
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 泄露 + xie4lu4 to leak (information); to divulge; also pr.xie4 lou4
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * xie4lou4 let out/ leak/ divulge


Bị rò rỉ +
Grade E word(s):
泄露 泄露天机
泄露 [xie4 lou4] lecken, Leck (S)preisgeben (V)

Häufigkeit: 5.24 Komposita

辐射泄露的消息引起了公众的普遍恐慌。 The news of the radiation leak caused widespread public alarm.
政府雇员宣誓不泄露官方机密. Government employees swear an oath not to reveal official secrets.
他们两人并不知道这回事, 因此一定是另外有人泄露了秘密. Neither of them knew about it, and the corollary of that is that someone else revealed the secret.
他泄露了他们推翻政府的阴谋。 He revealed their conspiracy to overthrow the government.
她将国家机密泄露给敌人了. She gave away state secrets to the enemy.
这些细节原属秘密,可是不知怎么给泄露出去了。 The details were supposed to be secret but somehow leaked out.
消息若泄露, 必将有後患. If the news gets out there'll be trouble.
揭露,泄露;公开揭露或揭发的行为或过程 The act or process of revealing or uncovering.