
3 New HSK word(s): HSK3 刷牙 + shua1ya2 to brush one's teeth HSK4 牙膏 + ya2gao1 toothpaste; CL:管guan3 HSK5 牙齿 + ya2chi3 tooth; dental; CL:颗/颗ke1
4 Old HSK word(s): B N * ya2 tooth B N * ya2shua1 toothbrush C N 齿* ya2chi3 tooth C N * ya2gao1 tooth-paste/ toothpaste


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Grade E word(s):
拔牙 补牙 长牙 出牙 大牙 打牙祭 换牙 虎牙 尖牙 假牙 老掉牙 门牙 磨牙 青面獠牙 乳牙 塞牙 上牙 刷牙 剔牙 镶牙 象牙 象牙塔 笑掉大牙 下牙 西班牙 牙床 牙雕 牙缝 牙垢 牙科 牙科医生 咬紧牙关 咬牙 咬牙切齿 牙签 牙疼 牙痛 牙线 牙医 牙龈 以牙还牙 月牙/芽 长牙 张牙舞爪 爪牙 蛀牙 龇/呲牙咧嘴
牙 [ya2] Zahn (S)Zahnarzt (S)Zahnfleisch (S)Ya (Eig, Fam)Radikal Nr. 92 = Eckzahn, Zahn, Zähne

Häufigkeit: 11.48 Komposita

我父亲喜欢在饭后用牙签。 My father likes to use toothpick after meals.
牙被拔掉时,他疼得大叫。 He bellowed with pain when the tooth was pulled out.
要她去牙科医生那里看病非得生拉硬拽不可. She had to be dragged into seeing the dentist.
我的牙刷掉毛. My toothbrush is losing its bristles.
我遭受牙痛之苦。 I've suffered agonies with toothache.
我叫她去刷牙, 她就跟我顶起嘴来. I asked her to go and brush her teeth and she just sassed me back.
我发现有人用过我的牙刷,我很不高兴。 I am aggrieved to find that someone has used my toothbrush.
他选择了德国,而我个人倒更喜欢西班牙。 He chose Germany, but personally I'd prefer to go to Spain.
狗露出了牙齿。 The dog bared its teeth.
有些蛇长有毒牙。 Some snakes have poisonous fangs.
我咬牙切齿愤怒已极。 I was gnashing my teeth with rage.
牙科医生常常给患者补牙. A dentist often has to fill teeth.
有些人睡觉时磨牙齿。 Some people grind their teeth while they are asleep.
西班牙曾以其强大的舰队而著称. Spain used to be famous for its strong armada.
我牙缝里塞了点东西,就是弄不出来。 There is something between my teeth and I can't dislodge it.
牙医用汞合金给我补牙. The dentist used amalgam to fill my teeth.
牙医给我镶了颗假牙。 I was fitted an artificial tooth by the dentist.
给我拔牙时用了一氧化二氮。 I was given gas when they pulled my tooth out.
别忘了把牙刷放到箱子里去! Don't forget to pack your toothbrush!
经常吮吸拇指能使牙齿向外突出. Thumb-sucking can cause protrusion of the teeth.
我在早上做的头一件事,是刷我的牙、磨我的舌。 The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue.
乔治敦开曼群岛国的首都,在西印度群岛中牙买加西面的大加曼岛上。它是一个国际性的金融中心。人口7,617 The capital of the Cayman Islands, on Grand Cayman in the West Indies west of Jamaica. It is an international banking center. Population, 7,617.
吃糖太多就要损坏牙齿. Too much sugar will rot your teeth away.
除了英语以外, 我们还学俄语及西班牙语。 Apart from English, we study Russian and Spanish.
我牙疼,因为我的一颗牙齿上有个洞。 I have a toothache because there is a cavity in one of my teeth.
假使亚当重返人间,他会懂得的恐怕只有那些老掉牙的笑话了。 If Adam came on earth again the only thing he will recognize will be the old joke.
老虎逃出了动物园, 张牙舞爪乱窜了几小时. The tiger escaped from the zoo and ran amok for hours.
你爱用什麽牌子的牙膏? Which brand of toothpaste do you prefer?
他将管子里的最後一点牙膏挤了出来。 He squeezed out the last bit of toothpaste from the tube.
从群山之颠看到的匈牙利景色非常壮丽。 The Hungarian view is magnificent from the summit of the mountains.
牙箍安装在牙齿上的纠正不规则排列的由箍带和钢丝做的牙齿矫正器 A dental appliance, constructed of bands and wires that is fixed to the teeth to correct irregular alignment.
卢西塔尼亚古代一个地区,是古罗马帝国在伊伯利亚半岛的一个省份,大致相当于今天的葡萄牙 An ancient region and Roman province of the Iberian Peninsula. It corresponded roughly to modern-day Portugal.
那电影的情节是老掉牙的。 The film had a rather tired plot.
与此同时,我的舌头忙着寻找我拔掉牙的那个洞。 Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out of the hole where the tooth had been.
假牙师一种牙科技术师,其专长在于制造和安装假牙,他可以直接为公众服务,而不必通过有执照的牙科医生 A dental technician specializing in making and fitting dentures as a direct service to the public rather than through a licensed dentist.
西班牙语与拉丁语近似。 Spanish is akin to Latin.
我给你打一针使这颗牙齿麻木。 Let me give you a needle to numb the tooth.
有人告诉我说,西班牙是个浪漫的国家。 I was told that Spain is a romantic nation.
需刷牙以去除牙斑. It is necessary to remove plaque by brushing one's teeth.
两极是相通的嘛——当牙鳕把自己的尾巴放进口里时说。 Extremes meet, as the whiting said with its tail in its mouth.
防御器官动物或植物的防护层,结构或器官,如牙齿,爪子,荆棘或乌龟的壳 A protective covering, structure, or organ of an animal or a plant, such as teeth, claws, thorns, or the shell of a turtle.
牟利罗,巴托洛米奥·埃斯特巴1617-1682西班牙风俗、肖像和宗教题材的画家,比如圣灵怀胎1668 Spanish painter of genre scenes, portraits, and religious subjects, such as Immaculate Conception(1668).