
18 New HSK word(s): HSK1 现在 + xian4zai4 now; at present; at the moment; modern; current; nowadays HSK3 发现 + fa1xian4 to find; to discover HSK4 现金 + xian4jin1 cash HSK4 出现 + chu1xian4 to appear; to arise; to emerge; to show up HSK5 表现 + biao3xian4 to show; to show off; to display; to manifest; expression; manifestation; show; display; performance (at work etc); behavior HSK5 现象 + xian4xiang4 appearance; phenomenon; CL:个/个ge4,种/种zhong3 HSK5 现代 + Xian4dai4 Hyundai, South Korean company HSK5 现代 + xian4dai4 modern times; modern age; modern era HSK5 现实 + xian4shi2 reality; actuality; real; actual; realistic HSK5 体现 + ti3xian4 to embody; to reflect; to incarnate HSK5 实现 + shi2xian4 to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about HSK6 现场 + xian4chang3 lit. actual location; the scene (of the incident); on-the-spot HSK6 现成 + xian4cheng2 ready-made; readily available HSK6 现状 + xian4zhuang4 current situation HSK6 展现 + zhan3xian4 to come out; to emerge; to reveal; to display HSK6 呈现 + cheng2xian4 to appear; to emerge; to present (a certain appearance); to demonstrate HSK6 兑现 + dui4xian4 (of a cheque etc) to cash; to honor a commitment HSK6 涌现 + yong3xian4 to emerge in large numbers; to spring up; to emerge prominently
21 Old HSK word(s): A N * xian4dai4 modern times/ the contemporary age A N * xian4zai4 now/ at present/ today A v;n * biao3xian4 show off/ express/ display A VA * shi2xian4 realize/ achieve/ bring about A VA * chu1xian4 appear/ arise A v;n * fa1xian4 discover/ find/ discovery B v;n * xian4dai4hua4 modernize/ modernization B N * xian4shi2 reality/ actuality B N * xian4xiang4 appearance/ phenomenon C v;Adv * xian4 appear/ reveal/ show/ impromptu/ extemporaneously C VS * xian4cheng2 now-made/ ready-made C VA * ti3xian4 bodily-express/ embody/ incarnate D N * xian4chang3 locale D N * xian4jin1 cash D N * xian4qian2 ready money D VS * xian4xing2 current/ in effect D N * xian4zhuang4 status quo/ D VA * yong3xian4 come to the fore D VA * cheng2xian4 show/ take on/ present D VA * dui4xian4 cash D VA * zhan3xian4 express/ show

~是 12 点。

Bây giờ +


Tìm thấy +


Tiền mặt +


Xuất hiện +

Hiệu suất +

Hiện tượng +

Hiện đại +

Hiện đại +

Bất +

Phản ánh +

Để đạt được +

Trang web +

Sẵn sàng thực hiện +

Hiện trạng +

! +

Trình bày +

Tiền mặt +

Nổi lên +
Grade E word(s):
安于现状 表现力 超现实主义 丢人现眼 浮现 后现代 活灵活现 闪现 昙花一现 现场直播 现钞 现成饭 现存 现代派 现代人 现额 现货 现价 现阶段 现今 现款 现年 现任 现实主义 显现 现行犯 现眼 现役 现役军人 现有 现在时 隐现 再现
现 [xian4] gerade, gerade jetzt, jetzt (steht meist zusammen mit 在) (Adv)

