
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * you2ji1 guerrilla


Grade E word(s):
打游击 游击队
游击 [you2 ji2] einen Partisanenkampf führen, Partisanen- (S)
游击 [you2 ji1] Guerilla- (S, Mil)Guerillakampf, Partisanenkampf (S, Mil)Partisanen (S, Mil)

Häufigkeit: 0.48 Komposita

游击队在那个省开辟了一条新战线。 The guerrillas opened up a new front in that province.
政府设法干扰游击队的无线电通讯. The government tried to jam the guerrillas' transmissions.
政府设法干扰游击队的无线电通讯。 The government tried to jam the guerrillas' telecommunication.
火车受到游击队的袭击。 The train is attacked by guerilla.
他徒步走了好几天,最后安全到达一个游击队根据地。 He travelled on foot for several days until he safely reached a guerrilla base.
即使在国家被击败之後,游击队仍在山里与入侵者抗战。 Even after the country is defeated, partisan fight the invader in the hill.
内场,内野第一垒、第二垒、第三垒和被视为一个单位的游击手的防守位置 The defensive positions of first base, second base, third base, and shortstop considered as a unit.