
6 New HSK word(s): HSK4 温度 + wen1du4 temperature; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 温柔 + wen1rou2 gentle and soft; tender HSK5 温暖 + wen1nuan3 warm HSK6 温带 + wen1dai4 temperate zone HSK6 温和 + wen1he2 mild; gentle; moderate HSK6 温和 + wen1huo5 lukewarm
12 Old HSK word(s): B N * wen1du4 temperature B VS * wen1nuan3 warm B N * qi4wen1 air temperature C VS * wen1 warm/ lukewarm/ mild/ gentle/ warm up/ review C N * wen1dai4 warm-belt/ temperate zone C VS * wen1he2 warm-kind/ temperate/ moderate/ mild/ genial C N * ti3wen1 body-temperature/ body temperature D N * wen1du4ji4 thermometer D VS * wen1rou2 soft/ mild/ gentle D N * di1wen1 low temperature D N * gao1wen1 high temperature D VA * bao3wen1 heat preservation


Nhiệt độ +

Nhẹ nhàng +

Ấm +

Ôn đới +

Nhẹ +

Nhẹ +
Grade E word(s):
重温 恒温 恒温器 华氏温度计 降温 加温 室温 水温 体温表 温饱 温差 温床 温存 温度表 温和派 温和主义 温厚 温情 温泉 温热 温室 温室效应 温水 温顺 温习 温驯
温 [wen1] warm, Temperatur (S)Wen (Eig, Fam)