Häufigkeit: 9.29 Komposita

出现了新困难. A new difficulty has arisen.
现在五点差一刻。 It is a quarter to five.
现代的人想法不同。 People today think differently.
他的痛苦现在已经过去。 His pain is past now.
这座桥现在可以通行。 The bridge is now open to traffic.
已经出现了一些问题. A number of (ie some) problems have arisen.
你现在需要的就是放假。 A holiday will be just the thing for you.
我在写现代英语的语法书. I'm writing a grammar of modern English.
这样的天才现在很少见。 It is rare to find such a genius nowadays.
这座公路桥现在开放通行。 The road bridge is now open to traffic.
别哭,你现在已经是大男孩了。 Don't cry, you are a big boy now.
我们应该更好地利用现有设备。 We should make a better use of the existing equipment.
这个计划道理上行得通, 但不现实。 The plan is feasible in reason but impractical.
这本书从前很出名, 现在没人看了. This book was once famous, but nobody reads it today.
她向老板说明了自己那种表现的原因。 She explained her conduct to her boss.
二十世纪六十年代出现了许多新兴国家。 The 1960s saw the emergence of many new nations.
现在是差一刻四点--我四点一刻见你. It's (a) quarter to (US of) four now I'll meet you at quarter past (US after).
这一情况出现得很突然,把我们的计划全都打乱了。 This sudden development turned all our plans topsy-turvy.
现在是休息时间, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。 It was the time of break and students came out of classroom one after another.
现在的时装和我还是小女孩时候流行的样子很不一样了。 Fashions have changed a lot since I was a little girl.
在一般情况下他都和我们一起来, 只是他现在身体不太好. In the ordinary way he would have come with us, but he's not feeling well.
他的梦想实现了。 His dream came true.
现在该是填饱肚子的时候了。 It's time to satisfy my inner man.
英语现在通用于全世界。 English is spoken all over the world today.
他的计划迅速变为现实。 His plans were transformed overnight into reality.
偷吃而不被人发现很有趣。 It is fun eating by stealth without being found.
我的各种问题似乎同时出现了 All my troubles seem to come together.
宴会的准备工作现在都已就绪。 Everything is ready now for the party.
如果我现在不走,就赶不上火车了。 If I don't go now, I will miss the train.
两国关系已达到出现危机的地步。 Relation between the two countries has reached a crisis point.
政府对工会表现得越来越不耐烦。 The governments showed growing impatience at the unions.
我一直抬那些重东西, 现在腰都痛了. All that heavy lifting has given me a pain in the back.
他对他的选民表现出很有感染力的热情。 He expressed infectious enthusiasm to his voters.
因为现在是收获期,所以我们都非常忙。 We are all very busy because it's the harvest time.
他在面对危险的时候表现出非凡的勇气。 He showed remarkable courage when he faced the danger.
他们的足球队在昨天的比赛中表现突出。 Their football team performed very well in the match yesterday.
从他领导后,一个又一个革新项目出现了。 After being led by him, one innovation after another are showing.
充分利用自然资源的愿望终究会实现。 The wish of fully utilizing the natural resources will eventually come true.
世界杯决赛现在正向五十多个国家现场转播。 The World Cup final is being transmitted live to over fifty countries.
这条路线旅行的人以前常走,但是现在已不用了。 The route was once much travelled but has fallen into disuse.
这次新发现的石油对这个地区的经济有着重大的意义。 This new discovery of oil is of great significance to this area's economy.
你或许也会发现阅读已经变成是有趣的事,而不是工作。 You may also find that reading has become more fun than work!
他放弃了一份安定的工作而自己创业,表现出了极大的勇气。 He showed a lot of pluck to leave a safe job and set up his own business.
他忍受对自己人品的攻击而不发火,表现出巨大的自我控制能力。 He showed great moderation in not responding angrily to the attacks on his character.
现在就想回去,为了冷却他那急切的心,暂把他送到法国的哥哥家中。 Now he wanted to go back, but to damp down the urge he was sent to his brother's home in France.
音乐学生学习给一个现有的调子配上其他音部,还要学习怎样转成和声调。 Music students learn how to add other parts to add other parts to a given tune, and how to modulate to a related key.
现在卖报纸利润很少。 There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present.
这幅画表现的是海上风暴。 This painting is a representation of a storm at sea.
除非出现奇迹, 不然我们现在是输定了. Short of a miracle, we're certain to lose now.
那项发现在科学界引起极大的震动。 The discovery caused a tremendous commotion in the scientific world.
财务上出现问题延误了我们的建设计画。 Financial problems have set back our building programme.
我在卧室里发现两只袜子, 但不成对。 I found a couple of socks in the bedroom, but they don't make a pair.
警察在小偷的家里发现了一些被盗的财物。 The police found some stolen property in the thief's house.
现代神话现代被浪漫化或普遍流行的神话 A romanticized or popularized myth of modern times.
很多种类的动物现在已经从地球上绝迹了。 Many types of animals have now vanished from the earth.
这家公司现在使用电脑来计算所有的帐目。 The company now uses a computer to do all its account.
我父母发现窗子被打破后,一定会有一番斥责。 There is sure to be a fuss when my parents find the window is broken.
他从巴黎回来,发现他的办公室被别人占了。 He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone else's occupation.
她在科学方面的倾向性在孩童时代就已显现出来。 Her scientific bias showed itself in early childhood.
一位稀有昆虫采集家将给我们看一些他的最新发现。 A collector of rare insects will show us some of his latest discoveries.
学习英语和德语等现代语言比学习拉丁语更为有用。 It's more useful to learn modern languages, such as English and German, than Latin.
我怀疑在我有生之年这个国家会不会出现一位女总统。 I doubt if there will be a female president in this country in my lifetime.
陪审团的全体成员,你们现在必须退下去考虑应如何裁决。 Members of the jury, you must now retire to consider your verdict.
这个政治家发现饥饿的孩子们可怜的哭声让人不忍心听下去。 The politician found the piteous cries of the starving children unbearable.
我一整天围着火热的炉子辛辛苦苦地做出这顿饭,可是他们现在几乎一点儿也没有吃。 I slaved away all day over a hot stove to produce this meal, and now they've hardly eaten any of it.
现在有15分钟的中间休息. There will now be a 15-minute interlude.
他过去因失败而蒙羞,现在东山再起了。 He rose again from the dust of past defeats.
他学得慢,但是他表现出不屈不挠的毅力。 He is slow to learn, but shows great perseverance.
他的建议在理论上可以, 但不能付诸实现。 His proposition is good in theory but cannot be put into practice.
这幅画表现了牛在溪边饮水的迷人的田园风光。 The picture showed a charming pastoral scene of cows drinking from a stream.
现在场景转到仓库,行凶者正埋伏在那里伺机行动。 And now the scene shifts to the warehouse, where the murderer is lying in wait.
现在再见了! Bye for now!
如果他现在回来怎么办? What if he comes back now?
你对现代艺术有何看法? What do you think of modern art?
伦敦也被称为现代巴比伦。 London was also called the modern Babylon.
他由於一件表现出精湛技艺的作品而受到赞扬. He was complimented on a very professional piece of work.
一个小男孩在街上拦住了我,问道;“先生,现在几点了?” A little boy stopped me in the street and asked me, "What's the time, mister?"
天文学家现在能看到的星星的数目,多得简直令人头晕目眩。 The number of stars now visible to the astronomers makes one's brain reel.
哲瑞米是初出茅庐,所以我们并不指望他在这次比赛中表现得很好。 Jeremy's just being blooded, so we don't expect him to be very good at the game.
现在想必是四点半左右。 It must be about four thirty.
她努力要实现她的理想。 She tries up to live up to her ideals.
老板现在不想见她。 She's rather unpopular with the boss at the moment.
他们现在过着比较舒适的生活。 They are now living in relative comfort.
现代音乐最初是在意大利发展起来的。 Modern music was first developed in Italy.
现在很多小孩都可以说是少年老成了。 Now many children can be called young but experienced.
厕所现在无人使用. The lavatory is vacant.
磁力是一种自然现象。 Magnetism is a natural phenomenon.
现在该对付我的家庭作业了. It's time to tackle my homework.
他的上司奖给他一笔现金。 He was awarded a cash bounty by his boss.
她发现和他们的争论没用。 She find it useless argue with them.
发现她在那,我感到很吃惊。 I was amazed to find her there.
现在的妇女不再穿紧身衣了。 Women don't wear corset nowadays.
现在付一半, 剩下的以后再付。 Pay half now and the rest later.
现代战争并不是好玩的事。 There is not much comedy in modern war.
她意外地发现了他的真实身份。 She stumbled on his true identity.
这首诗表现出强烈的激情。 The poem showed great intensity of feeling.
现在激光可以用来做手术。 Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays.
我得承认, 我不喜欢现代音乐。 I have to admit to a dislike for modern music.
现在终于发现,是他偷了那笔钱。 It has emerged that he stole the money.
