
5 New HSK word(s): HSK5 形状 + xing2zhuang4 form; shape; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 状态 + zhuang4tai4 state of affairs; state; mode; situation; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 状况 + zhuang4kuang4 condition; state; situation; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 现状 + xian4zhuang4 current situation HSK6 症状 + zheng4zhuang4 symptom (of an illness)
8 Old HSK word(s): B N * zhuang4kuang4 state of affairs/ condition B N * zhuang4tai4 state/ condition B N * xing2zhuang4 shape/ figure/ form C N * zheng4zhuang4 sick-condition/ symptom D N * xian4zhuang4 status quo/ D N * zui4zhuang4 facts about a crime D * gao4 zhuang4 bring a lawsuit against D N * jiang3zhuang4 diploma


Hình dạng +

Nước +

Tình trạng +

Hiện trạng +

Triệu chứng +
Grade E word(s):
安于现状 不可名状 惨状 供状 钩状 冠状 冠状动脉 管状视 行行出状元 浆状 胶状 甲状腺 惊恐万状 奇形怪状 网状 万状 委任状 星状 信用状 原状 状语 状元
状 [zhuang4] Anklage (S)Anschuldigung (S)Kondition (S)Zustand (S)großartig (Adj)stark (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 5.51 Komposita

在夏天我喜欢吃一些叶状蔬菜。 I like to eat some leafy vegetables in the summer.
这间屋子里放了一堆奇形怪状的破烂家具。 There is an odd assemblage of broken bits of furniture in this room.
这种病的症状是发烧与呕吐. The symptoms of this disease are fever and sickness.
郁金香在春天开出颜色鲜亮的杯状的花朵。 Tulip grows large brightly-colored cup-shaped flower in spring.
孩子喂饱后不哭不闹的满足状使疲惫的母亲很满意。 The quiet contentment of a well-fed child satisfied the tired mother.
冰是水的固体状态。 Ice is water in solid state.
他的健康状况时好时坏。 There are fluctuations in the state of his health.
他总的健康状况相当令人满意。 His general state of health is fairly satisfactory.
他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。 He is reading a report of the state of the roads.
扇形体形状似四分之一圆圈的机器零件或其他机械设备 A machine part or other mechanical device that is shaped like a quarter circle.
变形形状的扭曲 A distortion of shape.
他处于异常焦虑的状态。 He was in a state of great agitation.
胸痛可能是心脏病的症状。 Chest pains may be symptomatic of heart disease.
骚乱恶化,政府只得宣布进入紧急状态。 The rioting grew worse and the government declared a state of emergency.
神经病神经系统的疾病或异常状态下的神经系统 A disease or an abnormality of the nervous system.
有关方面就我的婚姻状况以及银行存款余额对我进行了详细的调查. I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition into the state of my marriage and the size of my bank balance.
新经理的工作是让这家公司能恢复盈利状况。 The new manager's job is to restore the company to profitability.
宽阔,广阔宽阔的状态、特点或事实 The state, quality, or fact of being wide.
葡萄状的由成串的部分构成的,用于腺体 Having a structure of clustered parts. Used of glands.
道德,品行,士气一个人或集体具有的精神状态,通过信心、愉快、纪律和乐于执行所分配的任务来展现 The state of the spirits of a person or group as exhibited by confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks.
翼剖面;机翼;翼面一个部件或平面,如机翼、螺旋桨叶、方向舵等,其形状或方位控制稳定性、方向、抬升、冲击或驱动 A part or surface, such as a wing, propeller blade, or rudder, whose shape and orientation control stability, direction, lift, thrust, or propulsion.
真空般状态压强明显比大气压强低得多的空间 A space in which the pressure is significantly lower than atmospheric pressure.
竞技状态极佳的运动员 An athlete in excellent shape.
这所房屋已处于荒废的状态。 The house has fallen into a state of neglect.
使人发狂的官僚主义的混乱状况 Maddening bureaucratic mix-ups.
暴风雨使燃料的缺乏状况更加恶化。 Heavy storms worsened the fuel shortage.
在进入喷嘴之前,蒸汽处于高压状态。 Prior to entering the nozzle, the steam is at high pressure.
电视台为出现的干扰表示歉意,那是由于恶劣的天气状况造成的。 The television station apologized for the interference, which was due to bad weather conditions.
副现象在一种疾病中出现的附带条件或症状,与该病无必要关联 An additional condition or symptom in the course of a disease, not necessarily connected with the disease.
大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态. Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid.
部队解除了戒备状态, 原来是虚惊一场. The troops (were) stood down: it was a false alarm.
