
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 演员 + yan3yuan2 actor or actress; performer; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4,名ming2
1 Old HSK word(s): B N * yan3yuan2 actor/ performer



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Grade E word(s):

演员 [yan3 yuan2] Schauspieler (S)

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她最初是以当演员而成名的. She first made a name for herself as an actress.
电影导演测试了一下那位新演员的演技。 The film director put the new actor through his paces.
他是一个成功的性格演员。 He is a successful character actor.
这本书描述了一个演员的一生。 The book portrays the life of an actor.
他出生于一个历史悠久的演员世家。 He comes from a long line of actors.
该演员与观众建立了密切的关系. The actor developed a close rapport with his audience.
那个喜剧演员讲的笑话把人们都逗笑了。 The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes.
在等待开演的时候,演员们十分紧张 The performers were edgy as they waited for the show to begin.
演员们向鼓掌的观众鞠躬. The cast bowed as the audience applauded.
那个年轻演员扮演哈姆雷特。 The young actor pretended to be Hamlet.
这个芭蕾舞女演员的每一个动作都很优美。 All the moves of the ballerina were graceful.
我被带到後台去会见演员. I was taken backstage to meet the actors.
演员背台词的时候经常自己嘀嘀咕咕。 Actors often mutter to themselves when rehearsing their lines.
每一个演员在临到开始表演之前都会心惊“腿”震。 Every actor has cold feet just before the beginning of a show.
我们拍战斗场面需要上百的临时演员. We need hundreds of extras for the battle scenes.
人们经常发现在同一剧中同一演员兼演父与子。 It is often found the same actor doubles with father and son in the same play.
她从小就想当演员. She's wanted to go on the stage from an early age.
这个女演员的第一部电影使她一举成名。 The actress won overnight fame with her first film.
在法国,时新的式样都是演员们首创的。 The actors set the fashion in France.
那位新近走红的男演员在这部新影片中扮演重要角色。 The latest popular actor is featured in this new film.
这位著名的戏剧演员即便是在死后,也仍受到人们的喜爱。 This famous comic actor is loved by the people even after his death.
她是个好演员,但仍需要时间去熟悉她要扮演的角色。 She is a good actress, but still needs time to grow into the part she is playing.
他渴望当演员, 你就得容他时间让他施展自己的抱负. He desperately wants to be an actor, so you'll have to give him time to get it out of his system.
只有当演员把台词背得滚瓜烂熟时,我们排戏才会有成效。 Only when the actors have their lines(down) pat can we practice the play effectively.
有些人在戏院附近留恋不去,希望看一看他们喜爱的演员。 Some people lingered about near the theatre, hoping to get a glimpse of their memory lingers on.
特写一种简要但有戏剧性的重要演员的出场,如动作画面的单一场景 A brief but dramatic appearance of a prominent actor, as in a single scene of a motion picture.
在一出极为成功的演出中,一位著名演员有一次被选派扮演一名贵族。这位贵族被关押在巴士底狱已20年了。 A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years.
乐队奏乐欢迎演员登台. The band played the performers onto the stage.
新演员们受到评论界热烈的赞扬,迫使老演员们虚心谨慎,力保桂冠。 Enthusiastic critical acclaim for the newcomers is forcing older actors to look to their laurels.
由於全体演员的出色表演, 那出戏才获得成功. The play succeeded thanks to fine acting by all the cast.
那个芭蕾舞女演员在下台之前(向观众)行屈膝礼. The ballerina bobbed a curtsy (to the audience) before leaving the stage.
解说员在伊丽莎白戏剧中朗诵序言和尾声以及有时关于演出评论的演员 An actor in Elizabethan drama who recites the prologue and epilogue to a play and sometimes comments on the action.