
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 泡沫 + pao4mo4 foam; (soap) bubble; (economic) bubble
2 Old HSK word(s): D N * tuo4mo saliva/ spittle D N * pao4mo4 bubble/ froth


Bọt +
Grade E word(s):
浮沫 沫儿 沫子 泡沫经济 泡沫塑料 泡沫浴 吐沫
沫 [mo4] Schaum (S)

Häufigkeit: 0.26 Komposita

在我还没工夫往掌上吐一口唾沫之前,他已经把那件工作做完了。 Before I had time to spit in my hands, he finished the work.
俚语,是脱下上衣、吐一口唾沫在掌上、跟着就着手工作的语言。 Slang is language that takes off its coat, spits on its hands, and goes to work.
他洗衬衫时, 连胳膊肘都弄上了肥皂泡沫. He was up to his elbows in soapsuds, washing his shirts.
我不喜欢泡沫太多的啤酒. I don't like beer with too much froth.
他说话说快了就爱喷唾沫星. He's inclined to spit when he talks quickly.
向人吐唾沫是非常粗暴无礼的。 It's very rude to spit at someone.
水冲击在岩石上溅起了泡沫. The water frothed as it tumbled down the rocks.
她向他[他的脸上]啐了一口唾沫. She spat at him/in his face.