现在需求逐渐超过了生产能力. Demand is outstripping current production.
他以一张欠条代替现金付给我们。 He gave us an I.O.U. in lieu of cash.
她把自己的原则体现在行动中。 She embodies her principles in her behavior.
无铅汽油的应用现正逐步推广. The use of lead-free petrol is now being phased in.
我讨厌的一切都在他身上体现出来了。 He epitomizes everything I dislike.
工业现代化分20年逐步实现. The modernization of the industry was phased over a 20-year period.
她在这一切不幸中表现得很坚强。 She bore up well against all these misfortunes.
他总提心吊胆的,担心被人发现。 The fear of being discovered was his constant companion.
他到了渡口,却发现渡船在对岸。 He went down to the ferry but found the boat on the other side.
咱们不要在现阶段著手处理具体问题。 Let's not enter into details at this stage.
根据表面现象看问题有时是不可取的。 It's not always wise to go by appearances.
我们发现可折叠的桌子使用非常方便。 We find our folding table a great convenience.
现实中, 事情总是出乎意料地发生。 In reality, things always happen out of expectation.
展现在我们面前的是一片广阔的土地。 A wide stretch of land spread in front of us.
现行的教育制度和现实并不一致。 The current education system is not in concert with the reality.
现实生活并不象人们想象的那样美好。 Real life isn't as happy as people imagine.
装配过程的这一部分现在是全自动的. This part of the assembly process is now fully automated.
他在布置新房子中表现出富有技巧。 He display a great deal of artifice in decorate his new house.
我们现在正经历规模空前的失业现象。 We are seeing unemployment on an unprecedented scale.
我国任何时候都没有现在这样繁荣。 At no time has the country been more prosperous than at present.
手术成功了,病人现在已脱离危险。 The operation is a success and now the patient is out of danger.
我发现有人用过我的牙刷,我很不高兴。 I am aggrieved to find that someone has used my toothbrush.
他们自信地等待我自己发现事实真相。 They were waiting with assurance for me to discover the truth for myself.
从他最近的表现来看,他应该很容易考及格。 Judge by recent form, he shall easily pass the exam.
两个队都表现了高超的技艺和优良的作风。 Both teams displayed first-rate technique and a fine spirit.
他的发现使我们的科学知识的面貌为之一新。 His discoveries have put a new face on our scientific knowledge.
气候学对气候及其引起的现象进行的气象研究 The meteorological study of climates and their phenomena.
这幅画的照片绝妙地再现了原作的色彩。 The photograph of the painting reproduces the colors of the original extremely well.
我与她的第一次会面的情景经常出现在我的记忆中。 My first meeting with her often recurs to my memory.
他说他是位医生,但后来却发现他是个骗子。 He said he was a doctor, but it subsequently emerged that he was an impostor.
他们的女儿死去已一年多了, 但他们现在仍很悲痛. Their daughter died over a year ago, but they are still grieving.
这张古老的羊皮纸是在一个精致的铁盒子里发现的。 This ancient parchment was discovered in a delicate iron box.
这两个研究所打算合并的事现在已经落空了。 The proposed amalgamation of the two institutes has mow fallen through.
这种新式飞机在最初几次试飞中表现性能良好。 The new aircraft has performed very well in its initial trials.
根据我们的记录,你借的书现在应该还给图书馆了。 According to our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library.
据说如果你在看见流星时许个愿,愿望就会实现。 It is said that if you make a wish when you see a meteor in the sky your wish will be realized.
原生的出现于某一发展或进化早期阶段的或具有其特征的 Occurring in or characteristic of an early stage of development or evolution.
反动统治者发现要征服那些被压迫的当地人是很困难的。 The reactionary rulers found it very difficult to bring the oppressed natives under.
现在人类所使用的所有纤维之中,有很大的百分比是人造的。 Of all the fibers now used by man, a very large percentage is man-made.
现在我们已打开门路,我们希望在中国开辟一个广阔的市场。 Now we've got a foot in the door, we are hoping to open up a big market in China.
对于历史上的事件,当时的报道往往比现代历史学家的评述更为有趣。 Contemporary reports of the past events are often more interesting than modern historians' view of them.
现在有一百多家美国大专院校和几乎同样多的中国大专院校建立了教育上的交流关系。 More than one hundred American colleges and universities now have educational exchanges with nearly as many Chinese institutions.
熊猫现在是稀有动物. The panda is now a rare animal.
现在改变方针是不明智的. It would be unwise to change tack now.
病人因出现并发症而死亡。 Complications set in, and the patient died.
他声称他可以使鬼魂现身. He claimed that he could make ghosts materialize.
现代医学延长了人的寿命。 Modern medicine has increased man's life span.
群众迅速聚集在出事现场. A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident.
暴雨中出现了好多次闪电。 There were many flashes of lightning during the storm.
有很多因素妨碍了我们实现计画. Many factors militated against the success of our plan.
花朵在阳光下清晰地显现出轮廓。 The flower was clearly outlined in the light of the lamp.
经分析发现蛋糕里含有微量的毒素。 The cake on analysis was found to contain traces of toxin.
该制造业若不现代化就不能继续存在. If the industry doesn't modernize it will not survive.
他索赔过高反而使他的要求无法实现。 He prejudiced his claim by demanding too much compensation.
国际恐怖主义并不是近年才有的现象。 International terrorism is not just a recent phenomenon.
我现在辞去主席职位,交由我的副手接替。 I am resigning as chairman and handing over to my deputy.
我打开了邮件,惊讶地发现了一个打碎的花瓶。 I opened my mail and was surprised to see a broken vase.
当年流落他乡的犹太人现在生活在以色列. People from every country of the Diaspora now live in Israel.
此诗现存最早的原稿收藏在这座博物馆里。 The earliest extant manuscript of this poem has been kept in the museum.
一所现代化的监狱取代了那所维多利亚时代的监狱. A modern prison has replaced the Victorian one.
即将举行的会谈给实现真正的裁军带来了希望。 The forthcoming talk hold out the hope of real arms reduction.
该镇未采取适当的防洪措施, 现在吃到了苦头. The town is now counting the cost of its failure to provide adequate flood protection.
马克是个不听话的孩子, 我看他们现在对他的培养方面做得不错. Mark's a difficult child and I think they're making a good job of bringing him up.
销售开始下跌,公司财务不久便出现赤字,他们只得把那幢大楼卖掉。 Sales began to drop and the company was soon in the red. They had to sell the building.
电晕在电晕放电中在高压电极出现的一种微弱光辉,常伴随有朝向低压电极的电流 A faint glow enveloping the high-field electrode in a corona discharge, often accompanied by streamers directed toward the low-field electrode.
印象主义一种文学风格,其特征是利用对细节和感情的描述而不是通过对客观的现实的再创造,来唤起主观的或感觉的印象 A literary style characterized by the use of details and mental associations to evoke subjective and sensory impressions rather than the re-creation of objective reality.
机翼显出有金属疲劳的现象. The aeroplane wing showed signs of metal fatigue.
车祸现场附近交通极为混乱。 Traffic was badly snarled up near the accident.
庆祝活动呈现一派宏伟的景象。 The celebrations provided a magnificent spectacle.
他被公认为现代最杰出的作家之一。 He is generally rated as one of the best modern writers.
首相任命一些新大臣以增强她现届政府的活力。 The Prime Minister appointed some new ministers to ginger up her administration.
今日的许多电影明星最初都是由人才发掘者发现的。 Many of the great movie stars of today were originally discovered by talent scouts.
抛杆赛苏格兰高原上的一种竞赛,将一根又长又重的木杆一端接一端地抛掷,从而表现出力量 A long, heavy wooden pole tossed end over end as a demonstration of strength in Scottish highland games.
现象学研究人的经历中所有可能出现情况的学问,在此期间,并不考虑客观现实和纯粹的主观反应 The study of all possible appearances in human experience, during which considerations of objective reality and of purely subjective response are left out of account.
【谚】梦与现实常相反。 Dreams go by contraries.
我们现在究竟到哪里了? Where on earth have we fetched up now?
我(的现金和支票簿)被抢了. I was robbed (of my cash and cheque-book).
政府的现行方针後患无穷. The Government's present course will only lead to disaster.
据说哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。 Columbus is said to have discovered America in 1492.
[谚]外表不可靠;不可专看表面现象。 Never judge from appearances.
她的小说描写的是伦敦现代的生活。 Her novel depicts life in modern London.
仔细检查了废墟後发现了新的证据. Careful examination of the ruins revealed new evidence.
抢救人员冲向飞机坠毁的现场。 Rescue workers rushed to the site of the plane crash.
现今生活分成工作和闲暇两部分. Life today is compartmentalized into work and leisure.
