
10 New HSK word(s): HSK4 民族 + min2zu2 nationality; ethnic group; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 移民 + yi2min2 to immigrate; to migrate; emigrant; immigrant HSK5 人民币 + ren2min2bi4 Renminbi (RMB); Chinese Yuan (CNY) HSK5 农民 + nong2min2 peasant; farmer; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 殖民地 + zhi2min2di4 colony HSK6 民主 + min2zhu3 democracy HSK6 民间 + min2jian1 among the people; popular; folk; non-governmental; involving people rather than governments HSK6 居民 + ju1min2 resident; inhabitant HSK6 公民 + gong1min2 citizen HSK6 渔民 + yu2min2 fisherman; fisher folk
28 Old HSK word(s): A N * nong2min2 peasant A N * min2zu2 nation/ nationality A N * ren2min2 the people B n;VS * min2zhu3 democracy/ democratic B N * guo2min2dang3 the Nationalist Party/ the Kuomintang (KMT) B N * ren2min2bi4 the name of China's currency C N * min2bing1 militia/ militiaman/ militia-woman C N * min2jian1 among the people C VS * min2yong4 civil/ for civil use C N * zhi2min2di4 propagate-people-territory/ colony C N * yu2min2 fishing-person/ fisherman/ fishing people C N * mu4min2 herdsman/ herder C N * ju1min2 resident/ inhabitant C N * gong1min2 citizen D N * nan4min2 refugee D N * pin2min2 pauper D N * ping2min2 the common people D N * xuan3min2 electorate D N * min2hang2 civil aviation D N * min2shi4 civil D N * min2yi4 public opinion D N * min2zhong4 public D N * zhi2min2 zhu3yi4 colonialism D N * quan2min2 the whole people/ all the people D N * yi2 min2 migrant D * shao3shu4 min2zu2 minority D N * guo2min2 citizen D N * shi4min2 citizen/ townsfolk



Quốc gia +

Nhập cư +


Nông dân +

Colonial +

Nền dân chủ, +

Dân sự, +

Cư dân +

Công dân +

Ngư dân +
Grade E word(s):
暴民 被压迫民族 便民 草民 臣民 村民 非殖民化 公民权 害国殃民 回民 祸国殃民 基层民主 居民点 居民区 军民 劳动人民 劳民伤财 民办 民不聊生 民粹主义 民法 民房 民愤 民歌 民工 民国 民警 民情 民权 民权主义 民生 民生主义 民俗 民心 民谣 民乐 民运 民宅 民政 民主党 民主党派 民主化 民主人士 民族语 民族主义 民族自决 民族自治 难民收容所 难民营 农民意识 贫民窟 贫民区 侨民 扰民 人民代表 人民代表大会 体察民情 为民除害 无业游民 小市民 新殖民主义 兄弟民族 移民局 以平民愤 拥政爱民 游民 犹太民族 灾民 殖民 殖民化 殖民者 殖民主义者 中华民国
民 [min2] Bevölkerung (S)Volk (S)volkstümlich (Adj)zivil (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 3.54 Komposita

他了解人民的意向。 He knew the pulse of the people.
有许多来自那个国家的难民。 There are many refugees from that country.
农民们正在收割大麦。 The peasants are reaping a field of barley.
他相信各民族间都应亲如兄弟。 He believes in the brotherhood of all peoples.
人民的生活水平明显地改善了。 People's living standard has had a perceptible improvement.
很多农民离开农村转事工业劳动. Many farmers are leaving the land to work in industry.
人民群众普遍反对突然实行的变革。 The populace at large are opposed to sudden change.
他对他的选民表现出很有感染力的热情。 He expressed infectious enthusiasm to his voters.
他们不顾农民反对, 仍继续进行农业改革. They persisted with the agricultural reforms, despite opposition from the farmers.
真正的权力属于人民。 The real power resides in the people.
中国人民是一个勤劳的民族。 The Chinese are industrious people.
不断发展的经济使农民们富裕起来。 The expanding economy enriched the peasants.
殖民地的人们拿起武器反抗英国统治者。 The colonists took up weapons to rebel against the British ruler.
据说法国人是世界上最浪漫的民族之一。 It is said that Frenchmen are among the most romantic people in the world.
天气干旱了这么久,这场雨成了农民的救星。 After so much dry weather, the rain has been the farmer's salvation.
国民财富在很大程度上取决于一个国家的教育水准。 National wealth depends to a high degree on a country's educational standard.
