
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): C v;n * zhu4yuan4 wish-desire/ call upon/ invoke upon/ wish/ desire


Grade E word(s):

祝愿 [zhu4 yuan4] Glückwunsch (S)mögen, wünschen (V)

Häufigkeit: 1.09 Komposita

最后,我想借此机会请汤姆逊教授转达我们深厚的友谊,并表示对他的同胞良好的祝愿。 Finally, we want to take this opportunity to beg him to convey our profound friendship and best regards to his people.
向你表达良好的祝愿。他让我一定转告你,他得知你的病情;好转后十分高兴。 Frank sends his best wishes, and he says to be sure and tell you how delighted he is to hear about your fine progress.
我向他们祝愿幸运 I wish them luck.
请向您母亲转达我的祝愿。 Please convey my good wishes to your mother.
我母亲和我一起向你表示美好的祝愿. Mother joins (with) me in sending you our best wishes.
令郎喜结良缘谨此致以诚挚的祝贺并请转达最美好的祝愿。 Sincere congratulations on your son wedding please convey our best wish.
听说你已定婚,Marry,请接受我的良好祝愿。 I have heard of your engagement, Mary. Please accept my best wishes.
祝愿你来年一切顺利. Here's wishing you all the best in the coming year.
衷心祝愿鸿运高照,美满姻缘,天长地久。 May this day be start of long happy prosperous life for you both.