
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 火焰 + huo3yan4 blaze; flame
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * juo4yan4 flame/ tongue of fire/ blaze


Ngọn lửa +
Grade E word(s):
烈焰 气焰 气焰嚣张 焰/焱/燄 焰火
焰 [yan4] anmachen, Anpflaumerei (S)
焰 [yan4] anmachen, Anpflaumerei (S)Flamme (S)

Häufigkeit: 0.13 Komposita

火焰吞没了房子。 The fire swallowed up the house.
他们竭力要把火焰扑灭. They tried to extinguish the flames.
火焰(从喷嘴中)喷出来了. Flames jetted out (of the nozzles).
燃烧著的煤开始发出了黄色与橙色的火焰. The burning coals started to flame yellow and orange.
热情,激情在动态、亮度、强度或形态方面类似火焰的东西 Something resembling a flame in motion, brilliance, intensity, or shape.