
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 答案 + da2an4 answer; solution; CL:个/个ge4
1 Old HSK word(s): B N * da2'an4 answer/ solution/ key



Câu trả lời +
Grade E word(s):

答案 [da2 an4] Antwort, Lösung (S)

Häufigkeit: 27.04 Komposita

同样的问题人们向他问得太多了,所以他的答案也是千篇一律。 He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became mechanical.
猜一下答案。 Make a guess at the answer.
他的答案不能令人满意。 His answer is unsatisfactory.
那问题他再一考虑, 答案就在眼前. The answer presented itself to him when he looked at the problem again.
他们从这次实验中只得到了一组不完整的答案。 They only got an incomplete set of results from the experiment.
迷惑了数小时后,我最终弄明白了,并找到了答案。 After puzzling for hours I finally saw daylight and found the answer.
我又提示他一次, 他还是不理解(那答案). I gave him another clue, but he still didn't twig (the answer).
我头脑[记忆]里(完全)是一片空白--连一个答案也想不出. My mind/memory was a (complete) blank I couldn't think of a single answer.