他昏迷了几天, 但现在又(完全)清醒了. He was in a coma for days, but now he's (fully) conscious again.
自从我们看望你母亲以来到现在有多长时间了? How long is it since we visited your mother?
神迹,启示上帝的权力、能力、显现或面貌 The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being.
她生在伦敦, 但现在把巴黎看成是她的家乡. She was born in London, but she now looks on Paris as her home.
早期的探险家可能在哥伦布之前已发现美洲. Earlier explorers probably anticipated Columbus's discovery of America.
你祈求实现愿望时没闭上眼睛, 所以不算数! You didn't shut your eyes before you made the wish, so it doesn't count!
她在西部(如加利福尼亚州)到现在已住了十年了. She's lived in the West (eg California) for ten years now.
一个男子打扮成樵夫的模样出现在城堡的门口。 A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter.
发现斑疹伤寒以後, 医院的病房进行了烟熏消毒. The hospital wards were fumigated after the outbreak of typhus.
由於无知和迷信, 他们无法得到现代医学的好处. Ignorance and superstition prevent them from benefiting from modern medicine.
昨晚我酒喝得太多真是自讨苦吃, 现在头疼得很厉害! I'm paying the penalty for drinking too much last night; I've got a dreadful headache!
既然现在她在法国工作,那就可以满足她游览欧洲的愿望了。 Now that she has a job in France she can gratify her desire to see Europe.
破坏主义者信奉或提倡毁灭(尤指现存的社会制度)的人 One who believes in or advocates destruction, especially of existing social institutions.
灵魂出窍,亡魂显现活着的人在其临死前出现的作为预兆的鬼魂 An apparition of a living person that appears as a portent just before that person's death.
积累而成的,累积的以积累效果为特征的或者表现出积累效果的;累积的 Characterized by or showing the effects of accumulation; cumulative.
我们把旅客登记簿翻了一下,发现我们的采购员三天前就已登记了。 Looking through the reception book of the hotel we found our purchasing agent had booked in three days before.
你认为那个冬季——那个叫做不愉快的冬季——十之八九会现再次出现吗? Do you think there is a likelihood that winter-the winter of discontent as it was called-could be repeated?
那位百万富翁是从很少的钱开始的.但是在最充分利用机会方面表现出他的本领。 That millionaire started with very little, but showed a skill in playing his cards right.
这是我所听到过的最动人的记实性广播节目之一;一则反映现实生活的优秀作品。 It was one of the most moving pieces of documentary radio I have ever heard broadcast; a remarkable slice of real life.
道德,品行,士气一个人或集体具有的精神状态,通过信心、愉快、纪律和乐于执行所分配的任务来展现 The state of the spirits of a person or group as exhibited by confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks.
行为科学主义心理学的一个流派,着重研究行为中可以观察到的、可以量化的方面,排除主观现象,如感情或动机 A school of psychology that confines itself to the study of observable and quantifiable aspects of behavior and excludes subjective phenomena, such as emotions or motives.
开普勒,约翰尼斯1571-1630德国天文学家和数学家,被认为是现代天文学的奠基人,他创立了三大定律,说明行星围绕太阳转的理论 German astronomer and mathematician. Considered the founder of modern astronomy, he formulated three laws to clarify the theory that the planets revolve around the sun.
约翰内斯堡南非最大的城市,位于该国的东北部,在德班西北。在其附近发现金矿后于1886年建立,为主要的工业中心。人口703,980 The largest city of South Africa, in the northeast part of the country northwest of Durban. Founded in1886 after the discovery of gold nearby, it is a major industrial center. Population, 703,980.
刹帝利四个印度种姓中的第二级,负责执法和维护社会安定。在古代印度,它由皇族和武士阶层构成;在现代印度,它表示职业、统治和军事阶层 The second of the four Hindu classes, responsible for upholding justice and social harmony. In ancient India this was the royal or warrior class; in modern India, the professional, governing, or military class.
初始设计开发阶段,首先必须发现可能存在的错误,并作相应的设计修改。正是在这个时期中,设计辅助程序、仿真技术和设计支援技术对于快速设计都是必不可少的。 The initial design development stage wherein, at first, it is certain that errors will be discovered which will require design changes. It is in this period that design aids, emulation techniques, and supportive design techniques are essential to quick design.
除了14行诗和其他诗体之外,莎士比亚的形式感隐蔽起来了,不存在着威胁。不论这一看法多么不对,它确实使这位紧跟在莎士比亚后面浮现出来的诗人一时生产一种幻觉:他可能是有惊无险。 Except in the sonnets and poems, Shakespeare's formal sense is disguised and does not threaten. No matter how wrong this idea might be, it does give the poet bobbing in Shakespeare's wake the momentary illusion that he might be waving instead of drowning.
我们必须面对现实。 We must face reality.
现在到了紧要关头。 We have come to the critical moment.
他没有钱, 所以, 他必定会出现的。 He hasn't got any money, so he's bound to turn up sooner or later.
这座新工厂是那些最新设想的体现。 The new factory is the embodiment of the very latest ideas.
我现在讲的话,我相信也是在座许多同志的想法。 In what I am saying now I believe I speak also for many others present at this meeting.
现在仿佛是秋天似的。 It seems as if it were autumn.
这些发现毫无价值。 These discoveries are not worth the candle.
无论如何现在已经太迟了. It's too late now, anyhow.
她处处表现得极为阔气. She gave every appearance of being extremely rich.
现在随时都有火箭发射. Space rockets are being sent up all the time.
现在这里居民的生活很幸福。 Dwellers here live a happy life now.
现今,移动电话非常普及。 Portable telephones are very popular nowadays.
现在选修理科的学生少了. Fewer students are opting for science courses nowadays.
他的个性体现在他的文章中。 His personality comes through in his writing.
她在工作中表现出高度的技巧. She shows a high degree of skill in her work.
这个计画因缺乏资金而难以实现. The project was hamstrung by lack of funds.
陆同志表现突出,是一个劳动模范。 Comrade Lu stands forth as a model worker.
我不能忍受现代生活的压力和紧张。 I can't bear the stresses and strains of modern life.
这些商品现正供应不足,价格会上涨。 These goods are in short supply; the price will be high.
现代社会的每个人都面临着激烈的竞争。 Everyone in modern society faces the keen competition.
这个户头为你提供了一个现成的收入来源. This account provides you with a ready source of income.
您一定发现我们产品的包装美观讲究。 I think you'll find the packing beautiful and quite well-done.
他生病的整个阶段都表现出非凡的忍耐力。 He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness.
由于洗后缩小,那件衬衫现在小得不能穿了。 As a result of shrinkage, the shirt is now too small to wear.
这个地区很危险,所以你身上不要带太多现金。 This is a dangerous area, so don't carry too much cash on you.
在我看来, 他本身体现了教师应有的一切优秀品质. To me he embodies all the best qualities of a teacher.
我们现中断正常节目,播送一条特别新闻。 We now interrupt our normal transmissions to bring you a special news flash.
他表现出了事业有成的经理人员所具有的一切品质. He incarnates all the qualities of a successful manager.
这个官员对穷人的需求表现出完全漠视的态度。 The official has shown a total disregard for the needs of the poor.
一切情况都可依据现行章程的结构加以考虑。 All the cases can be considered within the framework of the existing rules.
我想介绍我的地理老师给你认识,你现在是国会议员。 I'd like you to meet my geography professor. He's in the congress.
我不去问他求职面试的情况, 这是他现在的伤心事. I wouldn't ask him about his job interview; it's rather a sore point with him at the moment.
年轻人特有的热情和锐气在这些人当中没有多大表现。 The fire and dash pertaining to youth are not much in evidence among these people.
起初,我们没有现成的技术资料,但也设法照样干下去了。 At first, no ready technical data were available, but we managed to go without.
现时去国营企业就职的想法对年青人没有多大吸引力。 The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people nowadays.
这门课程除了讲课外,还有综合性的现场实习加以补充。 The lectures of this course are to be backed up by a comprehensive programme of field work.
记住,你现在当家作主了,要大胆说话,有什么想法就告诉我们。 Remember you are one of the masters now, so speak up and tell us what you think.
在现代战争中,机动性和先进武器比人多势众更为重要。 In modern warfare, mobility and sophisticated weapons are more important than weight of numbers.
我不能肯定已经领会您的意思。是不是您不满意您现在的工作。 I am not certain I have grasped what you meant. Is it(that) you are not satisfy with your present job?
石油化工产品现在已占所有化学制品的四分之一,十年后预计这个数目还要加倍。 Petrochemicals today account for one fourth of all the chemicals made, in ten years this amount is expected to double.
