
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 燃烧 + ran2shao1 to ignite; to combust; to burn; combustion; flaming
1 Old HSK word(s): B VA * ran2shao1 burn/ kindle


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Grade E word(s):
燃烧 [ran2 shao1] brennen (V, Med)

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他加了一些煤油, 火就燃烧起来了. The fire blazed up when he added paraffin.
消防队到达时, 整座建筑物正在熊熊燃烧著. When the firemen arrived the whole building was blazing.
消防队员需用呼吸器械才能进入燃烧著的房屋. Firemen needed breathing apparatus to enter the burning house.
大多数松木燃烧时都发出断裂声。 Most pine snaps as it burns.
警察告诫围观者, 不要靠近燃烧 的建筑物. Police warned bystanders to keep away from the blazing building.
用放大镜把阳光聚到乾叶子上, 叶子就能燃烧. If you focus the sun's rays through a magnifying glass on a dry leaf, it will start to burn.
怒火在他心中燃烧。 Anger surged up within him.
很快,飞船离开了地球,大家俯视着下面这颗燃烧着的星球。 Soon, the spaceship left Earth, and everyone looked down at the burning planet.
人们总是把老师比喻为燃烧的蜡烛。 Teachers are often compared to burning candles.
燃烧著的煤开始发出了黄色与橙色的火焰. The burning coals started to flame yellow and orange.
窑用于加硬,燃烧或烘干物料如谷物、粗粉或粘土的各式的小窑,特指用来焙干或烧陶器的砖砌的窑 Any of various ovens for hardening, burning, or drying substances such as grain, meal, or clay, especially a brick-lined oven used to bake or fire ceramics.
自燃的在空气中自发地燃烧的 Spontaneously igniting in air.
无人能否认火能燃烧的事实. No one can deny the fact that fire burns.
那所房子燃烧了数小时火才扑灭。 The house burned for hours before the blaze was put out.