
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 沙滩 + sha1tan1 beach; sandy shore; CL:片pian4
2 Old HSK word(s): C N * tan1 beach/ shoal D N * sha1tan1 sand beach

Các bãi biển, +
Grade E word(s):
海滩 河滩 浅滩 滩头 外滩
滩 [tan1] Küste (S)Strand (S)

Häufigkeit: 1.54 Komposita

他们说说笑笑,沿着海滩散步。 They walked along the beach talking and laughing.
我们有可能从这片浅滩过河。 This shallow ford made it possible for us to cross the river.
他和妻子沿着海滩散步。 He promenaded along the beach with his wife.
我们赤着脚在海滩上走来走去。 We walked around the beach barefoot.
我们在海滩上野餐,趣味无穷。 We had a lot of fun at the picnic on the beach.
她擦 去浴室地面上一滩滩的水. She mopped up the pools of water on the bathroom floor.
我经常到海滩去捉小虾和螃蟹。 I often go to the beach to catch shrimps and crabs.
沙滩上挤满了作日光浴的人们. The beach was crowded with sunbathers.
自私的野餐者乱扔包装纸使海滩杂乱不堪 Selfish picnickers litter the beach with food wrappers.
沙滩上有许多遮阳篷。 There are thousands of awnings on the sea beach.
孩子们在沙滩上嬉戏真是乐得其所. The children are really in their element playing on the beach.