中国教育的主要目的是教授所需的科技知识以把中国变成现代化的社会主义国家。 The min purpose of Chinese education is to teach the science and technology needed to made China into a modern socialist nation.
如果我是你,我现在就不会进去找他。他这会儿心情不好,见谁骂谁,看什么都不顺眼。 I shouldn't go in and see him now if I were you. He's having one of his bad days, swearing at everything and everyone.
物理学家们正在研究对环境危害少的发电新方法,与此同时,许多发电厂也在实现现代化以减少污染物质的释放量。 Physicists are studying new ways of generating electricity with less damage to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluting material.
峡谷展现在我们的脚下. The valley lay at our feet.
现在是投资的最佳时机. The best time to invest is now.
她现在隶属于国防部。 She's on attachment to the Ministry of Defense.
他似乎现在住在这个区域。 He lives seemingly now in this area.
这个男孩表现出很高的智慧。 The boy evinces great intelligence.
现在只有出现奇迹她才能得救。 Nothing but a miracle can save her now.
有人发现她趴在小屋的地板上. She was found prostrate on the floor of the cell.
她在攀登过程中表现出极大的耐力。 She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb.
别耽误了,现在就去索取一份免费的目录吧。 Don't delay. Write now for a free catalogue.
那座巨大的岛屿隐隐约约浮现在地平线上。 The mountainous island loomed on the horizon.
宇宙慢慢地向科学家展现了自己的秘密. The universe is slowly yielding up its secrets to scientists.
我这一代人和我父辈及祖辈表现不同. My generation behaves differently from my father's and grandfather's.
现在向您表达我们对您的感激最为恰当。 It's the appropriate time for showing you our thanks.
以前的许多殖民地现已成为独立的国家. The former colonial possessions are now independent states.
这一发现标志著治疗癌症的 一大突破. This discovery marks a quantum leap forward in the fight against cancer.
对有些人来说, 吸毒是一种逃避现实的手段. Drug-taking is a form of escapism for some people.
流行歌曲一被接受, 追星族就大量涌现。 As soon as popular songs were accepted, fans appeared in a rash.
现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。 It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.
积压堆积物,尤指没完成的工作或未兑现的定单 An accumulation, especially of unfinished work or unfilled orders.
人们经常发现在同一剧中同一演员兼演父与子。 It is often found the same actor doubles with father and son in the same play.
他并没有准备讲话, 但在会议结束时现凑了几句. He hadn't prepared a speech but he managed to string together a few remarks at the end of the meeting.
他们忍受著恶劣天气的煎熬, 表现了英国人典型的坚忍不拔的精神. They reacted to the appalling weather with typical British stoicism.
在报社记者七嘴八舌地高声向他提问时,他始终表现得镇定自若。 He kept as cool as a cucumber as the newspaper reporters shouted questions at him at once.
电视台为出现的干扰表示歉意,那是由于恶劣的天气状况造成的。 The television station apologized for the interference, which was due to bad weather conditions.
副现象在一种疾病中出现的附带条件或症状,与该病无必要关联 An additional condition or symptom in the course of a disease, not necessarily connected with the disease.
哈唯发现了血液循环。 Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood.
我们银行现在经营债券与股票。 My bank deals in stocks and shares now.
现在大众传播媒介有很大的力量。 The media have a lot of power today.
在他的胃部发现了一个恶性肿瘤。  A malign tumour was found in his stomach.
他演奏钢琴时表现出极强的感受力. He plays the piano with great feeling.
哨兵奉命一发现有动静就立即开枪。 The sentry had orders to shoot on sight.
警方掘出尸体, 发现有中毒的痕迹. When the police exhumed the corpse they discovered traces of poison in it.
我把现有的家禽饲养方面的资料全都读过了. I've read all the available literature on poultry-farming.
他无法适应这个大都市的现代生活的忙碌。 He can't adjust himself to the whirl of modern life in this big city.
警方在调查瞒税案件时意外地发现了一个贩毒集团. Police investigating tax fraud stumbledacross a drugs ring.
对银行偿付能力出现恐慌更加速了经济的崩溃。 Fears about the solvency of the banks precipitated the great economic crash.
她所说的每一件事都体现了信仰和行动的完美和谐。 There was a happy chime of belief and practice in everything she said.
玩具销售额在圣诞节前夕达到最高峰, 现已逐渐下降. Toy sales peaked just before Christmas and are now decreasing.
那些部队进入敌人领土所表现出来的放肆令人厌恶。 The license shown by the troops when they entered enemy territory disgusted everyone.
酿成谋杀案的各个环节是通过一系列倒叙手法来表现的. The events that led up to the murder were shown in a series of flashbacks.
那个男人被发现患有传染病,因此他的房子必须用烟熏来消毒。 The man was found to have an infectious disease, so his house had to be fumigated.
我展望前头,纽约的高楼大厦在我前面升起,似乎是从童话故事的篇章中出现的一座城市。 I look ahead, and before me rise the fantastic towers of New York, a city that seems to have stepped from the pages of a fairy story.
如果请费尔南德斯走路,教育局可以付钱马上终止合约,或是让他做满任期。费尔南德斯按规定可以在十九万五的年薪之外,还可以领未用病假和其他福利折合现金四十万元。 If Fernandez is shown the door, the board could either buy out his contract immediately or allow him to serve out his term. Fernandez is set to collect$400, 000 in past sick pay and other benefits on top of his$195, 000 salary.
现正在招募空军。 Now, men are enlisting for the air force.
您想让我现在开饭吗? Do you wish me to serve dinner now?
谁发现了能量守恒? Who discovered the conservation of energy?
十天後出现了症状. The symptoms manifested themselves ten days later.
现在分娩时常用硬膜外注射. Epidurals are now often used during childbirth.
你们有适合我穿的现成的衣服吗? Do you have anything ready- make that will fit me?
他在想那些日子现在已显得多麽遥远. How distant those times seemed now, he reflected.
我们初次见面的情形时常浮现於我的脑海. Our first meeting often recurs to me/my mind.
紧跟在他身後出现了一个带角的分趾蹄动物 Close behind him appear an animal with horn and cleave hooves.
你现在先别决定接受这项工作: 考虑一天再说. Don't say now if you'll take the job: sleep on it first.
英国女王伊丽莎白一世时代是探索和发现的时代. The Elizabethan age was a time of exploration and discovery.
三天之后他在自己的房间里被发现, 已濒于死亡。 He was found three days later on the edge of death in his room.
足球比赛中恣意闹事现在已经达到愈演愈烈的地步。 Football hooliganism is now reaching epidemic proportions.
她从容地掏出钱夹付了一千镑现金, 多麽豪爽! She just took out her purse and paid a thousand in cash: what a cool customer!
"当他进入哈佛大学学习的志愿实现时,他高兴极了。" "When his wish to go to Harvard was realized, his joy knew no measure."
这家公司一年以後才能赢利, 现在至少已不赔不赚了. It will be a year before the firm makes a profit but at least it's breaking even.
劳动体力或脑力的运用,尤指出现困难或精疲力尽时;工作 Physical or mental exertion, especially when difficult or exhausting; work.
付款可用下列任何一仲方式:现金,支票或用信用卡。 Payment may be made in any of the following ways, by cash, by cheque, or by credit card.
在我现在看来,他那时似乎在叹气,而我吃吃地笑是在隐藏我的尴尬。 It seems to me now that he sighed and that I tittered to hide my embarrassment.
该组竭力想把最新消息和评论糅合在一起,不料发现它们彼皮格格不入。 The team tried hard to mix fresh news and comment only to find they were mixing oil and water.
溶血(现象),血细胞溶解红血细胞的破坏或溶解,随后释放血红蛋白 The destruction or dissolution of red blood cells, with subsequent release of hemoglobin.
各位女士、先生,现在我为你们介绍一位舞台和银幕上著名的明星,约翰·韦恩。 Ladies and gentlemen, now I will introduce to you the renowned star of the stage and screen, John Wayne.
蚀天体的部分或全部受到其他天体的遮掩而变得晦暗,这种现象与特定观测者相关 The partial or complete obscuring, relative to a designated observer, of one celestial body by another.
麦利诺精纺毛纱一种柔软质轻的织物,原先是用麦利诺羊毛纺成的,但现在用任何优质羊毛都可织成 A soft, lightweight fabric made originally of merino wool but now of any fine wool.
焦耳,詹姆斯·普雷斯科特1818-1889英国物理学家,为热量机械理论奠定基础,并发现了热力学第一定律 British physicist who established the mechanical theory of heat and discovered the first law of thermodynamics.
天文学外层空间事物的科学研究,尤指天体及天文现象的位置、大小、分布、运动、构成、能量及演化的科学 The scientific study of matter in outer space, especially the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, energy, and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena.
神经衰弱一种神经系统紊乱,表现为长期疲劳乏力、失去记忆,带中度疼痛。以前被认为是由于神经系统衰竭引起的 A neurotic disorder characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness, loss of memory, and generalized aches and pains. It was formerly thought to result from exhaustion of the nervous system.
