
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 + chao3 to sauté; to stir-fry; to speculate; to hype; to fire (sb)
1 Old HSK word(s): C VA * chao3 stir-fry/ fry/ sauté/ speculate illegally

Chiên +
Grade E word(s):
炒菜 炒蛋 炒饭 炒股票 炒面 炒鱿鱼 炒作 热炒
炒 [chao3] etwas in der Pfanne kurz braten, sautieren; hochzüchten, Krach schlagen (V)

Häufigkeit: 10.91 Komposita

我喜欢用马铃薯炒菜。 I like to cook dishes with potatoes.
在黎巴嫩的雪松下吃枣子跟在贝肯街吃炒糊了的豆子一样,都是那么令人乏味。 The bore is the same eating dates under the cedars of Lebanon as over baked beans in Beacon Street.
我用普通油还是黄油来炒洋葱呢? Shall I use oil or butter for frying the onions?
她把炒锅当啷一声掉在石头地板上。 She clashed the pan down on the stone floor.