
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * qiu2de2 get


Grade E word(s):

求得 [qiu2 de2] ermitteln; ermittelte (V)

Häufigkeit: 0.22 Komposita

黑格尔辩证法特别指与黑格尔通过陈述正题、展开矛盾的反题,并综合和解决它使之成为有条理的综合体而求得真理有关联的过程 The process especially associated with Hegel of arriving at the truth by stating a thesis, developing a contradictory antithesis, and combining and resolving them into a coherent synthesis.
以牺牲健康来求得工作上的成功是不值得的。 Success in your job is not worth the sacrifice of your health.
矿工们下决心等到他们的要求得到满足后再复工。 The miners are determined to stop out until their demands are met.
尽管在井下不舒服,但全体矿工决心在井下罢工,直到他们增加工资的要求得到满足为止。 All the miners are determined to stay down until their pay demands are met. In spite of the discomfort.
他偷偷塞给侍者一镑,以求得到好的桌位。 He slipped the waiter£1 to get a good table.