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碰到 [peng4 dao4] begegnen, antreffen, vorfinden (V)

Häufigkeit: 18.81 Komposita

没有人想碰到麻烦。 No one liked to have trouble.
我们昨天碰到的那个老工人是李师傅。 The old worker whom we met yesterday is Master Li.
任何人碰到那根电线都会遭到严重的电击。 Anyone touching that wire could get badly shocked.
他跌倒时,头碰到箱子的一角。 He fell and hit his head on the corner of a box.
在前进的道路上,他们是一定会碰到曲折的。 On their way forward, they are bound to run into twists and turns.
他是那种碰到挫折就万分苦恼的人。 He's the sort of man whom setbacks weigh very heavily.
我以为他母亲已去世,幸亏在我寄出吊唁信之前,我碰到了一个那天上午还在医院里见过她母亲的人,他使我避免了这场误会。 I thought his mother had died, but fortunately I met someone who'd actually seen her that morning in the hospital and he set me right before I sent off my letter of sympathy.
尽管他碰到一些困难,但他对自己的成功依然满怀信心。 Although he met with some difficulties, he was none the less sure of his success.
碰到这样容易的考卷, 那是老天爷的恩赐. To have such an easy examination paper was a gift from the gods.
变迁,盛衰在人的一生中、活动中或者周围环境中会碰到的忽然或者想不到的变化或变迁 One of the sudden or unexpected changes or shifts often encountered in one's life, activities, or surroundings.