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油轮 [you2 lun2] Öltanker (S, Tech)Tanker (S, Tech)

Häufigkeit: 0.32 Komposita

油轮沉没了,石油污染了海面。 The tanker sank and the oil polluted the sea.
据报道,这艘客轮与一艘油轮相撞。 The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker.
油轮需求量的下降使很多工作职位受到威胁。 A fall in demand for oil tankers has put jobs in jeopardy.
油轮需求量下降使造船业成千上万的工作职位受到威胁. A fall in demand for oil tankers has put/placed thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in jeopardy.
那艘油轮遇难後,对同类型的油轮都进行了检验。 After the disaster, tests were carried out on the tanker's sister vessels.