
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 监狱 + jian1yu4 prison
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * jian1yu4 prison/ jail


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Grade E word(s):

监狱 [jian1 yu4] Gefängnis (S, Rechtsw)Justizvollzugsanstalt (JVA) (S, Rechtsw)

Häufigkeit: 28.43 Komposita

他由于偷窃被送入监狱。 He was sent into prison for stealing.
这位法官是监狱改革的坚决拥护者。 This judge is a strong advocate of prison reform.
把无辜的人投入监狱显然是审判不公. Sending an innocent man to prison is a clear miscarriage of justice.
一所现代化的监狱取代了那所维多利亚时代的监狱. A modern prison has replaced the Victorian one.
他毫无保留地(直言不讳地)述说了他在监狱中的事. He spoke without reserve (ie freely) of his time in prison.
卫兵派驻在监狱四周。 Guards were stationed around the prison.
探照灯发出强光, 照亮监狱场地. The searchlights glared, illuminating the prison yard.
他被从监狱释放使我们困惑不已。 His deliverance from the prison puzzled us.
监狱的大门哐当一声关上了。 The prison gate clanged shut.
这座建筑的外观像监狱. The building was like a prison in appearance.
大群大群的人聚集到监狱外面,表示他们的关切。 Huge crowds gathered outside the prison to demonstrate their concern.
这是一桩民事案件,因此他没有被送进监狱的可能。 It was a civil case so there was no question of him being sent to prison.
我得把你送进监狱直到你的案子进行审理,除非你可以找个人保释你。 I shall have to put you in prison until your case can be heard, unless you can find anyone to go bail for you.
窃贼被关押在监狱里。 The thief was confined in a prison.