
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 理由 + li3you2 reason; grounds; justification; CL:个/个ge4
1 Old HSK word(s): B N * li3you2 reason


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Grade E word(s):
理由 [li3 you2] Begründung, Argument

Häufigkeit: 36.38 Komposita

让我解释迟到的理由。 Let me explain why I was late.
我不完全理解他离开的理由。 I don't fully understand his reasons for leaving.
你不能以疲劳为理由就这样对待职工. Tiredness cannot possibly justify your treating staff this way.
他未叙述自己的理由。 He omitted to state his reasons.
我想他反正会以养家为理由来进行辩解。 I suppose that, in justification, he could always claim he had a family to support.
被配偶遗弃是离婚的理由吗? Does desertion ground for divorce?
他们因那个孩子有说服力的理由相信了他。 They believed the child by his persuasive reasons.
他找了个站不住脚的理由来解释缺席的原因。 He gave a lame excuse for being absent.
形而上学,等于为我们本能地相信的东西找寻无谓的理由。 Metaphysics is the finding of bad reasons for what we believe on instinct.
辩护律师提出理由认为证据不充分. The defence argue/argues that the evidence is weak.
我们大多数人必须为某种理由阅读若干的资料。 Most of us have to read a certain amount of material for one reason or another.
总经理由董事会任命。 The president is appointed by the board of directors.
过去人们围着桌子一起合唱;如今则由于唱得较好这一荒唐的理由,而由一个男子独唱了。 Once men sing together round a table in chorus; now one man sing alone for the absurd reason that he can sing better.