中国人民正在努力工作,把国家建设得更加富饶美丽。 Chinese people are working hard to make the country richer and more beautiful.
我们的人民正在暴君的统治下受苦。 Our people are suffering at the hands of an oppressor.
当地地主常常虐待农民。 The local lords often treated the peasants badly.
公园对大城市的居民是大有裨益的设施。 Parks are a great boon to people in big cities.
对于他们枪杀无辜平民,人们感到义愤填膺。 People are indignant by their shooting of innocent civilians.
希望今后两国人民之间有更多的交往。 We hope from now on there will be more exchanges between our two peoples.
人民受军政府的压迫. The people are oppressed by the military goverment.
我从未用过人民币付款。 I've never made payment in Renminbi before.
那个人具备领导民众的才能。 The man had the quality for leading the people.
总统号召全国人民团结起来。 The President made a call for national unity.
这项政策不会受到选民的欢迎。 This policy will not appeal to the voters.
村民一致反对修建旁道. The villagers are unanimous in their opposition to the building of a bypass.
移民到这个国家有严格的限制。 There are strict controls on immigration into this country.
被压迫的人民,在政变之后获得自由。 The oppressed were free after the coup.
拥有世界冠军是我们每个公民的骄傲。 It's a civic pride to have a champion.
市民们进行突击,试图冲破包围。 The citizens sallied out in an attempt to break the siege.
在中国,山区农民在梯田上种水稻。 In China hill farmers grow rice on terraces.
民间音乐是一代一代地流传下来的。 Folk music has been passed down from one generation to another.
说阿拉伯语的人说阿拉伯语民族的一个成员 A member of an Arabic-speaking people.
全体居民都动员起来,防止森林火灾。 The entire population was mobilized to watch for forest fires.
这场革命把国家引上了通往民主的道路。 The revolution set the country on the road to democracy.
水源污染已经达到危及居民健康的程度。 Pollution of the water supply reached a level pernicious to the health of the population.
那里的人民正在为摆脱外国统治争取自由而战斗。 The people there are fighting to gain their freedom from foreign control.
这位歌手终生致力于研究中国西北部的民间传说。 The singer devoted his whole life in study of the folklore in the northwest part of China.
在过去的几年中我们为了国民经济的恢复做了大量的工作。 A lot has been done in the recovery of national economy in the past few years.
按一般人在这些问题上的看法,选民常常着眼于国内问题来选择候选人。 According to conventional wisdom, voters usually make their choice on the basis of domestic issues.
民主是自由的保障. Democracy is a bulwark of freedom.
封建贵族对人民很残酷。 The feudal barons were cruel to the people.
他们中大多数侨民是爱国主义者。 Most emigrants among them are patriots.
殖民地人民反抗他们的英国统治者。 The colonists revolted against their British ruler.
由于天气恶劣,许多选民今天没有投票。 Many electors didn't vote today because of the bad weather.
敌人掠夺了这个地区,并且杀害了许多村民。 The enemy raped the country and killed many villagers.
法律是为保卫人民的权利和财产而制定的。 Laws are constituted to protect individual rights and properties.
这些美丽的古老宫殿是我们民族遗产的一部分。 These beautiful old palaces are part of our national heritage.
抵抗运动开展了一场反对殖民统治者的恐怖活动。 The resistance movement started a campaign of terror against the colonial rulers.
战争给无辜的人民带来的痛苦不是金钱可以补偿的。 The suffering of innocent people caused by the war cannot be compensated for by money.
因为长时间的干旱,农民们对于好收成的前景是怀疑的。 Because of a long drought, the farmers are doubtful about the prospect of a good yield.
在收获季节里农民非常忙碌. Farmers are very busy during (the) harvest.
全市居民倾城而出迎接凯旋球队. The city turned out to welcome back its victorious team.
这种疫苗用以为全体居民预防传染病. The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against infection.
澳大利亚比英国更民主吗? Is there more democracy in Australia than in Britain?
那个理论的精髓是为人民服务。 The pith of that theory is serving for people.
摩西率领以色列的子民离开了埃及。 Moses led the children of Israel out of the Egypt.
农民们在收割完庄稼后常烧茬子。 Farmers often burn the stubble after they have cut the corn.
美元的买入价是100美元付864元人民币。 The buy rate of US dollar note be846 yuan per hundred dollar.
据说第一批到达这个国家的移民是囚犯。 It is said that the first settlers of this country are prisoners.