执照,奖状赋予某种荣誉和特权的证书 A certificate conferring a privilege or honor.
我不得不买些白色的乳状漆来粉刷墙壁。 I have to buy some white emulsion paint to freshen the walls.
对抗演习在模拟战争状态下所进行大型战术训练 A large-scale tactical exercise carried out under simulated conditions of war.
假如高大的烟囱状通风管伸出海面的话,这条隧道的通风将是良好的。 The tunnel would be well- ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea-level.
煤砖,炭砖把煤灰,木炭或锯木灰和木片压缩制成的砖块状物,用作燃料和点火 A block of compressed coal dust, charcoal, or sawdust and wood chips, used for fuel and kindling.
黄铜片黄铜或类似黄铜的合金,用锤子锤成片状,过去用于制造教堂中的器具 Brass or an alloy resembling brass, hammered thin and formerly used in the manufacture of church vessels.
十天後出现了症状. The symptoms manifested themselves ten days later.
该气体在压缩状态下贮存於罐中. The gas is stored under pressure in the tank.
平凡,琐屑平凡、琐屑的性质或状态 The quality or condition of being trivial.
这些症状(照你看来)像是什麽病? Which illness do these symptoms suggest (to you)?
敏捷;灵活敏捷的状态或品质;灵活 The state or quality of being agile; nimbleness.
凶恶,残忍凶恶的状态或特点;凶猛 The state or quality of being ferocious; fierceness.
当时公司的编制正处於不稳定状态. Organization of the company was then in a state of flux.
回到原先状态在、到或向着从前的状态地 In, to, or toward a former condition.
桶贮存液体的坚固的圆筒状容器;桶 A sturdy cylindrical container for storing liquids; a barrel.
崭新的处于新鲜和未使用状态的;全新的 Being in a fresh and unused condition; completely new.
那政权被推翻以後, 有一段时期是无政府状态. The overthrow of the regime was followed by a period of anarchy.
充实,深远意义意义、意味或含义丰富的性质或状态 The quality or condition of being rich in significance, import, or implication.
矿车、煤车煤矿中在轨道上行驶的四轮、开口、盒状的运货车或铁制车厢 A four-wheeled, open, box-shaped wagon or iron car run on tracks in a coal mine.
用于修饰或说明处理单元的某种状态,在此状态下阻止某种类型的中断发生。同masked。 Pertaining to a state of a processing unit that prevents the occurrence of certain types of interruptions.
辐散,散度一种天气状况,特征为:在气团均匀地散在某一地区上空,常伴有晴朗干燥天气 A meteorological condition characterized by the uniform expansion in volume of a mass of air over a region, usually accompanied by fair dry weather.
拉链由平行的金属、塑料或尼龙的齿状物制成的,在开口临近边缘上被滑动的拉环锁住的紧扣物 A fastening device consisting of parallel rows of metal, plastic, or nylon teeth on adjacent edges of an opening that are interlocked by a sliding tab.
一种正在执行中的程序,是一种活着的实体,能引起事件的发生;而程序是被动的,处于静止状态。 A program in execution, a process is an active entity, which can cause things to occur, as opposed to a program, which is a passive entity.
共沸混合物两种或多种物质组成的液体混合物,当在某种压力下被蒸馏或局部汽化时,在气体状态下和在液体状态下保留相同的物质的成分 A liquid mixture of two or more substances that retains the same composition in the vapor state as in the liquid state when distilled or partially evaporated under a certain pressure.
病,疾病有机体的某一部位、某一器官或系统处于病理状态,由各种因素引起,如传染、遗传缺陷或环境紧张,而且以被视为相同的一组表象或症状为特征 A pathological condition of a part, an organ, or a system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms.
被激发促动的状态 The state of being motivated.
冠状动脉旁通接合 Coronary artery bypass graft.
国家处在危急的状态中。 The country is in a desperate state.
我对现状根本不满意。 I am not at all satisfied with the present situation.
大量众多的状态或者特性 The condition or quality of being numerous.
漏斗状物外形象漏斗的物体 Something resembling this utensil in shape.
奇特,古怪具有特别的性质或状态 The quality or state of being peculiar.
那地点用一堆堆成金字塔形状的石头作了标记。 A pyramid of stones marked the spot.
将数据恢复到先前已知或规定的状态。 The restoration of data to a previously known or defined state.
改革是否改善了现状, 这问题仍有争议. It's debatable whether or not the reforms have improved conditions.
违犯,违背违反的动作或实例,或被违反的状态 The act or an instance of violating or the condition of being violated.
