
1 New HSK word(s): HSK1 睡觉 + shui4jiao4 to go to bed; to sleep
1 Old HSK word(s): A * shui4 jiao4 sleep/ go to bed



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除我之外,他们都去睡觉了。 They all went to sleep except me.
女儿睡觉之前,我总讲故事给她听。 I always tell my daughter a story before she goes to sleep.
孩子睡觉时,不要练习打鼓。 You mustn't practise drums while the baby is sleeping.
她拥抱了一下儿子,然后让他上床睡觉。 She give her son a hug and put him to bed.
我躺下来与其说是要睡觉,倒不如说是要思考。 I lay down not so much to sleep as to think.
噪音令人讨厌,尤其当你想睡觉的时候。 Noise is unpleasant, especially when you are trying to sleep.
没什么事可做,我还是上床睡觉好了。 There is nothing to do, so I may as well go to bed.
有些人睡觉时磨牙齿。 Some people grind their teeth while they are asleep.
他非常懒惰,整天睡觉。 He is a very lazy person, sleeping all day.
叫那些男孩子别在院子里吵闹:妈妈正在睡觉。 Tell the boys to stop messing about in the courtyard: Mother is sleeping.
那狗正在睡觉, 听到有人唤它, 猛地惊醒过来. On hearing his name called the sleeping dog sprang to life.
我安置孩子们去睡觉了. I've put the children to bed.
猫头鹰白天睡觉晚上工作。 Owls sleep by day and work at night.
我去睡觉,茶沏好后告诉我一声。 I'm going to sleep, tip me the wink when tea's ready.