吉隆坡马来西亚的首都和最大城市,位于马来半岛的西南部、新加坡西北。于1857年由锡矿工人建立,现为该国的商业和工业中心。人口937,817 The capital and largest city of Malaysia, on the southwest Malay Peninsula northwest of Singapore. Founded by tin miners in1857, it is the commercial and industrial hub of the country. Population, 937,817.
矫作物非正常出现而是由外界因素或作用所产生的一种结构或物质,如经固定后,在显微镜下才能看到的标本中的一种活生命组织中不会出现的结构 A structure or substance not normally present but produced by an external agent or action, such as a structure seen in a microscopic specimen after fixation that is not present in the living tissue.
生命活的有机物区别于死的有机物和无机物的特性和性质,主要表现在新陈代谢、生长发育、生殖、对刺激的反应、对环境的适应等有机体本身所固有的机能中 The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism.
这座城的现代外观 The modern face of the city.
他展现了非同小可的本事。 He showed no small skill.
现在房屋大多用电照明. Nowadays, houses are mostly lit by electricity.
直到现在还没有像样的夏天. We've not had any summer to speak of.
他现已从中风病完全康复了。 He's now fully recovered from his stroke.
现在我不会唱歌了,但我年轻的时候会。 I can't sing now, but I could when I was young.
现在吃或是等一会儿再吃对我来说都一样. It's all one to me whether we eat now or later.
现今人们旅行都坐汽车,而不使用马车。 Nowadays people travel in cars rather than carriages.
他将钟表里的发条取了出来,可现在装上不了。 He took the spring out of the clock but now he can't get it back.
导游在旅游车的前部向游客作连续的现场解说。 The tour guide give a running commentary from the front of the coach.
一名现场采访记者 An on-the-scene reporter.
现在的钢材涨价了。 Now the steel comes high.
我接受支票代替现金。 I accept a check in lieu of cash.
眼下一点现货都没有。 No stock is available at present.
石油钻塔现全面开工. The oil rig is now fully operative.
现在请注意它的商标。 Now pay attention its brand please.
发现鸡尾酒会令人反感 Found cocktail parties distasteful.
家里现在乱七八糟。 Everything is at sixes and sevens in the house.
这个问题又以新的形式出现。 The problem has assumed a new form.
我对现状根本不满意。 I am not at all satisfied with the present situation.
证人是一名在现场的记者。 The witness is an on-the-spot reporter.
所有的提议现在均已落实。 All the proposals have now been carried out.
现在,我们应乘机反攻。 We should seize the opportunity to counterattack.
他们的案件现在正在讨论中。 Their case is now under discussion.
现今的时装式样变换很快。 The fashions of today change very quickly.
现在已经过了退课的最后期限了。 It's past the deadline to withdraw.
现在是我方炮兵回击敌人的时候了。 It's time for our artillery to hit back.
请将你方现有目录尽速寄来为盼. Please rush me (ie send me immediately) your current catalogue.
我们现在邮购业务是每周期1,200美元。 Our mail orders are now running at$1, 200 a week.
她要进入名牌大学学习的梦想实现了。 Her dream to enter the famous university came true.
借助现代技术, 这个目标已经达到. It was achieved with the benefit (ie help, aid) of modern technology.
贵公司的样品已收到,现已转给用户。 Receiving your sample, we have show them to their buyer.
他一觉醒来发现房子里只剩下他一个人了. He woke (up) to find himself alone in the house.
这个新兴的国家需要有现代头脑之统治者。 The new nation needs a modern-minded ruler.
我们只好等等看, 现在无能为力. We shall just have to wait and see; there's nothing we can do at the moment.
房价稳定了几个月, 现在又上涨了. House prices, which have been static for several months, are now rising again.
他发现任何一种学习都是名副其实的苦差使。 He finds any kind of study a real grind.
现有大量关于第一次世界大战的文献。 There is now extensive literature dealing with the First World War.
我们的现货中没有那种颜色--这是最近似的. We don't have that colour in stock this is the nearest.
你要是现在走, 可能正赶上交通拥挤的时刻. If you go now, you're likely to hit the rush hour.
你应该会发现这本书的结尾比开头好。 You may well find that the end of the book is better than the beginning.
改革是否改善了现状, 这问题仍有争议. It's debatable whether or not the reforms have improved conditions.
这一发现为生物学家展示了新的研究前景. This discovery opens up new vistas of research for biologists.
如果他们拒绝收支票,我们将不得不付现金。 If they refuse to accept a cheese we'll have to pay cash.
这本书将为读者展现经济思想的新远景。 The book will open up to readers new vistas on economic thinking.
世代相传的历代都出现的,历代都有此特征的 Appearing in or characteristic of successive generations.
如果你不能用现金购房, 也可以分期付款。 If you can't pay for the house in cash, you can buy it on installment.
现在大楼已开始动工,要放弃行动为时已晚。 Now the building has been started, it is too late to back off.
他给这本日记写了序言, 简述日记发现的经过. He prefaced the diaries with a short account of how they were discovered.
经追查可发现这起意外事件系由种种原因造成的。 The accident can be traced to various causes.
他给这本日记写了序言,简述日记发现的经过。 He prefaced the diary with a short account of how they were discovered.
作为交易方式, 支票已经很大程度地取代了现金。 Cheques have largely replaced money as a means of exchange.
在现实生活中, 要划分好人和坏人并非易事. In real life, it's not so easy to divide people into goodies and baddies.
农民们春季播种玉米,现在是他们收获的季节。 It is a season that peasants reap the corn from what they planted in spring.
她的社会主义信念来自她对社会上不公平现象的痛恨。 Her socialist beliefs were born of a hatred of injustice.
当我们到达山顶时,美丽景色展现在我们的眼前。 The beautiful scenery was set out before us as we reached the top of the hill.
这位部长在她的讲话中表示不同意对现行法律作任何更改。 In her speech, the Minister came out against any change to the existing law.
尽管被众人质问,但是这位领导人仍然表现出神气十足的样子。 Despite being heckled by the crowd, the leader bore himself with dignity.
现在父亲已去世,我们一定要经得起痛苦的打击,并学会忍受艰难困苦。 Now that Father is dead, we must bits the bullet and learn to put up with hardship.
那天早些时候迫使敌人放弃给我军的阵地现在需要布置起来,对付那必然的反攻。 Positions surrendered to our troops earlier in the day had now to be prepared against the inevitable counter-attack.
我了解你提出的这个计划的所有优越性,但是现在首要的问题是我们没钱投入,再说也没用。 I am aware of all the advantages of the scheme you propose, but we haven't the money to put down in the first place, and there's an end of it.
指实现后台处理。所谓后台处理是指非联机处理,或者说不是直接和计算机连接起来而进行联机操作。优先级高的程序先于特定的后台作业执行。 Performing background processing which is not on-line or directly connected to the computer for on-line operation. High priority programs take precedence over specific background jobs.
涌现了大批积极分子。 Many activists have come forward.
那些士兵现驻扎于柏林。 The soldiers are now stationed in Berlin.
我看够你装腔作势的表现了. I've had enough of your dramatics.
他的自剖是勇于面对现实的。 His self-analysis was unblinking.
这张支票凭身分证件兑现. The cheque will be cashed on proof of identity.
强迫的表现出或倾向于强制的 Characterized by or inclined to coercion.
现在每个人都想要尽快发财致富。 Everyone is trying to get rich quick nowadays.
为节省开支现正逐渐裁员. The number of employees is being whittled down in order to reduce costs.
喷射机的黑色轮廓在雾中隐隐显现。 The dark outline of a jet loomed through the mist.
发高烧是这种疾病的表现症状之一 A high fever is an early manifestation of the disease.
那项令人赞赏的发现注定由他完成。 It was reserved for him to make the admirable discovery.
现在,田径项目的半决赛正在进行。 Now, the semifinal of the track and field event is underway.
这张票已过了有效期,现在作废了。 This ticket has passed its expiration date, and so it is now invalid.
现已有数千人给我们来信索要免费样品. Thousands of people have written in to us for a free sample.
那个国家现在正处于军事独裁统治之下。 That country is now living under a military dictatorship.
这件要事不容耽搁,我们必须现在谈谈。 This important matter brooks no delay. We must talk about it now.
那个目光敏锐的警察发现了那辆被盗的汽车. A ,sharp-eyed police officer spotted the stolen car.
我现在需要的是一个幸福家庭所给予的安全感。 What I need now is the security of a happy home.
他在总统竞选中曾以改革者的姿态出现。 He have project himself as a reformer in the presidential campaign.
税率低而政府支出大, 结果出现预算赤字. Tax was low and state spending was high, resulting in a budget deficit.
银行直到签字得到了确认才兑现了这张支票 The bank refused to cash the check until the signature was verified.
现在大多数国家的儿童受到无微不至的关怀。 The children have the best of care in most of the countries now.
