
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 灵魂 + ling2hun2 soul; spirit
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * ling2hun2 soul/ spirit/ conscience/ guiding and decisive factor


Linh hồn +
Grade E word(s):

灵魂 [ling2 hun2] Seele (S)

Häufigkeit: 18.15 Komposita

灵魂出窍,亡魂显现活着的人在其临死前出现的作为预兆的鬼魂 An apparition of a living person that appears as a portent just before that person's death.
我真希望我的灵魂有个窗户,使得你能够看到我的一些感情。 I wish there was windows to my soul, so that you could see some of my feelings.
忏悔可能对灵魂有好处,但对声誉则有损无益。 Confession may be good for the soul but they are bad for the reputation.
天主教徒透过告解以获得赦罪[净化灵魂]. Catholics go to confession to be purged of sin/purge (away) their sin/purge their souls of sin.
如果一个人得到全世界而丧失了灵魂,这对他有何益处呢? What good does it do a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?