奖品,奖状称赞的某事,特别是官方的奖品或奖状 Something, especially an official award or citation, that commends.
在结构分析中,研究形状和格式的科学。此处指对模块层次和组织的结构的研究。 In structured analysis, the study of shapes and forms, herein with respect to the structure of modular hierarchies and organizations.
在系统中等待处理的一组或一队列新信息,主调度程序对该队列及其它队列进行扫描,使之顺序进入处理状态。 A queue of new messages(or a group) within a system that are awaiting processing. The main scheduling routine will scan them along with other queues and order them into processing in order.
变形形状扭曲 A distortion in shape.
她逐渐陷入昏迷状态. She lapsed into a coma.
曲状物具有此种曲线形状的物体 Something having the general shape of this curve.
我宁愿看处于野生状态的动物。 I prefer to see animals living in their natural state.
犹豫迟疑不决的状态或迟疑不决的性质 The state or quality of being hesitant.
发高烧是这种疾病的表现症状之一 A high fever is an early manifestation of the disease.
按我目前的财务状况我是不可能买车的。 My present finances preclude the possibility of buying a car.
火山灰火山爆发喷射出来的粉末状颗粒物质 Pulverized particulate matter ejected by volcanic eruption.
官方尚未就总统的健康状况发表公告. There has been no official pronouncement yet on the state of the president's health.
因经济衰退状况终止有望,股票价格得以保持高位。 Share prices were buoyed up by hopes of an end to the recession.
我们的付款方式,是以不可撤消信用状见票即付汇票支付。 Payment will be made by paying your sight draft under our irrevocable letter of credit.
酒精中毒由过量及习惯性饮酒而造成的一种慢性渐进的病理状况,主要影响神经及消化系统 A chronic, progressive pathological condition, mainly affecting the nervous and digestive systems, caused by the excessive and habitual consumption of alcohol.
验证协议的程序,它从一个给定的初始状态机械地产生出一切可以到达的状态,并且审查每一状态下用户定义的条件的有效性。 A program for protocol verification which mechanically generates all states reachable from a given initial state and checks the validity of user defined conditions in each state.
充沛,繁茂繁茂的性质或状态 The quality or condition of being exuberant.
她感到一种难以名状的恐惧。 The apprehension she had felt had been shapeless.
目前的经济状况令人十分担忧。 The state of the economy is very worrying.
钳形的形状象钳子的或与其极为相似的 Shaped like or resembling forceps.
榨取,提取榨取,提取的行为或被榨取的状态 The act of extracting or the condition of being extracted.
虚报你的健康状况以获取廉价的保险是不对的。 It is not right to lie about your health to get cheap insurance.
绷紧的薄膜状物挤压得很紧的平板或薄膜,如鼓面 A tightly stretched sheet or membrane, as on the head of a drum.
轮廓线,外廓线用于定义一形状或描绘一轮廓的线 A mark used to define a shape or represent a contour.
从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。 Economically, the country is in a very healthy state.
申诉民事诉讼中被告对原告所做的陈述状的回答 A defendant's answer to the declaration made by the plaintiff in a civil action.
在悬而未决的状态之下过日子是凄惨的,是蜘蛛的生活嘛。 It is a miserable thing to live in suspense; it is a life of a spider.
钙质沉着钙盐沉积于体内某一部件或组织的不正常状况 An abnormal condition in which calcium salts are deposited in a part or tissue of the body.
手铲刀身尖突并呈铲状的小型器具,在种植植物时用来挖土 A small implement with a pointed, scoop-shaped blade used for digging, as in setting plants.
必须把一切恶感在发展成公开对抗之前,就消灭于萌芽状态之中。 Any ill-feeling has to be nipped in the bud before it develops into open revolt.
甘受贿赂,贪污腐化易受贿赂或腐败的影响性,如在使用不诚实的收益的信托状况时 Susceptibility to bribery or corruption, as in the use of a position of trust for dishonest gain.
奇异风格,形状怪诞的图案一种自然的形式和奇异的图形以一种奇异或古怪的方式结合在一起的绘画雕塑和装饰风格 A style of painting, sculpture, and ornamentation in which natural forms and monstrous figures are intertwined in bizarre or fanciful combinations.
饮食失常一种饮食无序,在这种情况下,一个人常常处于不正常的贪食和厌食的交替状态,特点是偶尔的暴饮暴食继而又很快的引起呕吐或腹泻 An eating disorder in which one alternates between abnormal craving for and aversion to food. It is characterized by episodes of excessive food intake followed by periods of fasting and self-induced vomiting or diarrhea.
