
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 理所当然 + li3suo3dang1ran2 as it should be by rights (idiom); proper and to be expected as a matter of course; inevitable and right
1 Old HSK word(s): D * li3 suo3 dang1 ran2 go without saying/ of course


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Grade E word(s):

理所当然 [li3 suo3 dang1 ran2] selbstverständlich (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 2.4 Komposita

我认为他会成功是理所当然的。 I take it for granted that he will succeed.
法律面前人人平等是被认为理所当然的。 It is taken for granted that everyone is equal before the law.
既然死人占多数,我们在死人之中比在生人之中有更多的朋友,就是理所当然的事情。 The dead being the majority, it is natural that we should have more friends among them than among the living.
他与顾客的关系是事务性的,理所当然不可能跟他们之间有多少个人感情。 His relations with his clients were also cut and dried, very little personal feeling could in the nature of things come into them.
贝蒂穿着最好的服装来参加聚会,她理所当然地引起了广泛的注意。 Betty came to the party dressed to kill and she certainly was the center of attention.
据说惊人的大量有毒物质正堆在英国最大的化学物品废品站里……当地政府……对……堆在它门口的垃圾理所当然地感到忧虑。 A frightening brew of poisonous waste is said to be accumulating in Britain's biggest chemical dump… The local authority… is rightly worried about the… tip on its doorstep.