
4 New HSK word(s): HSK5 测验 + ce4yan4 test; to test; CL:次ci4,个/个ge4 HSK6 推测 + tui1ce4 speculation; to conjecture; to surmise; to speculate HSK6 探测 + tan4ce4 to probe; to take readings; to explore; exploration HSK6 测量 + ce4liang2 survey; to measure; to gauge; to determine
12 Old HSK word(s): B v;n * ce4yan4 test/ examination C VA * guan1ce4 observe and survey/ observe/ watch C VA * ce4 measure/ survey/ fathom/ test/ exam C VA * ce4liang2 measure/ survey/ gauge C v;n * ce4shi4 test/ examine/ trial/ testing D VA * tan4ce4 detect/ explore D VA * cai1ce4 guess/ surmise D VA * tui1ce4 speculate/ guess/ presume D VA * jian3ce4 examine/ inspect D VA * ce4ding4 determine/ measure D VA * ce4suan4 survey/ measure D VA * yu4ce4 forecast

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Grade E word(s):
安插测验 不测 测谎 测谎器 测绘 揣测 监测 勘测 窥测 莫测高深 深不可测 神秘莫测 水平测试 探测器 臆测 以防不测 智力测验

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我们明天早晨进行一个小测验。 We will have a quiz tomorrow morning.
他们试图预测这场足球比赛的结果。 They tried to forecast the result of the football match.
电影导演测试了一下那位新演员的演技。 The film director put the new actor through his paces.
将军推测说敌人将于今天晚上突袭我们。 The general conjectures that the enemy will launch an attack against us this night.
我能很准确地预测某事。 I can predict something with great accuracy.
科学家猜测在金星上没有生命。 The scientists guess that Venus is lifeless.
风力是按0-12级标准等级测量的。 The force of the wind is measured on a standard scale of 0-12.
在这一测验中你与专家较量一下技巧吧。 Match your skill against the experts in this quiz.
声波是根据其振幅来测量的. Sound waves are measured by their amplitude.
十二宫图用于占星术中预测未来。 The zodiac is used in astrology to predict the future.
他驾驶测验不及格,这次算第十次了。 That makes the tenth time he's failed his driving test!
我们必须通过智力测验才能被老板雇用。 We must pass an intelligence test before being hired by the boss.
许多杂志发表了由俄国航天探测器获得的有关金星的信息。 Information about Venus obtained by Russian probes has been published on some magazines.
预先测试为衡量学生是否已有足够的准备去进行更高一级的学习而举行的初步考试 A preliminary test given to determine whether students are sufficiently prepared for a more advanced course of studies.
第一次测量声速是在什么时候? When did the first measurement of the speed of sound take?
这种胡乱猜测甚嚣尘上, 已经到了必须立即解决的程度了. Speculation has reached such a pitch that a decision will have to be made immediately.
光度计用来测量光的性质、尤其是光的强度和通量的仪器 An instrument for measuring a property of light, especially luminous intensity or flux.
初试为更长、更复杂或更重要的考试而进行的预备性学术测试或考试 An academic test or examination that is preparatory to one that is longer, more complex, or more important.
无线电高空测候器一种被带到高空(主要由气球)进行气象数据收集和传送的仪器 An instrument carried aloft, chiefly by balloon, to gather and transmit meteorological data.
这正如我所猜测的. It was just as I had conjectured.
我们测量了温度的变化. We measured the difference(s) in temperature.
她用步子测量了房间的长度. She paced out the length of the room.
该产品正在由我们实验室做测试。 The product is on trial in our laboratory.
预测电子工业的前途一片大好. The prognosis for the future of the electronics industry is encouraging.
她测验勉强及格. She only just scraped through the test.
她驾驶测验没合格. She hasn't passed her driving test yet.
我们必须先测量电线的直径。 We must gauge the diameter of wire first.
我们测量了这辆汽车的汽油消耗量. We have measured the car's fuel consumption.
海洋测深学,海洋测深术测量大水域的深度 Measurement of the depth of large bodies of water.
旋标装置飞机控制板上的指示器或观测仪,用来测量角度 An indicator or a sighting apparatus on a plane table, used in angular measurement.
天底天球上,在观测者垂直向下的一点,与天顶完全相对 A point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer, diametrically opposite the zenith.
不要对结果妄加猜测. Don't conjecture about the outcome.
我们不能单凭猜测就谴责她。 We must not condemn her on pure supposition.
那个林务员已经勘测了那些热带雨林。 The forester has explored those tropical rain forests.
你的理论纯粹是主观臆测. Your theory is pure conjecture.
<大学英语词汇综合测试题>。 "Practice Tests For College English Vocabulary"
石蕊试纸可用以测试溶液是否含酸. Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence of acid in a solution.
这种新型号赛车於道路测试中时速达100英里. The new sports model achieved 100 miles an hour in road tests.
矿石碾磨实验通过碾磨来鉴定矿石的矿砂品质或含量的测试 A test of the mineral quality or content of an ore by milling.
蚀天体的部分或全部受到其他天体的遮掩而变得晦暗,这种现象与特定观测者相关 The partial or complete obscuring, relative to a designated observer, of one celestial body by another.
