
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * mu4chang3 ranch/ livestock farm/ pastureland/ grazing land


Grade E word(s):

牧场 [mu4 chang3] Aue (S)Prärie (S)Weide (S)

Häufigkeit: 1.67 Komposita

受惊的牛群向牧场涌去. The cattle stampeded towards the farm.
牧场上的马不断受马蝇滋扰. The horses in the meadow were being pestered by flies.
在荷兰,人们拦海造田已开垦了成千上万公顷的土地并将它们变成可耕地和牧场。 In Holland thousands of hectares have been reclaimed from the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture.
亨利八世决定开放若干公爵猎园,把它们改作更加有益的牧场。 Henry VIII decided to dispark the Duchy parks and turn them more profitably into pasture.
放牧地,牧场一片适宜于牲畜游荡和进食的广大土地 An expanse of land suitable for livestock to wander and graze on.
她来了将近两个月的时候,开始抱怨说她觉得身体更糟了,从那时起,她成了牧场上的负担。 Nearly two months after her arrival she began to complain that she felt worse. It was then that she became ranch's old man of the sea.