以低于信号中最高频率两倍的频率进行信号取样时出现的一种效应,即当由取样状态还原时,还原后的信号将不再含有原来信号中的高频成分,并将显示出虚假的低频信号。 An effect that occurs when a signal is sampled at a rate less than twice the highest frequency present in the signal.The subsequent signal recovered from the samples will not contain the high frequency component of the original signal and will display a false low frequency signal.
在远程通信系统中,当报文发往的工作站处于不工作状态时控制站所采取的行动,即接收并存储该报文直到该工作站恢复工作时,再由控制站将报文送给它。在报文交换系统中,控制站可以是一台计算机。 In a remote communication system, the action taken by a control station whereby messages addressed to an inoperative station are accepted and stored at the control station until they can be sent to the destination station. The control station may be a computer in a message switching system.
谁将起草起诉状? Who will draft the indictment?
事态事情的状况;情形 A state of affairs; situation.
丰富极其丰富的状态;充沛 The state of being profuse; abundance.
海豹、 海龟、 企鹅均有鳍状肢. Seals, turtles and penguins have flippers.
忘却、遗忘忘却、遗忘的状态;遗忘 A condition of forgetfulness; oblivion.
耗尽被损耗的状态;精疲力竭,耗尽 The state of being depleted; exhaustion.
更改,改变由改变导致的状态;更改 The condition resulting from altering; modification.
固体、液体和气体是物质的三种状态。 Solid, liquid and gas are three kinds of states of substance.
协调,和睦作为一致的状态或性质;调和 The state or quality of being in accord; harmony.
贾如树籽这种树的肾状种籽,烤后可食 The kidney-shaped seed of this tree, eaten after roasting.
在克丽丝汀欺骗了他後,比尔评估一下现状。 Bill take stock of the situation after Christine cheat on him.
尖尾长艇大小及形状与该划艇相似的船;捕鲸船 A boat similar to such a rowboat in size and shape; a whaler.
多配偶(制)同时拥有一个以上配偶的状况或做法 The condition or practice of having more than one spouse at one time.
加重;加剧;恶化加重恶化的行为或被加重、恶化的状态 The act of aggravating or the state of being aggravated.
保养为保证正常的运行,状况,和修缮状况所做的保养 Maintenance in proper operation, condition, and repair.
战俘营中骇人听闻的生活惨状外人是很难完全体验到的. It's hard to appreciate the full horror of life in a prison camp.
这个国家连年战争元气尽失後, 已开始慢慢恢复正常状态. The country, prostrate after years of war, began slowly to recover.
外形似镖的事物物体在形状、使用或效果上像一细长带尖的投掷物的物体 An object likened to a slender, pointed missile either in shape, use, or effect.
范畴亚里士多德所描绘的可以放置所有事物的基本状态或分类之一;范畴 One of the basic states or classifications described by Aristotle into which all things can be placed; a category.
肝炎肝部发炎,由传染性或有毒性因素引起。症状为黄疸、发烧、肝部肿大和腹疼 Inflammation of the liver, caused by infectious or toxic agents and characterized by jaundice, fever, liver enlargement, and abdominal pain.
黑曜岩火山玻璃,一般为黑色,带状,摔碎时色泽光亮,表面变曲,由火山熔岩迅速凝而成 A usually black or banded, hard volcanic glass that displays shiny, curved surfaces when fractured and is formed by rapid cooling of lava.
未来学一门以当前状况和趋势为出发点,对如科学、技术和社会潜在的发展作出预测或研究的学科 The study or forecasting of potential developments, as in science, technology, and society, using current conditions and trends as a point of departure.
勇敢,无畏,勇气,胆量使人带有沉着、自信和决心面对危险、恐怖或世事无常的心理素质或状态;勇气 The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery.
走马疳,坏疽性口炎嘴或生殖器部分严重的经常为生疽性的发炎,通常在感染了传染病后发生,最常发病于卫生条件极差或营养状况不良的孩子 A severe, often gangrenous inflammation of the mouth or genitals, occurring usually after an infectious disease and found most often in children in poor hygienic or malnourished condition.
谵妄一种暂时精神混乱和神志不清的状态,由高烧、酒醉、休克、震惊或其它原因导致。其症状是:焦虑、迷失方向、发生幻觉、妄想、颤抖和说胡话 A temporary state of mental confusion and clouded consciousness resulting from high fever, intoxication, shock, or other causes. It is characterized by anxiety, disorientation, hallucinations, delusions, trembling, and incoherent speech.