艺术家应当创作能教育人民、鼓舞人民的作品。 An artist should create works that will educate and inspire the people.
这位渔民笑道:"没事儿!"说着就和别人一道下水了。 "It's nothing, "smiled the fisherman, then disappeared into the water with the others.
我们正前方就是人民广场。 Directly ahead of us is the Peoples Square.
这本书是原始民族神话集。 The book is about the mythologies of primitive races.
他的祖先来到英国的时候是难民. His ancestors had come to England as refugees.
小酒店里净是身穿花呢衣服的农民. The pub was full of tweedy farmers.
她在难民中工作是因为她有很深的信念. A deep faith underlies her work among refugees.
平民们在广场上集会反对他们的新市长。 The rabbles met on the square to oppose their new mayor.
民兵抓着了一个特务。 The militiamen have caught a spy.
民兵民兵织中的一员 A man who is a member of a militia.
人民是历史的创造者。 The people are the makers of history.
植树是每个公民的义务。 It's our civic duty to plant trees.
农民过去受地主的压迫. Peasants used to be subject to the local landowner.
现在这里居民的生活很幸福。 Dwellers here live a happy life now.
农民们在愉快地收割庄稼。 The peasants are getting in the crops happily.
移民局的官员将要求你出示证件. Immigration officials will ask to see your papers.
他正在这样干时被一位民兵撞见了。 A militiaman surprised him in the act.
人民群众普遍反对突然实行的变革. The populace at large is/are opposed to sudden change.
在选举前后政客们总要许愿讨好民众。 Politicians bid for popular favour around election time.
目前,这个国家的人民正在日益觉醒。 At present the people in this country are increasingly awakening.
头一天夜里,我们在一个小居民点停留下来。 On the first night we stopped over in a small settlement.
美国的主要政党是民主党和共和党. The main political parties in the United States are the Democrats and the Republicans.
失望的选民需要一个党派以取代这两个大党. Disillusioned voters want an alternative to the two main parties.
军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来. Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population.
附近的居民们一致赞成市政委员会关于关闭这座小印染厂的决定。 The residents in the neighbourhood all applauded the council's decision to close the small dye factory.
不要辜负人民对你的信任。 Don't betray the people's trust in you.
村子里的居民知道这件丑事。 The villagers knew about the scandal.
法国一度是占有殖民地的强国. France was once a colonial power.
人民不惜付出任何代价也要争取和平. The people wanted peace at any price.
在旧社会工人农民是被剥削的阶级。 Is the old society worker and farmer is exploited class.
它常被用作治疗蛇咬伤的民间药物。 It is often used as folk medicine to cure snake bite.
以前的许多殖民地现已成为独立的国家. The former colonial possessions are now independent states.
所有的居民都被可怕的疾病夺去了生命。 The entire population was wiped out by the terrible disease.
人民受著凶恶而专制的军政权的压迫. The people are held down by a vicious and repressive military regime.
人们聚集起来,组成国民自卫队来保卫他们的城镇。 People gathered to form a militia to protect their town.
在那个国家的少数民族的国籍问题上仍有争论。 The nationality of the minority groups in that country is still at issue.
资本主义制度下的被压迫人民生活在一个与我们截然不同的世界里。 The Oppressed people under capitalism live in a world far other
最后公民们奋起反抗残忍的统治者们,将他们逐出国,并夺取了政权。 The citizens at last rebelled against their cruel rulers, drove them from the country and took power themselves.
渔民家总有股鱼腥味。 The fisherman's house smells of fish.
他是一个杰出的中国公民。 He is an eminent citizen of China.
农民起义,农民暴动农民暴动,特别是指血腥大暴动 A peasant revolt, especially a very bloody one.
农民们在地里收割(作物). The farmers are out harvesting (the corn).
村民们撑起摇摇欲坠的茅棚。 The villagers shored up sagging huts.
难民苦於缺少食物和医药用品. The refugees are suffering for want of food and medical supplies.
古罗马人在整个欧洲建立了殖民地. The ancient Romans founded colonies throughout Europe.
我在攻读民用建筑专业的硕士学位。 I am working on a master's degree in civil architecture.
那农民耕地时挖出一个人类的头颅骨。 The farmer turns up a human skull while ploughs the field.
民兵和公安人员这时(向这些特务)包围上来。 Militiaman and public security men now closed in(on the spies).
穆斯林国度信奉伊斯兰教的民族或国家;穆斯林世界 The people or nations that practice Islam; the Moslem world.