在我们这个时代先进人物正在大量地涌现出来。 Advanced figures are emerging in multitude in this era of ours.
现在他们在完成定额方面不再落在别人后面了。 Now they no longer fall behind the others in meeting their quotas.
不过现在它们已经被改建,用作库房或粮仓了。 But now they have been adapted for use as storehouses or granaries.
第二天早上我发现秧苗挺立着,一点也没损坏。 The next morning I found the shoots standing up straight, not bit damaged.
公共汽车可能早到, 因此我们得稳妥点, 现在就动身. The bus might be early, so we'd better play safe and leave now.
膨胀凝固性一种粘性物质在压力下变成凝固的现象 The phenomenon whereby a viscous substance solidifies under pressure.
偏执狂现象在妇女中很盛行,引起了许多婚姻纠纷。 Paranoia reigns supreme among the women, causing much marital conflict.
这一定很小,目前精神病的诊断方法还发现不了。 It must be so small that present methods of psychiatric diagnosis cannot find it.
这个商店可用支票和信用卡付帐, 当然也收现金. The shop will accept cheques and credit cards, not forgetting (ie and also) cash, of course.
减价销售原来预料要持续一周, 然而实际上现在已经结束了. The sale was supposed to last for a week, but for all practical purposes it's over.
正如人类发现的许多事物一样, 原子能既可用来为善, 也可用以作恶. Like many discoveries, atomic power can be used for good or evil.
去年我返乡探亲,惊讶地发现小村和村里的人都发生了变化。 Last year I returned home and was surprised to find both the village and the people completely changed.
一种用于按照严格的过程规则实现的数学和逻辑运算的通用术语。 A generic term for all mathematical and logical operations carried out according to precise rules of procedure.
一连串的持续跳动以数量短促而突然的变化为特征的一系列间歇性出现 Any of a series of intermittent occurrences characterized by a brief, sudden change in a quantity.
孩子们玩遍了博览会上所有的娱乐项目,最后发现坐车回家的钱都不够了。 The children went on everything at the Fair, and then found they hadn't enough money to get the bus home.
那家公司的今年年度预算出现亏损。因为公司时常出现赤字,不久将会关闭。 The annual budget of that company continues to show a deficit this year. It will go out of business because it is always in the red.
马克思列宁主义马克思主义的延伸,包含了列宁的帝国主义是资本主义的最终表现形式的理论,并指出了斗争中心从发达国家到不发达国家的转移 The expansion of Marxism to include both Lenin's concept of imperialism as the final form of capitalism and a shift in the focus of struggle from the developed to the underdeveloped countries.
医生发现她患乳癌. Doctors found a cancer on her breast.
比分屡次出现平局。 The score was tied several times.
他现在尝到了失败的滋味。 He has now tasted of failure.
爱护的表现出父亲的慈爱的 Showing the affection of a father.
销售现已开始停滞不前。 Sales have now reached a plateau.
发现一个老妇人被掐死了。 An old woman was found choked to death.
歧视黑人仍是普遍现象. Discrimination against Blacks is still common.
现在要阴雨连绵下个不停了。 It is settling in to rain now.
血红蛋白尿尿液中出现血红蛋白 The presence of hemoglobin in the urine.
经检查发现钞票是伪造的. On inspection (ie When inspected) the notes proved to be forgeries.
现代化的都市里遍地是高楼大厦。 In modern cities there are high-rise buildings everywhere.
现正全力以赴来解决这场纠纷。 Intensive efforts are being made to resolve the dispute.
现在不是奢侈花钱买新立体音响的时候. This is no time to lash out on a new stereo.
新的建筑物如雨后春笋般大批出现。 New buildings sprang up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.
他把钱都输光了, 现在可真狼狈了. He lost all his money gambling and now he's really in Queer Street.
现今人们越来越依赖计算机协助工作. Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us.
我板球曾打得很好,可惜现在已生疏了。 I used to be good at cricket, but now I'm out of practice.
他在聚会上竭力表现自己使她感到很难堪. She was embarrassed by his exhibitionism at the party.
我一觉醒来,发现我所有的衣服不翼而飞。 I awoke from sleep to find that all my clothes had disappeared.
秋季来临时,玉米地里呈现出丰收的景象。 As autumn draws near, the cornfields show signs of ripeness.
他用图表和数字进一步阐明他新近的发现。 He amplified(on) his new findings with drawings and figures.
低频扬声器设计用来再现低音频率的扬声器 A loudspeaker designed to reproduce bass frequencies.
该艺术家把她那温柔的笑容表现得惟妙惟肖。 The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly.
如果发现农奴私自同居,就会受到残酷鞭打。 If slaves were found living together secretly, they were cruelly whipped.
当孔雀展现它华丽的尾巴时,孩子们大声叫着。 Children shout when they see the peacock spread his gorgeous tail.
他听到他们那令人吃惊的消息时, 脸上呈现异样的表情. His face was a study as he listened to their amazing news.
这首四重奏的曲子反映了现代音乐中一种主要的新趋向. This quartet represents a major new trend in modern music.
考虑到那种困难的情况,我认为他的表现令人钦佩。 I think he conducted himself admirably, considering the difficult circumstances.
史密斯先生擅长做很多事情,但他从来不表现自己。 Mr Smith is expert at a lot of things, but he always hides his light under a bushel.
如果说我们缺点不断出现,那么上帝的恩爱却定会永无止境。 And if our flaws are endless, God's love is truly boundless.
专家系统是一套能够整理并呈现既有知识的电脑程式。 An expert system is a program which organizes and presents pre- existing knowledge.
在加利福尼亚州发现金矿一事掀起了一场淘金者蜂拥而至的热潮。 The discovery of gold in California set off a rush to get there.
湖泊学研究淡水,尤指湖泊和海洋的生命和现象的科学研究 The scientific study of the life and phenomena of fresh water, especially lakes and ponds.
这些墓地中发现的东西说明曾经有过一个昌盛的母系社会。 The finds from these burial grounds point to the existence of a prosperous matriarchal society.
人道主义,博爱精神对人类福利的关注,尤指通过慈善活动表现出来的 Concern for human welfare, especially as manifested through philanthropy.
上星期我儿子被考核了急救方面的知识,现在他已获得六枚童子军奖章。 My son was examined in First Aid last week. He's got about six Scout badges now.
这种日历现在与季节基本保持一致,尽管每年仍有26秒钟的误差。 The calendar now nearly keeps in step with the season, although there is still on error of26 season, per year
他们花了几年的时间,精打细算,省吃俭用,终于使航海度假成为现实。 It took years of planning and saving, but their sea-going vacation came true at last.
在这篇爱情背叛和复仇的故事中,表现了阴森可怖的想像力,真是刺激,棒极了。 A darker imagination is at work in this story of betrayed love and revenge. Strong meat and very good.
扫黄对被认为不道德或淫秽的文学作品或其它表现或传播此内容的形式进行查禁 Censorship of literature and other forms of expression and communication because of perceived immorality or obscenity.
全部艰苦的工作都是我做的,但是我的老板却宣布那是他自己的发现,窃取了我的发明创造。 I did all the hard work but my boss stole my thunder by announcing the discovery as his own
三色性某些矿物质所具有的特性,当放在白光下从三个不同的方向观察,会呈现出三种不同的颜色 The property possessed by certain minerals of exhibiting three different colors when viewed from three different directions under white lights.
这是一个应该避免使用的非正式术语。该术语有时用于一种逻辑元件,这种逻辑元件可以实现特定的功能或在变量之间提供链接。 An improper term to be avoided. This term is sometimes used to designate a logic element which performs a specific function or provides a linkage between variables.
尽管有大量的宗教派别,研究美国宗教惯常做法的学者发现,在许多情况下,许多新教教派之间在信仰方面并没有多大的不同,只是在仪式方面有较小的差异。 In spite of the great number of denominations, students of religious practice in the United State find that in many cases there are no major differences in belief, and only minor ones in ritual between many of the Protestant denominations.
日本公司有能力在发展与生产方面,较美国公司投资为多,是他们在半导体方面占上风的一个主要原因。现在,英泰尔计划在经济不景气时大量投资以压倒弱小竞争者。 The ability to outspend American companies on development and production has been a big reason Japanese companies have made gains in the semi-conductor business. Now Intel plans to borrow a page from the Japanese by spending heavily through a recession to gain ground on weaker competitors.
以低于信号中最高频率两倍的频率进行信号取样时出现的一种效应,即当由取样状态还原时,还原后的信号将不再含有原来信号中的高频成分,并将显示出虚假的低频信号。 An effect that occurs when a signal is sampled at a rate less than twice the highest frequency present in the signal.The subsequent signal recovered from the samples will not contain the high frequency component of the original signal and will display a false low frequency signal.
