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她总穿着黑衣服。 She always dresses in black.
她穿着一件深蓝色的上衣。 She wore a dark blue coat.
他穿着一套黑西装。 He is wearing a black suit.
她穿着一件黑色丝质晚礼服。 She wore a black silk evening gown.
穿着这双笨重的鞋走路真难受。 It's not easy walking in these clumsy shoes.
他穿着一条沾满油污的旧牛仔裤。 He wears an oily old pair of jeans.
当他穿着全套大礼服露面的时候,显得和整个场合很不协调。 He looked rather out of place when he turned up in full ceremonial rig.
小孩穿着紧绷的靴子很难受。 The child was uncomfortable in his tight boots.
她穿着纽约杰出设计师设计的服装。 She was dressed by a leading New York designer.
她穿着一条细棉布的裙子。 She wears a skirt of cambric.
在古代人们穿着束腰外衣。 Ancient people wore tunics.
她穿着半透明丝质长袍。 She wears a translucent silk gown.
她穿着睡衣上班却不觉羞耻。 She's quite shameless about wearing pajamas at work.
穿衣随便,穿着邋遢 Casual or lounging attire.
那位胖妇人穿着金色的紧身礼服,显得滑稽可笑。 That fat woman looked ridiculous in her tight golden dress.
这个魁梧的男人穿着同样的衣服,在他那馅饼盘大小的手里捧着另外一只小猫。 The huge man was wearing the same clothes and carrying another kitten in his pie plate hand.
他穿着制服十分精神。 He looks very manly in his uniform.
他们穿着各式各样的旧衣服。 They are wearing a motley collection of old clothes.
那个女孩穿着婚纱格外美丽动人。 The girl is all the more beautiful in her wedding gown.
他雪天出门,裹着厚厚的围巾,穿着暖和的大衣。 He walked out into the snow, heavily muffled up in a thick scarf and warm overcoat.
他真有胆量,穿着那身衣服去工作。 He's got a nerve, going to work dressed like that.
公主光彩照人地穿着一身雪白的新礼服来了。 The princess arrived, resplendent in a new white dress.
他穿着整洁的制服去约会。 He wore an immaculate uniform for the date.
我可以把它裁得低一点,这样让您穿着这件外套显得更丰满一点。 I can cut it lower and in that way give you a little more fullness in the blouse.
她穿着一件时髦的礼服。 She wears a modern dress.
棉布比尼龙穿着舒服。 Cotton is more comfortable to wear than nylon.
他穿着新西装,看上去很帅。 He looks very spruce in his new suit.
那时他正穿着笨重的靴子走来走去。 He was clumping about in heavy boots that time.
令我惊奇的是, 我侄子穿着女孩的裙子。 To my surprise, I found my nephew dressed in a girl's skirt.
贝蒂穿着最好的服装来参加聚会,她理所当然地引起了广泛的注意。 Betty came to the party dressed to kill and she certainly was the center of attention.
这个和尚穿着灰色的僧袍。 This monk wears a gray frock.