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昨夜温度是零下五度。 It was five below zero last night.
温度有细微的变化。 There is an imperceptible change in temperature.
这种食品应低温保存。 The food should be kept at low temperature.
昨夜温度计显示气温下降到零度. The thermometer fell to zero lastnight.
就在这些季节里,热气团与冷气团的温差最大。 It is during these seasons that the differences in temperature between warm and cold masses of air are greatest.
铅会在相当低的温度下熔化。 Lead will fuse at quite a low temperature.
雨后气温下降了。 There was a descent of temperature after rain.
外面的高温真让人难以忍受。 The heat outside is unbearable.
在夏天一个温暖的夜晚... One warm summer evening.../On a warm summer evening...
冬天的时候,我们不得不穿上温暖的衣服。 We have to put on warm clothing in winter.
这个暖气系统有自动化的温度调节系统。 This heating system has an automatic temperature control.
今天气温是华氏七十度。 The temperature today is seventy degrees Fahrenheit.
这个炉具有几个温度定位挡。 The cooker has several temperature settings.
我们的狗别看样子凶,其实很温顺。 Our dog may look fierce but he wouldn't hurt a fly.
甚至在日落之后,气温也不见降低。 Even after sunset there was little moderation in the temperature.
这种花在温暖的气候中长得茂盛. This species of flower flourishes in a warm climate.
他们喜欢这温度吗? Did they find the temperature to their liking?
马克。吐温写的作品你知道多少? How much do you know about the works of Mark Twin.
护士量了我的体温。 The nurse took my temperature.
她的体温降下不来。 Her temperature won't come down.
火山气体的温度很高。 The temperature of volcanic gases is very high.
我们测量了温度的变化. We measured the difference(s) in temperature.
温和的气候给北美带来大丰收。 The benign weather brought North America a bumper crop.
这个国家百分之九十的地方都是温带。 Ninety per cent of the country lies in the temperate zone.
热解化用,高温分解由于热量而导致的化合物的分解或转化 Decomposition or transformation of a compound caused by heat.
把他跟他们党内的极端分子等同看待是不对的--他的观点其实很温和. It's wrong to bracket him with the extremists in his party his views are very moderate.
正是在一定温度下塑料所具有的塑性使它比其他许多材料更优越。 It is their plasticity at certain temperatures that gives plastics their main advantage over many other materials.
适应气候动物或植物在生理上对气候或环境的变化,比如光线,气温或高度变化的适应 The physiological adaptation of an animal or a plant to changes in climate or environment, such as light, temperature, or altitude.
他性情温和, 讨厌暴力. Violence is abhorrent to his gentle nature.
他连温饱都无法解决, 就更不用说娱乐了。 He hasn't enough money for food, let alone amusements.
因为气温很高,有大量空调售出。 A large quantity of air-conditioners has been sold since the temperature is high.
她忙着温习美国宪法, 准备明天的考试. She's busy getting up the American constitution for tomorrow's exam.
水银温度计停留在摄氏35度左右。 The mercury hovered around 35 Celsius degree.
温和的说服胜於压服. Gentle persuasion is more effective than force.
她的体温高於[低於]正常标准. Her temperature is above/below normal.
去伦敦之前,我必须好好温习一下英文。 I must brush up my English before I go to London.
今天气温有多少度? 五十几度(不到六十度[五十度出头]). How warm is it today? It's in the (high/low) fifties.
水结成冰的温度是32华氏度(32 )或零摄氏度(0℃). Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (32 F) or zero/nought degrees Celsius (0 C).
所有的房间都装备有电炉以保持室内撮氏15-20度的常温。 All roams are equipped with electric heaters to keep indoor temperatures constant at15-2.0.
渗碳处理一种冶金镀膜工序,在此工序中把钢或铁浸入另一种金属如锌、铬或铝的粉剂里,并加热至这一金属的熔点温度以下 A metallurgical coating process in which iron or steel is immersed in a powder of another metal, such as zinc, chromium, or aluminum, and heated to a temperature below the melting point of either.
温彻斯特区英格兰中南部一自治区,位于伦敦西南。是盎格鲁-撒克逊时期西撒克斯王国的首府。在诺曼征服(1066年)以后,成为一个吸引了众多宗教学者的重要学术中心。人口32,100 A municipal borough of south-central England southwest of London. The capital of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, it was an important center of learning that attracted many religious scholars after the Norman Conquest(1066). Population, 32,100.
这个孩子性情温和。 The child had a placid disposition.
这房间给人非常温暖舒适的感觉。 The room has a nice cosy feel.
我登台演出前总要温习一下台词. I always run over my lines before going on stage.
高温化学的有关或表明高温下的化学活动的 Relating to or designating chemical activity at elevated temperatures.
如果你把这台精密仪器置于高温之下,仪器将会受到严重损坏。 If you subject this precision instrument to a high temperature, it will be seriously damaged.
英国人在任何动乱的年代都要重温战争时期的日子,那时人们都友好互助。 In any troubled times, the British tend to hark back to wartime days, when people helped each other in a friendly spirit.
她对孩子和动物总是很温柔。 She always shows kindness to children and animals.
我们已注意到温度的波动情形. We had already perceived how the temperature fluctuated.
冷疗法一种在医疗中局部或全部使用低温的方法 The local or general use of low temperatures in medical therapy.
他过去毫不留情地欺侮他的秘书,但是如被逼太甚,最温顺者也会反抗的,结果有一天她不辞而别了。 He used to bully his secretary without mercy, but even a worm will turn and one day she walked out and left her job without even saying goodbye.
她迁往气候较温暖的地方. She moved to a warmer climate.
温文有礼是绅士的特质。 Politeness is the attribute of a gentleman.
谦逊的以一种谦卑或温顺的方式 In a meek or humble manner.
花园里的空气又温暖又芬芳。 The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.
七月份最高温度可能达到36摄氏度。 The maximum temperature in July may be 36 Celsius degree.
该艺术家把她那温柔的笑容表现得惟妙惟肖。 The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly.
由于温度起伏不定,他们的测验结果很不准确。 Fluctuations in temperatures put their results oat by a mile.
温度计上显示出40C. The thermometer recorded 40C.
温度计显示的读数为32C. The thermometer registered 32C.
乔安娜性格温柔而腼腆。 Joanna had a gentle retiring disposition.
慈爱的关怀;温和仁慈的心灵 A kindly interest; a gentle, kindly soul.
我们在上个冰冻期之後把管道用保温材料裹上了。 After the last freeze-up we put insulation round the pipes.
风势已减弱了、 温度已下降了、 水平面已降低了很多. The wind, temperature, water level, etc has dropped considerably.