
4 New HSK word(s): HSK2 + bai3 hundred; numerous; all kinds of HSK4 百分之 + bai3fen1zhi1 percent HSK5 老百姓 + lao3bai3xing4 ordinary people; the "person in the street"; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 千方百计 + qian1fang1bai3ji4 lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means
8 Old HSK word(s): A num * bai3 hundred B Adv * lao3bai3xing4 always C N * bai3huo4 general merchandise C * qian1 fang1 bai3 ji4 by every possible means/ by hook or crook D VS * bai3bei4 a hundredfold D N * bai3fen1bi3 percentage D * bai3 hua1 qi2 fang4 let a hundred flowers blossom D * bai3 jia1 zheng1 ming2 a hundred schools of thought contend


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Grade E word(s):
百般 百般刁难 百般挑剔 百发百中 百废待兴 百废俱/具兴 百分点 百分率 百分之百 百感交集 百合花 百货公司 百货商店 百看不厌 百科 百科全书 百孔千疮 百老汇 百炼成钢 百灵 百里挑一 百里香 百忙 百年 百年不遇 百年大计 百年树人 百日咳 百事通 百岁 百万 百万富翁 百闻不如一见 百姓 百叶/页窗 百业萧条 百业振兴 百依百顺 百战百胜 百折不挠 半百 惩一警百 此地无银三百两 大百科 二百五 流/留芳百世 漏洞百出 千百万 千锤百炼 千奇百怪 千姿百态 三百六十行 杀一儆/警百 身经百战 数以百计 小百货 洋相百出 一百 一传十,十传百 一呼百应 一了百了 一通百通
百 [bai3] hundert (100) (Zähl)