维拉罗伯斯,海特1887-1959巴西作曲家,他的作品受到巴西传统民间乐影响,包括交响曲、歌剧及歌曲 Brazilian composer whose works, including symphonies, operas, and songs, were influenced by Brazilian folk traditions.
市政官古罗马民选的行政官,负责公共事务及游艺活动并且监管市场、粮食及用水供应 An elected official of ancient Rome who was responsible for public works and games and who supervised markets, the grain supply, and the water supply.
就像那个说他除了昆虫和民间舞蹈啥都想试试的人一样,我们大多数人心里都有个人界线,知道该在哪儿收手。 Most of us would draw the line somewhere, like the man who said he'd try anything once except insect and folk dancing.
那位公主赢得了全体国民的心。 The princess captured the hearts of the nation.
和服是日本民族服装的一部分。 The kimono is part of the national costume of Japan.
少数民族音乐会持续了两个小时。 The minority nationality concert lasted two hours.
国民大会已对这一危机进行了讨论. The national assembly has/have met to discuss the crisis.
重要的是,我们必须全心全意为人民服务。 Above all, we must serve the people whole-heartedly.
人民反对专制。 The people resist despotism.
人民起来造反了. The people broke out/rose in revolt.
她是个守法的公民。 She is a lawful citizen.
全民抗击侵略者. The whole country resisted the invaders.
选民转而支持左派. Voters have/Voting has swung to the left.
我们绝不能忘记民众. We must not forget about the grass roots.
选集民歌选集或诗歌选集 An anthology, as of ballads or poems.
入侵者打败了土著居民. The invaders prevailed over the native population.
李先生显然是要移民了。 To all appearance, Mr. Li is going to migrate.
他已经激发了全民的同情. He succeeded in arousing the nation's sympathy.
政府已经建了两个难民营。 The government has set two refugee camps.
他指挥分发食物给难民。 He directed the dispensation of food to the refugees.
农民们正在田野里收割稻子。 The peasants are harvesting rice in the field.
这位市议员受到市民的敬重。 The alderman was respected by the citizens.
公众作为一个整体的社会或民众 The community or the people as a whole.
市民可以免费使用这个图书馆。 Citizens may have free access to the library.
难民暂时安置在一座旧军营里. The refugees are being lodged in an old army camp.
这位教士受到所有村民的尊敬。 This clergyman is respected by all the villagers.
总统的讲话激励国民更加努力. The President's speech impelled the nation to greater efforts.
急需将食物和衣服送给灾民。 It is urgent that food and clothing (should) be sent to the sufferers.
这个剧作家受到了本国人民的尊敬。 The dramatist was respected by people in his country.
用旧公共汽车应急来安置难民. Old buses were pressed into service as emergency housing for the refugees.
民主党希望在下次大选中重新执政。 The democrats hope to get back at the next election.
民意测验表明拥护社会党的情绪高涨. Opinion polls have detected a ground swell of support for the Socialists.
救济品很快被送到遭受火灾的灾民手中。 Relief was quickly sent to the sufferers from the great fire.
民意测验预示保守党有获得压倒性多数票的可能. Opinion polls forecast a Conservative landslide.
农民们春季播种玉米,现在是他们收获的季节。 It is a season that peasants reap the corn from what they planted in spring.
统治人民十分严格的政府,它不允许任何人反对其决策。 Government which rules its people strictly and do not allow anyone to oppose its decision.
原始人,未开化的人被其他民族或群体视为拥有原始文化的人 A member of a people considered by those of another nation or group to have a primitive civilization.
花园城市设计能提供具有低密度建筑和开阔公共土地的宜人环境的居民区或居住地 A residential suburb or community planned so as to provide a pleasant environment with low-density housing and open public land.
平价制度为保证在选定的基期内农民具有相同的购买力而主要由政府支持的农产品价格水平 A level for farm-product prices maintained by governmental support and intended to give farmers the same purchasing power they had during a chosen base period.
本届政府并没有显示出应有的远见,应有的常识,不能看出这些人民正以伟大的战争来换取自由。换取更好的生活水平,过上好日子。 I don't think this Administration has shown the foresight, has shown the knowledge, has been identified with the great fight which these people are waging to be free, to get a better standard of living, to live better.
已撤销他代表人民的资格. He has forfeited the right to represent the people.
全国人民确认了他的王权. The country acknowledged his claim to the throne.
棒球是美国全民喜爱的运动。 Baseball is the national game of the USA.
