
1 New HSK word(s): HSK3 瓶子 + ping2zi5 bottle; CL:个/个ge4
3 Old HSK word(s): A n;m * ping2 (measure word for bottles) B N * ping2zi bottle B N * re4shui3ping2 thermos


Chai +
Grade E word(s):
半瓶醋 玻璃瓶 电瓶 花瓶 酒瓶 开瓶器 奶瓶 暖瓶 暖水瓶 瓶胆 瓶颈 瓶塞 瓶装 守口如瓶 水瓶 盐瓶 药瓶
瓶 [ping2] Flasche (S)ZEW, Zähleinheitswort für Getränke (in Flaschen) (Zähl)Ping (Eig, Fam)

Häufigkeit: 19.62 Komposita

瓶子的封记已经腐烂. The seal on the bottle has perished.
瓶上标明有毒。 The bottle is labeled poison.
我昨晚喝了一小瓶白兰地。 I drank a miniature bottle of brandy last night.
倒果汁前,先把瓶子摇几下。 Give the bottle a couple of shakes before pouring the juice.
他到那里喝一瓶汽水和吃一块汉堡面包。 He go there to drink a soda and eat a hamburger.
这瓶咖啡净重180克。 The net weight of this jar of coffee is 180 grams.
瓶子里装满了水。 The bottle is full of water.
她从热水瓶倒出热水。 She poured hot water from the thermos.
这个花瓶的年代比那个的早. This vase is of an earlier date (ie is older) than that one.
到半夜时分他已喝了近两瓶酒。 By midnight he had put back nearly two bottles of wine.
她往瓶子里插了些小花。 She arranged some flowerets in the vase.
夏天收获的大量水果可冷藏或装瓶装罐加以保存。 In the summer, large crops of fruit may be preserved by freezing or bottling.
很多交际上的访问,你以为是来拜会你本人的,其实是来拜会你的酒瓶子。 Many social visits that you think pay to yourself is paying to your bottle.
我打开了邮件,惊讶地发现了一个打碎的花瓶。 I opened my mail and was surprised to see a broken vase.
我动手搬那些瓷制饰物,但在移动时摔了一只花瓶。 I started moving the china ornaments but dropped a vase in the process.
别摇晃瓶子, 要不沉淀就都搅起来了. Don't shake the bottle or you will disturb the lees.
男主人拿出了一瓶12年的优质麦芽威士忌。 The host took out a bottle of 12-year-old malt whisky to entertain us.
我们何不开瓶香槟酒庆祝一下呢? Why don't we crack open a bottle of champagne to celebrate?
瓶装柠檬汁可不行--你得用真货。 Bottled lemon juice is no good you must use the real thing.
护士,我的脚非常冷,可以给我一只热水瓶吗? My feet are as cold as ice, nurse. Can I have a hot water bottle?
(欧洲)大陆人有性生活,英国人则有热水瓶。 Continental people have sex life; the English have hot-water bottle.
花瓶已经粉碎了. The vase shattered into a thousand pieces.
我痛苦地看着这个破得粉碎的花瓶。 I looked painfully at the vase broken into pieces.
别怪他打碎那个花瓶, 他毕竟是小孩子嘛。 Don't blame him for breaking that vase; after all he is a child.
瓶盖没拧正。 The bottle-top has been screwed on squint.
烧瓶侧面有刻度标志. The graduations are marked on the side of the flask.
把瓶盖儿盖好, 要不汁液就洒出来了. Put the cap back on the bottle, otherwise the juice will spill.
酒鬼好比威士忌瓶,全是脖子跟肚子而没脑子。 A drunkard is like a whisky bottle, all neck and belly and no head.
一瓶花生酱多少钱? How much is a jar of peanut butter?
渣滓都沉到瓶底了. The dregs have settled at the bottom of the bottle.
牛奶瓶盖是用锡箔制成的。 Milk bottle tops are made of tin foil.
这个瓶上的密封纸破开了。 The seal on this bottle is broken.
向警察投掷的东西有石块和瓶子. Missiles thrown at the police included stones and bottles.
这花瓶底部没有那几个小斑点就十全十美了. This vase would be perfect but for a few small flaws in its base.
盖上果酱瓶! 要不准得招黄蜂. Cover the jam! It's sure to invite the wasps.
这银花瓶上刻有花卉浮雕图案。 The silver vase is embossed with a design of flower.
去年秋天埃米莉姑妈做了12瓶番茄酱。 Aunt Emily put up a dozen cans of tomato last fall.
啤酒瓶底的沉淀物一到瓶颈部位,就不要往外倒啤酒了。此时你的一杯啤酒会金灿灿地发亮,酒泡鼓出酒杯口,而又不会溢出杯外。 As soon as the sediment starts creeping up the shoulder of the bottle, stop pouring. You should now have a glass of star-bright beer with a head(of foam) that stands proud of the glass but does not overflow.