司的底细, 然後您再签字. I should make a few discreet enquires about the firm before you sign anything.
已签发了他的逮捕令(治安法官签署的命令,它给予警察逮捕罪犯的权力。 A magistrate have sign a warrant, give the police the power to arrest someone for a crime.