市民的情绪是赞成减税。 Sentiment in the town is now in favor of a cut in tax.
他辞去军职而从事平民工作. He resigned his commission to take up a civilian job.
平民,百姓遵循平民生活的人 A person following the pursuits of civil life.
难民处境惨苦真叫我牵肠割肚. The plight of the refugees really wrung my heart.
我的助听器是国民保健署资助的. I got my hearing aid on the National Health (Service).
他被警方以私闯民宅的罪名而扣留。 He was held by the police on a charge of breaking and entering.
在这条街上停车是此处居民特有的权利. Parking in this street is the privilege of the residents.
在爆炸中有两个士兵和一个平民被炸死. Two soldiers and one civilian were killed in the explosion.
这些村子里的农民常常以实物偿付帐单。 Farmers in these small villages often pay their bills in kind.
一切想维护殖民主义的企图都是注定要失败的。 All attempts to bolster up colonialism are bound to fail.
本市的市民举行了盛大的晚会庆祝他们的胜利。 People in the city held a great party to celebrate their victory.
这一税收制度一旦施行,必定会危害国民经济。 This tax can not be introduced without detriment to the economy.
这是一桩民事案件,因此他没有被送进监狱的可能。 It was a civil case so there was no question of him being sent to prison.
棚户区之行使我深切地感到那里的人民何等的贫穷。 A trip through the shanty town brought home to me just how poor the people are.
比较富裕的农民这时购买化肥,但合作社却买不起。 The richer peasants were buying chemical fertilizer, but the co-op could not afford it.
过去荒凉的山村已发展成为欣欣向荣的人民公社。 The once deserted mountain villages have grown into a flourishing people's commune.
民法与刑法是不同的。 Civil law is different to criminal law.
选民的态度有改变的趋向. There is a wind of change in the attitude of voters.
农民们施肥来使土地肥沃。 The peasants fertilize the field by using manure.
修路引起周围居民很多怨言. The road-works caused much complaint among local residents.
加利福尼亚有许多来自其他州的移民。 California has many immigrants from other states.
解放前,各种捐税沉重地压在人民身上。 Before liberation, taxes weighed heavily upon the people.
讲课人继续解释说民法与刑法是不同的。 The lecturer continued that civil law was different to criminal law.
渔民和水手有时声称看到过海里的妖怪。 Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.
王公贵族以不屑一顾的傲慢态度对待平民百姓。 The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt.
非洲有一些地区这时仍然处于殖民主义的统治之下。 Some parts of Africa still remained under colonialism.
申诉民事诉讼中被告对原告所做的陈述状的回答 A defendant's answer to the declaration made by the plaintiff in a civil action.
在英国, 女王是君主而治理国家的却是民选的代表. In Britain the Queen reigns, but elected representatives of the people govern the country.
该少数民族应归属哪一州的问题已由公民投票表决. The question of which state the minority group should belong to was decided by (a) plebiscite.
成群结队的犯罪分子整夜横行霸道,令村民们惊恐不已。 Groups of law-breakers have been rampaging about all night, putting fear into the villagers.
驱邪仪式古罗马每五年普查人口后对全体国民进行的净化仪式 A ceremonial purification of the entire ancient Roman population after the census every five years.
一份最近的民意调查表明,大多数人对不断增长的犯罪率表示忧虑。 A recent survey of public opinion shows that most people are worried about the increasing crime.
如果这一政策不被采纳为政府的政策,那么我有责任诉诸国民公决。 If this policy were not accepted as the policy of the Government, I should feel it my duty to appeal to Caesar.
那里的农民过去总是让羊吃掉田里的油菜,这样好把它们养壮了送进屠宰场。 Farmers there used to eat off the coleseed with sheep so as to make them fit for the butcher.
某人能去请求改变判决的民事法院或刑事法院。这两种法院的裁决对高等法院和下级法院全都有拘束力。 Civil or criminal court to which a person may go to ask for a sentence to be changed and of which the decision be binding on the high court and lower court.
穷人贫困的人;贫民 An impoverished person; a pauper.
英国国民18岁始有选举权. UK nationals get the vote at 18.
民众不会祈祷,只会乞求。 Common people do not pray; they only beg.
移民官员在我的护照上盖了戳。 The immigration officer stamped my passport.
岛上逐渐迁入很多欧洲移民. The islands were gradually populated by settlers from Europe.
你的名字已登记在选民名册上了吗? Have you got your name on the electoral register?
因为战争,大量的移民涌入欧洲。 There was a huge migration of people into Europe because of the war.