专门小组聚在一起策划或讨论一个问题、裁判一场比赛或在无线电台或电视台小测验节目中充当一个队的一群人 A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue, judge a contest, or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program.
检流计,电流计一种仪器,用以探测、测量和测定微小电流方向,采用线圈在磁场中产生的机械效果的方法 An instrument used to detect, measure, and determine the direction of small electric currents by means of mechanical effects produced by a coil in a magnetic field.
引力微子一种假想粒子,被假定为引力相互作用的量子,并被推测为具有无限长寿命、零电荷和零静止质量 A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass.
我所猜测的都应验了. I was right in my conjectures.
明天我们将进行历史测验。 Tomorrow we'll have a history test.
她预测情况将继续好转. She predicted that the improvement would continue.
我将打电话告诉你测验的结果。 I'll phone the result of the test to you.
要预测出谁将获胜是不可能的. It is impossible to predict who will win.
推测结果是竞选可能会失败。 The presumable result is an election defeat.
士兵们最终完成了耐力测验。 The soldiers eventually completed the endurance tests.
回音测深仪一种声音测深仪的商标 A trademark used for a sonic depth finder.
民意测验表明拥护社会党的情绪高涨. Opinion polls have detected a ground swell of support for the Socialists.
民意测验预示保守党有获得压倒性多数票的可能. Opinion polls forecast a Conservative landslide.
你最好把我的书给我,否则我的测验将要不及格了。 You'd better give me my book, otherwise I'll fail my test.
预赛,选拔赛确定比赛资格的预备竞赛或测试,如在体育运动中 A preliminary competition or test to determine qualifications, as in a sport.
计步器,步程器一种通过记录所行步数来估测步行近似距离的仪器 An instrument that gauges the approximate distance traveled on foot by registering the number of steps taken.
平面规,测平仪在精密金属加工中用于测定平面表面精度的金属平板 A flat metal plate for gauging the accuracy of a plane surface in precision metalworking.
微调装置精密仪器上被设计用以增进精密校准或测量的一个辅助装置 An auxiliary device designed to facilitate fine adjustments or measurements on precision instruments.
软件保护中,把不能复制的标记或签名存放在软盘上的方法,用一个特殊测试程序来检测签名是否存在,如不存在,则被保护的程序不能运行。 In software protection, a method of giving a mark, or signature, that cannot be duplicated, to a floppy disk. A special test routine detects if a signature is present, and if it is not found the protected program will be disabled.
热探测器测量热量的敏感接受器 A sensory receptor that detects warmth.
该项预测展望经济前景暗淡, 因而股票价格大跌. Share prices plunged as a result of the gloomy economic forecast.
该项预测展望经济前景暗淡,因而股票价格大跌。 Share price plunge as a result of the gloomy economic forecast.
用于修饰或说明与故障或错误的检测和隔离有关的特性。 Pertaining to the detection and isolation of a malfunction or mistake.
在这个试验车道,标准汽车成品将接受有意的毁坏性测试。 On this test track, the standard production cars will be subjected to rough treatment deliberately.
对计算机程序中的指令序列的检测和记录,例如在监控程序和调试程序中使用的情况。 The detection and recording of the sequencing of instructions in computer programs, for example, as used in monitors and debugging routines.
超声波心动描记器一种用来显示详细的大脑图象的仪器,利用超声波发送和反射的差异来测试并无伤无痛 An instrument that in a painless and noninvasive manner uses the differential transmission and reflection of ultrasonic waves to create a detailed visual image of the brain.
通道挖掘或探测而成的道路 A passage made by digging or probing.
他们能够用雷达测定快艇的方位. They were able to position the yacht by means of radar.
储备金额为预防不测而存留的资金数额 The amount of funds reserved to meet liabilities.
由于温度起伏不定,他们的测验结果很不准确。 Fluctuations in temperatures put their results oat by a mile.
也许最重要的是,这些选举将使大众认识新面孔,尤其是来自反对党阵营的。这样投石问路将会测如候选人的影响力,建立知名度,并过滤问题。 Perhaps most important, these elections will put new faces before the public, especially from the opposition camp. This testing of the waters will measure the impact of the candidates, build name recognition and sift the issues.
是什麽促使你推测出这样的结论? What made you conjecture that?
我……找到一个六分仪。“好啦!”我说,“他们就是用这个测定太阳的高度。” I…found a sextant…"Now, " I said,"they take the sun through this thing."
呼吸气量测定器;肺活量计用以测量肺部吸入或呼出空气的力量或体积的一种仪器 An instrument for measuring the force or volume of inspiration or expiration in the lungs.
"这个探测队接着把整个山洞彻底地搜寻了一遍,但是,除了一只空铁皮箱以外什么也没找到。" The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk.
未来学一门以当前状况和趋势为出发点,对如科学、技术和社会潜在的发展作出预测或研究的学科 The study or forecasting of potential developments, as in science, technology, and society, using current conditions and trends as a point of departure.
猜测萨达姆心里如何想法是毫无意义的。不论他是做给伊斯兰激进分子看,还是趁最后一个机会找布什麻烦,他与美国和全世界对抗,不久就成为克林顿先生的问题。 It's pointless to try to read Saddam Hussein's mind. Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.