痴愚者一个人智能迟缓发展,仅具有7岁到12岁的智能,一般在一定程度的学术或职业教育后能够进行交流和掌握社会技术。这个词是一个集合概念,现在不再使用,并被视为带有侮辱意味 A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from7 to12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
月球现处於下弦. The moon is in its last quarter.
我的口腔出现了溃疡。 My mouth has an ulcer.
我居然发现了一只巨大的蜘蛛! What should I find but an enormous spider!
他现在没有固定的(性)伴侣. He doesn't have a regular (sexual) partner at the moment.
不好客的没有表现出好客的;不友好的 Displaying no hospitality; unfriendly.
清晰地表达或呈现的;容易理解的 Clearly expressed or presented; easy to understand.
到现在已提名多少人了? How many nominations have there been (ie How many people have been nominated) so far?
我身上没带现钱,明天付你行吗? I have no ready cash on me, can I pay you tomorrow?
你现在能帮我兑现这张邮政汇票吗? Can you cash this postal order for me now?
由於技术上出现临时故障而发射延期. The launch was delayed by a technical hitch.
他说:"我的竞选已始出现声势。" "There is momentum beginning to occur is my campaign, "he said.
现售货物;现在正在衰老下去的独裁者 Goods now on sale; the now aging dictator.
敌舰的影像已显现在雷达(屏幕)上. Enemy ships were detected on the radar (screen).
这种用法现亦逐渐多见於现在时态。 It is also increasingly found in the present tense.
那事故发生後不久记者就都赶到了现场。 Reporters were soon on the scene after the accident.
最早的在时间和次序上首次出现的;最早的 Occurring first in time or sequence; earliest.
这种药的副作用(科学家)尚未发现. The side-effects of the drug are as yet unknown (toscientists).
经急剧通货膨胀之後物价现已趋於平稳. After a period of rapid inflation, prices have now reached a plateau.
经急剧通货膨胀之後物价现已趋於平稳。 After a period of rapid inflation, price have now reach a plateau.
在克丽丝汀欺骗了他後,比尔评估一下现状。 Bill take stock of the situation after Christine cheat on him.
塔斯曼尼亚岛是以其发现者塔斯曼的名字命名的. Tasmania was named after its discoverer, A. J. Tasman.
你认为学生会对这些现代哲学思潮感兴趣吗? Do you think the students will plug in to these modem philosophy trend?
我今天在厨房里做了一阵扫除, 现在确实乾净了. I had a blitz on the kitchen today, and now it's really clean.
"我现在还不需要这些文献,但我还是要感谢你。" I don't need the literature at present. Thank you very much all the same.
在两个派别之间实现和平;毫无意义;没有达到定额 Made peace between the two factions; not making sense; didn't make the quota.
"如果他不努力,他将永远也不会实现有所成就的抱负。" "If he's lazy, he'll never fulfil his ambition to achieve anything."
由於发动机突然出现故障, 飞行员不得不(在爱尔兰海上)紧急降落. A sudden engine failure forced the pilot to ditch (in the Irish Sea).
她一度信仰社会主义, 但现已归真反璞像她父母一样投票支持保守党了. Once a socialist, she has now reverted to type and votes Tory like her parents.
修车厂雇用琼斯做修理工,但发现他是冒牌货后,就把他解雇了。 The garage hired Jones as a mechanic, but fired him when they found he was sailing under false colours.
警察发现琼斯躲在鸦片馆里,和那里的其他人一样被毒品熏得昏昏沉沉的。 Police found Jones hiding in an opium den, among other men all hopped up with the drug.
在阴极射线管显示器中,用电子束激励后荧光物质光发射的持续现象。 In cathode ray tube display, the continuation of light emission from phosphor after excitation by the electron beam.
磨房过去使用笨重的石磨把麦磨成面粉;现在它们使用的是比较现代的机械。 Mills used to use heavy stones to grind down the wheat into flour; now they use more modern machinery.
于是,村办学校继续办下去,至少暂时能这样,让我们为现在的职员高呼万岁! So the village school stays open, for the time being at least, and long live our present incumbent.
尽管如此,最近一个现代雕塑品展览会使有些人--包括我自己--感到吃惊。 In spite of this, some people including myself- were surprised by a recent exhibit of modern sculpture.
为本城父老乡亲医伤诊病近四十年后,现在,我打算退休,并迁居弗罗里达。 After nearly40 years of patching up the folks of this town, I'm planning to retire and move to Florida.
在(文献)资料复制机中,感光材料曝光以后的处置,以显现和保留图象。 In a document copying machine, the treatment of sensitized material after exposure so as to reveal and to retain the image.
联编实用程序的简称,是一种能够实现联接和编辑的操作系统级的程序。参阅link-editor。 Short for binder utility, an operating-system program that performs binding.
现代的新闻工作,以“最庸俗者生存”这伟大的达尔文式的原则来为自己的存在辩护。 Modern journalism justify its own existence by the great Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgar.
羞怯的,局促不安的具有害羞的、胆怯的、不安的特征的,表现出此种特性的,由此种特性引起的 Characterized by, showing, or resulting from shyness, self-consciousness, or awkwardness.
在我还未结婚之前,我有过六项养育孩子的理论;现在我有六个孩子了,再没有什么理论啦。 Before I get married I have six theories about bringing up children; now I have six children, and no theories.
我们的全部电机都包换1年;如出现机械故障,任何有故障的零部件均由制造厂无偿更换。 All our electric motors are guaranteed for one year; in the event of mechanical failure, the makers will replace any faulty part free.
把生命系统的功能、特征、现象和计算机硬件系统的开发相联系的一种计算机技术分支。 A branch of computer technology relating the functions, characteristics, and phenomena of living systems to the development of hardware systems.
重组父母没有表现而其子嗣自然形成基因重组之现象,这是由于采用了杂交或独立分类的方法而出现的 The natural formation in offspring of genetic combinations not present in parents, by the processes of crossing over or independent assortment.
与电子业有关的另一项新发展是电子“中间站”的出现,这种中间站正开始在全国各地涌现出来。 Another development related to the electronic cottage is the emergence of electronic" halfway houses" which are beginning to crop up across the country.
我想现在我明白你的意思了。如果你所说的“正直”就是我所说的“一贯性”,那么我们刚才的争吵就是彼此误解了。 I get your drift now, I think. If you mean by"integrity", what I would call"consistency" then we've been arguing at cross-purposes.
英格兰这国家过去和现在一样,到处可碰见这样的人:他们喜欢发号施令,但对正在发生的事情却似乎知之甚少。 England is, and has always been, a country infested with people who love to tell up what to do, but who rarely seem to know what's going on.
其他共和国现在公开抱怨新俄罗斯帝国主义,同时以前的那些头儿们也假惺惺地为违反“人权”一掬同情之泪。 Leaders of other republics mutter openly now about a new Russian imperialism, while former chieftains shed crocodile tears over the violation of"human rights."
英国习语,英国特有用词,英国式的语言现象英语,尤其是在英语口语中所特有的单词、短语或习惯用语;英国式语言现象 A word, a phrase, or an idiom peculiar to the English language, especially as spoken in England; a Briticism.
印刻作用,烙印社会性动物生命早期出现的认知过程,通过与父母或一个其他角色模式的接触而形成的特别的行为方式 A learning process occurring early in the life of a social animal in which a specific behavior pattern is established through association with a parent or other role model.
过去的已经过去,且一去不返,而聪明人总是努力着眼于现在和将来的事情,所以对过去耿耿于怀着无非是在捉弄自己罢了。 That which is past is gone, and irrevocable; and wise men have enough to do, with things present and to come; therefore they do but trifle with themselves, that labor in past matters.
盖鲁萨克,约瑟夫·路易斯1778-1850法国化学家和物理学家,析出硼元素(1809年),并且确切陈述了解释气体在固定压力下的表现方式的定律 French chemist and physicist who isolated the element boron(1809) and formulated a law that explains the behavior of a gas under constant pressure.
流胶现象,流胶病某些植物上,如甘蔗及一些果树,形成胶质斑块的病理现象,由病虫害、微生物或恶劣的气候条件侵袭而引起 The pathological formation of patches of gum on certain plants, such as sugar cane and some fruit trees, resulting from attack by insects, microorganisms, or adverse weather conditions.
除非某个心怀不满的大亨加以反对并威胁要退出,这样决定下来的名单就成了人名单。如果出现反对或退出的行为,那就称为“撕毁候选人名单”。 The list so settled it now a slate, unless some discontented magnate objects and threatens to withdraw. To do so is called"breaking the slate".
海涅,亨利希1797-1856德国作家,自1831年之后生活在巴黎。他的浪漫主义诗歌及社会论文充满了他对自己祖国土地和人民的热爱,对众多德国现代研究机构的嘲笑 German writer who lived in Paris after1831. His romantic poems and social essays are marked by his love for the German land and people and derision for many modern German institutions.
赫德并未讨论限期,可是他告诉英国广播公司说,国际联盟“行将达到的阶段是:大家都对现局加以估计,看我们所建立的以和平方式施压是否有效。” Mr.Hurd did not discuss deadlines, but he told the BBC that the international coalition was"approaching the stage when we all take stock and see if the peaceful pressures which we have been constructing are going to be good enough."