Häufigkeit: 10.78 Komposita

春雨带来了夏日百花。 Spring rains bring summer flowers.
我百分之百同意你的看法。 I am a hundred percent in agreement with you.
这家医院有二百个床位。 This hospital has accommodation for 200 patients.
收集这些邮票花了我一百块钱。 It cost me 100 dollars to collect the stamps.
几年来, 几百个留学生在那所大学学习过。 Over the years, hundreds of overseas students have studied at that university.
啊,好啦,一样白米养百样人嘛。 Ah, well, it take all kinds!
这张唱片非常成功,卖了一百万张。 The record was a big hit and sold a million copies.
这本书形象地描写了一百年前的中国生活。 This book gives a good picture of life in China 100 hundred years ago.
这个种植园里有数百名奴隶。 There were hundreds of slaves in the plantation.
盟军数以百计的飞机轰炸了那个国家。 The allied warplanes bombed the country by the hundred.
这个百万富翁已把他一半的股票移交给他的长子。 The millionaire has handed over 50 percent of his stock to his first son.
我父亲总是对我做事的方式百般挑剔。 My father is always finding fault with the way I do things.
老百姓反对这种想法. The man in the street is opposed to this idea.
县城离这有百儿八十里。 The county town is a hundred li or so away from here.
相声这种艺术形式让老百姓喜闻乐见。 Cross talks are an art form people love to see and hear.
据预报说今天的空气湿度是百分之六十。 It's said by forecast that the humidity in the air today is 60%.
被围困在城里的老百姓已空运到安全地区. Civilians trapped in the beleaguered city have been airlifted to safety.
现在人类所使用的所有纤维之中,有很大的百分比是人造的。 Of all the fibers now used by man, a very large percentage is man-made.
现在有一百多家美国大专院校和几乎同样多的中国大专院校建立了教育上的交流关系。 More than one hundred American colleges and universities now have educational exchanges with nearly as many Chinese institutions.
在运输中要允许有百分之五的损耗量. You must allow for five per cent wastage in transit.
一天的这段时间有数以百万计的职工从工厂和办公场所涌向街头. The shops and offices pour millions of workers into the street at this time of day.
罗马帝国存在了几百年。 The Roman Empire existed for several centuries.
我们公司雇佣了大约一百人。 Our company employed about one hundred people.
辽阔的平原绵延数百英里。 The vast plains stretch for hundreds of miles.
他在城里挨家挨户兜售日用百货. He peddled small household articles around the town.
罗马每年要接待数以百万计的游客. Rome welcomes millions of visitors each year.
他不穷, 相反, 他是个百万富翁。 He is not poor, on the contrary, he is a millionaire.
那个欠你一百块的人住在哪里? Where is the man that owes you $100?
在伦敦遭空袭时, 有很多老百姓遇难. Many civilians were killed in the air raids on London.
在接受调查的五百家住户中, 40% 有洗碗机. Of the five hundred householders surveyed, 40% had dishwashers.
结果非常令人吃惊——六个月增长百分之七十七。 The result is quite startling-- a77% increase in six months.
在一次教会举办的专题座谈会上,有数百名妇女出席讨论堕胎问题。 At a church rap session a few hundred women came to talk about their abortions.
那位百万富翁是从很少的钱开始的.但是在最充分利用机会方面表现出他的本领。 That millionaire started with very little, but showed a skill in playing his cards right.
她千方百计想离开。 She made every attempt to go.
恐龙已绝种几百万年了。 Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.
这化石可能超过二百万年了. This fossil may be over 2 million years old.
我们拍战斗场面需要上百的临时演员. We need hundreds of extras for the battle scenes.
这个国家百分之九十的地方都是温带。 Ninety per cent of the country lies in the temperate zone.
对投资期限较长者可获百分之二的奖励. A premium of 2 per cent is paid on long-term investments.
军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来. Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population.
天才的百分之一是灵感,百分之九十九是血汗。 Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety- nine per cent perspiration.
他今早睡过了头,所以这会儿他千方百计要赶上那班火车。 He overslept this morning, so now he is trying to rush for his train.
她因患百日咳打了一针. She was given a needle for whooping cough.
他一定千方百计阻止你. He'll use any trick in the book to stop you.
在旧社会老百姓的生活是贫苦的 The husbandmen's life in old society is poor.
那老人去世时留下二百万美元的遗产。 The old man left an estate of two million dollars when he died.
国会拨款两百万英镑作为防治水灾之用。 Parliament appropriated two million pounds for flood control.
政府力求今年把通货膨胀率再减低百分之二. The government will be looking to reduce inflation by a further two per cent this year.
聚合物许多天然和人工合成的化合物中的任一种,通常具高分子的重量,包含最多可达上百万个的彼此重复且相连的单位,每一个单位都是一个相对较轻和较简单的分子 Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule.
劫持者对人质百般侮辱. The highjackers inflicted all kinds of indignities on their captives.
仓库中的失窃使利润损失了百分之二. Pilferage in the warehouse reduces profitability by about two per cent.
他们为海军徵募了四百名新兵. They enlisted four hundred recruits for the navy.
哈罗德百货公司的陈列品是伦敦一景. The displays in Harrods are one of the sights in London.
在很多地方,计算机能做数百万人的工作,因此它被广泛地应用在各个科技领域——核物理、电气工程、机械工程等等。 In many places a computer does the work of a million persons, and so it is widely used in any branch of science and technology- nuclear physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and the like.
那数字是以百分比表示的. The figure is expressed as a percentage.
她参加了百米赛跑和跳远. She's put herself in for the 100 metres and the long jump.
百花齐放,万紫千红。 Flowers are blooming in a riot of color.
我开支票提出一百万美元。 I checked out one million dollars.
这只母象比小象重一百倍。 The mother elephant is one hundred times heavier than the baby elephant.
一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。 A single flower does not make a spring.
千百万观众非常著迷地收看这部电视连续剧. Millions of fans follow the TV soap operas devotedly.
今年的稻米产量高于往年平均产量的百分之十五。 The rice crop this year is15 percent above the average.
这样,这架飞机才能升高,并在距山头四百英尺的高度飞越山顶。 The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by400 feet.
人难得生病,可是旁观者们却以为他势将必死,并因这一线希望而精神百倍起来。 A person seldom falls sick, but the bystander is animated with a faint hope that he will die.
他连自己的五分钟时间都不愿拿出,证明他对这一个解决问题的方法不感兴趣,与前一段统计中不赞成这一同样用法的比率百分之九十三相比,没有什么大的差别 His unwillingness to give five minutes of his time proves that he is disinterested in finding a solution to the problem, a proportion that is not significantly different from the93 percent who disapproved of the same usage in an earlier survey.
他在千方百计谋求这份差使。 He is bucking for the job.
一部好的百科全书是知识宝库。 A good encyclopaedia is a mine of information.
平民,百姓遵循平民生活的人 A person following the pursuits of civil life.
千方百计振兴渔业注定徒劳无功. All attempts to revive the fishing industry were foredoomed to failure.
日本一家公司同意就手表不精确向我们赔偿总价值的百分之四。 The Japanese Company agreed to compensate us for the defective watches by4% of the total value.
我相信那成群女人们的服装颜色一定是一种华丽的奇观,我会百看不厌的。 I am certain that the colors of women's dresses moving in a throng must be a gorgeous spectacle of which I should never tire.
威士忌所含酒精的百分比很高. Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol.
五百名造反者被俘获并缴了械. Five hundred rebels were captured and disarmed.
数百只小艇随同这艘班轮驶入港湾. Hundreds of small craft accompany the liner into harbour.
他自从失业以来, 常觉百无聊赖. Since losing his job, he has often experienced a profound sense of ennui.
千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊. Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal.
上个月数百名妇女儿童死于叛军的炮火。 Hundreds of women and children fell to the rebels’ gunfire last month.
王公贵族以不屑一顾的傲慢态度对待平民百姓。 The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt.
装载吨船舶内部容积单位,等于一百立方英尺 A unit of internal capacity of a ship equal to100 cubic feet.
图书馆最近增添的书籍是一位百万富翁捐献的。 The library's latest acquisitions were donated by a millionaire.
因为有钱又慷慨,他捐了两百万圆给红十字会。 Rich and generous, he contributed two million dollars to the Red Cross.
这些推销员可从推销的商品上获得一定百分比的佣金. The salesmen get a percentage (ie a commission) on everything they sell.
它的用处是备份大量的数据或增加存储容量。硬盘的存储容量从几百兆字节不等。 Hard disks provide tremendous storage capacities ranging from hundreds of megabytes to several gigabytes.
你们有没有输出功率是一百五十(150)马力的? Have you got the one which has an output of150 horsepower?
经济萧条时期,有好几百万的失业者在街头游荡。 During the depression, millions of the unemployed wandered around in the streets.
该工程费用开支可分成如下几部分: 工资一千万英镑, 厂房设备四百万英镑, 原料五百万英镑. Expenditure on the project breaks down as follows: wages 10m, plant 4m, raw materials 5m.
国际商业机器有限公司昨天又在华尔街宣布了一项骇人听闻的消息,警告分析家说他们可以预期第二季度盈利至少下降百分之八十。 IBM dropped yet another bombshell on Wall Street yesterday, warning analysts to expect at least an80% slide in second-quarter earnings.
减去食物与能源的费用以后——这两项每月可能大幅变动——成品制造价格指数仍以略快的速度攀升百分零点四,相形之下,四月份仅上升零点二。 After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April.