
2 New HSK word(s): HSK4 矿泉水 + kuang4quan2shui3 mineral spring water; CL:瓶ping2,杯bei1 HSK6 源泉 + yuan2quan2 fountainhead; well-spring; water source; fig. origin
2 Old HSK word(s): D N * quan2 spring D N * yuan2quan2 headspring


Nước khoáng +

Nguồn +
Grade E word(s):
含笑九泉 九泉 矿泉 矿泉水 喷泉 泉水 温泉
泉 [quan2] Quelle

Häufigkeit: 1.22 Komposita

她把手伸到喷泉中玩水。 She dabbled her hands in the fountain.
他们这个下午卖掉了十箱矿泉水。 They have sold up ten crates of mineral water in the afternoon.
这个城市的公园以其华丽的喷泉而著名。 The parks of this city are famous for their ornate fountains.
这家饭店围绕一庭院而建,辅以泉水和棕榈树。 The hotel is built round a courtyard, with fountain and palm tree.
这个凡人叫阿拉喀涅,她有一手非凡的纺织和刺绣本领,每当这位少女干活儿时就连林中和喷泉中的神女们也都拥来观看。 That mortal was Arachne, a maiden who had attained such skill in the arts of weaving and embroidery that the nymphs themselves would leave their groves and fountains to come and gaze upon her work.
常汲之井涌甘泉。 Draw wells have sweet water.
可消费的源泉 An expendable source.
她用手指在喷泉中玩水. She dabbled her fingers in the fountain.
罗马的喷泉以其建筑之美而著称. The fountains of Rome are famed for their architectural beauty.
当然,父亲会经常供给一些零钱,但是叔叔和婶婶也总是额外收入的源泉。 Father, of course, provides a regular supply of pocket-money, but uncles and aunts are always a source of extra income.
丰富的想象力;新思想的丰富源泉 A fertile imagination; a fertile source of new ideas.
水源,泉水从地下流出的地方;泉或喷泉 A place where water issues from the earth; a spring or fountain.
华兹华斯从风景优美的英格兰湖区获得灵感. 那地方是他灵感的巨大源泉. Wordsworth found (his) inspiration in/drew (his) inspiration from the Lake District scenery. It was a great source of inspiration to him.