
2 New HSK word(s): HSK5 + jian1 sound of moving water HSK5 + qian3 shallow; light (color)
2 Old HSK word(s): A VS * qian3 shallow/ simple/ superficial/ light D N * shen1qian3 depth

Cạn +

Cạn +
Grade E word(s):
不知深浅 才疏学浅 粗浅 短浅 肤浅 搁浅 害人不浅 浅薄 浅而易见 浅陋 浅盘 浅滩 浅显 浅易 深入浅出 眼光短浅
浅 [qian3] hell (Adj)seicht, flach, oberflächlich (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 3.54 Komposita

船搁浅了--这河口的水比我们想像的要浅. The ship has touched bottom the estuary must be shallower than we thought.
我们有可能从这片浅滩过河。 This shallow ford made it possible for us to cross the river.
那种浅底小船叫小舟。 The small shallow boat is called a cockle.
广泛的阅读使我受益匪浅。 I have benefited a lot from extensive reading.
那船牢牢地搁浅在沙洲上. The ship stuck fast on the bar.
忠实可靠一向使他受益匪浅. Honesty has always been his best friend.
大浅桶主要供酿酒商用的一种浅的盆或缸 A shallow vat or tub used chiefly by brewers.
凹形,凹面与浅的凹型盛食物的容器相似的凹处 A depression similar to that in a shallow concave container for food.
房间是用深浅不一的蓝色粉刷的。 The room was painted in various shades of blue.
这篇文章很短, 只能对这一问题作肤浅的探讨. This essay is so short that it can only scratch the surface of the topic.
在写这本书时,作者查阅了许多与此同类题材的著作,从中得益非浅。 In writing this book, the author has greatly profited from consulting many works on the same subjects.
再搀些白颜料使涂料浅些。 Mix some more white in to make the paint pal.
熟石膏粉供绘画或作浅层浮雕表面用的混有胶水的熟石膏制剂 A preparation of plaster of Paris and glue used as a base for low relief or as a surface for painting.
他的妻子琼是一个健壮、浅薄的女人,也是孩子们随和的母亲。当她一听说自己高贵的地位时,便立刻想入非非,暗自打算为她的年轻漂亮的女儿找一个显赫、门当户对的婆家。 And no sooner had Joan, his handsome, shallow-minded wife, the easy-going mother of his many children, heard of her exalted estate than her romantic soul began secretly to devise a brilliant and fitting alliance for her beautiful young daughter.