
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D VS * fa3ding4 legal


Grade E word(s):

法定 [fa3 ding4] amtlich, gesetzlich, legal (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 1.65 Komposita

法院将法定损害赔偿金判给了她. The court adjudged legal damages to her.
自治组织一个关于研究或咨询的学者自治组织,通常是学院内的法定组织 A self-governing society of scholars for study or instruction, incorporated within a university.
旧制的英镑纸币已不是法定的货币了. The old pound note is no longer legal tender.
法定监护人应该维护这个孩子的利益. The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child.