
1 New HSK word(s): HSK1 电视 + dian4shi4 television; TV; CL:台/台tai2,个/个ge4
2 Old HSK word(s): A N * dian4shi4 television/ TV B N * dian4shi4tai2 TV station



TV +
Grade E word(s):
闭路电视 彩色电视 电视机 电视节目 电视剧 电视连续剧 电视网
电视 [dian4 shi4] Fernsehen (S)

Häufigkeit: 34.09 Komposita

她常常一边看电视一边织毛衣。 She often knits while watching TV.
电视上对这件事报道很少。 The television coverage of the event was rather sparse.
电视机设定在10点钟自动打开。 The video is programmed to switch on at ten o'clock.
他躺在沙发上看电视. He was lying on the sofa watching TV.
他们看着电视里的快步舞并且试图模仿。 They watched jig on TV and tried to imitate.
我的周末过得很无聊--只是在屋子里 转转或者看看电视. My weekend was boring I just floated about (the house) or watched TV.
电视已成为传播政治思想的重要媒介。 Television has become an important vehicle for spreading political ideas.
我真希望我们能够看到更多新的电视节目,而不是翻来覆去的那几个老节目。 I wish we could see more new programmes on television, not repeats all the time.
你知道美国的三大电视网吗? Do you know the three USA television networks?
你能相信我只花了25美元就买了一台电视吗? Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25?
她是电视台的一名主持人。 She is an announcer in TV broadcast.
临睡前请拔下电视机的插头. Please unplug the TV before you go to bed.
最近有关离婚的电视剧太多了。 There has been a surfeit of plays about divorce on the TV recently.
电视塔明显地是我国最大的建筑。 The TV tower is by far the largest construction of our country.
把我的电视机修好要花去我10000日元。 It cost me ten thousand yen to have my television set repaired.
她负责采购电视系列片所用的道具. She was responsible for buying the properties for the television series.
电视观众来信表示对当前节目不满. Letters from viewers express their dissatisfaction with current programmes.
你有彩色电视机吗? Do you have a color TV set?
这个节目在哪家电视台播放? Which TV station is the programme on?
吴阿姨要我们静一些,随后拧开了电视。 Auntie Wu asked us to be quiet, then turned the television on.
新闻编辑室新闻办公室、广播电台或电视台写作和编辑新闻的房间 A room, as in a newspaper office or radio or television station, where news stories are written and edited.
大型电子工业公司研制出了电视, 但这有赖於贝尔德的实验为此指出了方向. Large electronics companies developed television, but Baird pointed the way with his experiments.
这个地方的电视成天开著. The TV stays on all day at this place.
多看电视会使你的头脑退化。 Too much television rots your brain.
这部电影已在电影院及电视上放映. The film has been screened in the cinema and on TV.
无线电和电视是重要的通信手段。 Radio and television are important means of communication.
我已养成一到家就打开电视机的习惯. I've got into the habit of switching on the TV as soon as I gethome.
电视台为出现的干扰表示歉意,那是由于恶劣的天气状况造成的。 The television station apologized for the interference, which was due to bad weather conditions.
电视、广播或演出节目为舞台、银幕、电视或电台制作的作品 A work produced for the stage, screen, television, or radio.
大型电子工业公司研制出了电视,但这有赖於贝尔德的实验为此指出了方向。 Large electronics company develop television, but baird pointed the way with his experiment.
专门小组聚在一起策划或讨论一个问题、裁判一场比赛或在无线电台或电视台小测验节目中充当一个队的一群人 A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue, judge a contest, or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program.
鸟停在电视天线上. The birds perched on the television aerial.
千百万观众非常著迷地收看这部电视连续剧. Millions of fans follow the TV soap operas devotedly.
我一整天都在家里等候你们的电视修理员来取电视机,但他失约了。 I've been waiting in all day for your television repair man to collect the set, but he didn't come as he promised.
有些电视节目的用意是要今天观赏,明天忘掉。 Some TV programs are meant to be watched today and forgotten tomorrow.
父母们担心他们孩子们的心灵全被他们在电视里经常见到的暴力行为所毒害。 Parents are afraid that their child's will be polluted with the violence that they see on television.
总统在电视讲话中阐明了他的计划。 The president set forth his plans in a television talk.
莫斯科电视为撤军做了广泛的报导,一则苏联电视报导说车队曾受攻击,但是并未提供细节。  Moscow television carried extensive coverage of the pullout. A Soviet television correspondence said the convoy had come under fire but did not provide details.
英国广播公司在播放那部电视连续剧以後,即将出版一部有关的书。 As a follow-up to the television series the BBC is publishing a book.
新闻最近事件的信息,特别是通过报纸、期刊、广播和电视进行报导 Information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by newspapers, periodicals, radio, or television.
悲剧式作品刻画或描写灾难性事件的剧作、电影、电视节目或其它叙事作品,有不幸的但意味深长的结局 A play, film, television program, or other narrative work that portrays or depicts calamitous events and has an unhappy but meaningful ending.
利用多次垂直扫描来重显一幅完整图象的扫描技术。电视中使用2:1的交错率,即每帧分两场,垂直扫描两次,一场扫描奇数行,另一场扫描偶数行。 In scanning, the technique of using more than one vertical scan to reproduce a complete image. In television, 2:1 interlace is used, giving two vertical scans(fields) per frame; one field scans odd lines, and one field scans the even lines of the frame.