
2 New HSK word(s): HSK5 油炸 + you2zha2 to deep fry HSK6 爆炸 + bao4zha4 explosion; to explode; to blow up; to detonate
6 Old HSK word(s): C VA * zha2 fry in deep fat or oil/ deep-fry C VA * zha4 1. explode, burst 2. blow up, blast, bomb 3. fly into a rage, flare up C VA * bao4zha4 explode/ blow up D N * zha4dan4 bomb D N * zha4yao4 dynamite/ detonator D VA * hong1zha4 bomb

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Grade E word(s):
爆炸性 定时炸弹 狂轰滥炸 烈性炸药 信息爆炸 油炸 炸掉 炸糕 炸毁 炸酱 炸酱面 炸开 炸丸子 炸窝
炸 [zha2] frittieren, in Öl braten, ausbacken (V)
炸 [zha4] explodieren

Häufigkeit: 15.22 Komposita

有炸鸡肉作晚餐。 There was fried chicken for dinner.
别把热水倒进玻璃杯里,不然它会炸的。 Don't pour hot water into the glass or it will crack.
盟军数以百计的飞机轰炸了那个国家。 The allied warplanes bombed the country by the hundred.
炸弹把那座建筑夷为平地。 The bombs razed the building to the ground.
中间休息时有些点心(如冰激凌、 炸土豆片、 巧克力). Light refreshments (eg ice-cream, crisps, chocolate) are available during the interval.
炮弹在四处爆炸。 Shells were bursting all around.
爆炸发出巨大的声响。 The explosion gave forth a tremendous sound.
我个人还是赞成炸香肠。 I personally vote for fried sausage.
爆炸的力量把塔炸得粉碎。 The tower was blown to atoms by the force of the explosion.
轰炸持续不断地进行著. The bombardment continued without cessation.
核弹轰炸最可怕的一面是辐射。 The most terrifying aspect of nuclear bombing is radiation.
我军高射炮击落五架敌军轰炸机. Our anti-aircraft guns accounted for five enemy bombers.
轰炸机对这港口进行了一次突然袭击。 The bombers made a sudden strike on the harbor.
敌人的狂轰滥炸在这个国家造成了空前的死亡和破坏。 The enemy mad bombardment caused unprecedented death and destruction in the country.
锅炉爆炸了。 The boiler blew up.
火药是一种爆炸物。 Gunpowder is an explosive.
这颗炸弹是遥控引爆的。 The bomb was exploded by remote control.
锅炉爆炸时她被烫伤了。 She was scalded when the boiler exploded.
烟火炸开放出一阵火花. The firework exploded in a shower of sparks.
马听到爆炸声受了惊。 The horse took a fright at the sound of the explosion.
火药易爆炸的混合物,如弹药 An explosive mixture, such as gunpowder.
猪肉炼出的油可用来煎炸食物. The grease from pork can be used for frying.
这次爆炸把那个旧烟囱给炸倒了. The explosion toppled the old chimney.
港口附近的兵站被敌人炸毁了。 The depot near the harbor was bombed by the enemy.
炸弹爆炸时, 他们觉得地都震动了. They felt the ground quake as the bomb exploded.
空中爆炸炸弹或炮弹的空中爆炸 Explosion of a bomb or shell in the atmosphere.
敌人的炮弹在士兵行列中炸成大洞。 The enemy's shells made great holes in the ranks.
爆炸的时间定在飞机起飞的时刻。 The explosion was timed to be simultaneous with the plane's take-off.
原子弹爆炸总是伴随着巨大的火球。 The atomic explosion is always accompanied by huge fireball.
恐怖分子用炸弹袭击了警察局报复逮捕行动. Terrorists bombed the police station in revenge for the arrests.
警方封锁了这个区域直至拆除炸弹的引信为止。 Police cordoned off the area until the bomb was defused.
化工厂发生爆炸引起了害怕污染的巨大恐慌. The explosion at the chemical factory caused a major pollution scare.
化工厂发生爆炸引起了害怕污染的巨大恐慌。 The explosion at the chemical factory cause a major pollution scare.
氢极易爆炸。 Hydrogen is highly explosive.
恐怖分子在邮局安放了一枚炸弹。 The terrorists planted a bomb in the post office.
敌人轮番轰炸, 他们仍英勇地抵抗. They held out bravely against repeated enemy bombing.
恐怖分子扬言要炸毁劫持的客机。 The terrorists are threatening to blow up the hijacked airliner.
一中队战机脱离编队攻击敌轰炸机群。 One squadron peeled off to attack enemy bombers.
我肺都快要气炸了! I'm about to explode!
海伦在快餐店里点了炸鸡和色拉。 Helen ordered both fried chicken and salad in the fast-food restaurant.
在发生爆炸之後,警方用路障封锁了那条路。 Police blocked off the street after the explosion.
炸药是爆炸物. Dynamite is an explosive.
炸弹一会儿就爆炸了。 The bomb exploded in a twinkling.
这次爆炸把山头炸掉了。 The explosion blasted the hill-top off.
在爆炸中有两个士兵和一个平民被炸死. Two soldiers and one civilian were killed in the explosion.
我们的父母在战争期间有两次被炸弹炸得无家可归。 Our parents were bombed out twice during the war.
爆炸后经过相当一段时间,这个城镇才恢复了正常的生活秩序。 After the explosion it was some time before the town resumed its everyday routines.
在轰炸期间许多人受了重伤. Many people were fatally wounded during the bomb attacks.
爆竹爆炸声把杰克的狗吓了一跳。 The fire cracker went off and scared Jack's dog.
核武装轰炸机在危机期间负责警戒 Nuclear-armed bombers were put on alert during the crisis.
城市遭到轰炸时, 儿童都疏散到乡下去了. The children were evacuated to the country when the city was being bombed.
这个炸弹有爆炸的危险吗? Is there any risk of the bomb exploding?
硫磺是炸药的一种组成成分。 Brimstone is a component part of explosive.
轰炸之後, 只剩下几所房子没倒塌. After the bombing only a few houses were left standing.
`他肺都气炸了,'一句中的`炸'字是比喻用法. `He exploded with rage' shows a figurative use of the verb `to explode'.
由於炸弹过早爆炸, (恐怖分子的)阴谋未能得逞. The plot backfired (on the terrorist) when the bomb exploded too soon.
"一枚手榴弹意外地发生了爆炸,接着是一片混乱,使我不知所措。" A hand grenade exploded by accident and I got lost in the ensuing confusion.