
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * fan4ren2 prisoner/ convict/ (convicted) criminal


Grade E word(s):

犯人 [fan4 ren2] Häftling, Gefangener; Straftäter, Krimineller

Häufigkeit: 7 Komposita

这个国王没有宽容之心,杀死了所有的犯人。 The king showed no mercy and killed all the prisoners.
他们用绳索把犯人捆起来。 They tied their prisoner up with a piece of rope.
犯人从大门口的警卫身旁溜过逃走了. The prisoner slipped past the guards on the gate and escaped.
犯人趁着天黑逃跑了。 The criminal escaped under the cover of darkness.
他们对犯人的残酷虐待激起了极大的愤怒。 Their barbarous treatment of prisoners aroused great rage.
犯人挖地道逃跑了. The prisoners had escaped by tunnelling.
那个犯人无人看守。 The prisoner was left unguarded.
国王命令侍卫长马上把犯人带来。 The king ordered the Grand Chamberlain to bring the prisoner immediately.
他拷打犯人。 He tortured his prisoners.
那个犯人被手铐铐着。 The prisoner was fastened by a shackle.
他们让犯人与原告对质。 They confronted the prisoner with his accusers.
那些犯人被警察轻而易举地制服了。 The criminals were easily overpowered by the police.
那犯人在牢房里来回地走著. The prisoner paced the floor of his cell.
法庭裁定那个人犯了侵犯人身罪。 The court determined that the man was guilty of assault.
她对犯人很仁慈. She was merciful to the prisoners.
晚9时把犯人锁进牢房过夜. At 9 pm the prisoners are locked in for the night.