针对人或财产的民事不规行为称之为“侵权”。 Civil wrong against persons or property is called"torts".
我是专指永久居民而言, 以别於临时访客. I refer specifically to permanent residents, in contradistinction to temporary visitors.
平民的,普通的大众人民的,与大众人民有关的;普通的 Of or associated with the great masses of people; common.
该电影明星以自己的名义努力募款帮助洪涝灾民。 The film star lent his name to the efforts to raise money to help the flood victims.
国外游客都想访问一下缆车的终点站——渔民之埠。 Fisherman's Wharf, a place all foreigners want to see, is at the end of the ride.
该地区的农民不得不在这块贫瘠的土地上挣扎谋生。 The farmers in this area have to struggle to wrest a living from the infertile soil.
制造歧视妇女和少数民族的人为障碍;人为的经济繁荣 Set up artificial barriers against women and minorities; an artificial economic boom.
他在他们的眼光里是坍台了;他在贫民前面丢了体面和地位。 He was degraded in their eyes; he had lost caste and station before the very paupers.
亚伯拉罕·林肯,这位美国人民所爱戴的总统,与人民群众的联系始终很密切。 Abraham Lincoln, the president loved by American people was always close to the people.
基督教加尔文派教义中上帝没有指明该诅咒的人,只决定了自己的选民 The Calvinist doctrine that God neglected to designate those who would be damned, positively determining only the elect.
梅伦格舞起源于多米尼加和海地民间的一种适合在舞厅跳的交际舞,以滑步为特征 A ballroom dance of Dominican and Haitian folk origin, characterized by a sliding step.
警察局说该局反对非执法人员私自执法,可是辖区警员及当地居民对该[警卫]公司的策略颇感兴趣。 The Police Department says it opposes vigilante justice, but officers on the beat and neighborhood residents say they are enthusiastic about the company's tactics.
纳闽岛马来西亚婆罗洲东北海岸的一座岛屿。有一段时期曾为英国的直辖殖民地(1848年以后),1963年成为马来西亚的一部分 An island of Malaysia off the northeast coast of Borneo. At one time a British crown colony(after1848), it became part of Malaysia in1963.
民事的,民法的关于个人隐私权及相关于这些权利的法律诉讼程序的,区别于刑事的、军事的或国际的条例或诉讼程序 Relating to the rights of private individuals and legal proceedings concerning these rights as distinguished from criminal, military, or international regulations or proceedings.
甘地,穆罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德1869-1948印度民族主义者和精神领袖,推动了非暴力不抵抗运动并迫使英国于1947年允许印度独立,被一个印度教狂热分子暗杀 Indian political leader who served as prime minister(1966-1977) and(1980-1984). She was assassinated by Sikh extremists.
将近一万名西方平民(多半是英国人和美国人)躲藏在被占领的科威特城。如果萨达姆能如愿,使他们落在他手里,他们将被指定为活靶,难逃浩劫。 Nearly10, 000 Western civilians, mostly British and American, are holed up in captured Kuwait City. If Saddam gets his hands on them, as he intends to, they are to be designated human targets and doomed.
海涅,亨利希1797-1856德国作家,自1831年之后生活在巴黎。他的浪漫主义诗歌及社会论文充满了他对自己祖国土地和人民的热爱,对众多德国现代研究机构的嘲笑 German writer who lived in Paris after1831. His romantic poems and social essays are marked by his love for the German land and people and derision for many modern German institutions.
不受以往辩论形式的拘束,副总统奎尔和民主党的戈尔穷追不舍互相猛烈攻击。结果双方对抗始终活泼生动,常有战斗意味,有进则风度欠佳。 Freed from the constraints of the traditional debate format, Vice President Quayle and Democrat Al Gore went after each other with a vengeance, creating a confrontation that was always lively, often combative, occasionally mean-spirited.
经过特别警告巴格达不得在伊拉克任何地方使用毒气和作战飞机(这些警告鼓励了少数民族叛变)以后,当伊拉克继续用作战直升机对付叛军时,布什却半途而废未加制止。 After having pointedly warned Baghdad not to use poison gas or combat aircraft anywhere in Iraq, warnings that had encouraged the rebellion, Mr.Bush pulled up short when Iraq continued to fly combat helicopters against the insurgents.
麦迪逊美国威斯康星州首府,位于该州的中南部,密尔沃基的西边。它于1836年被选定作为该州的首府并在同年移民于此。威斯康星大学(建于1848年)的主要部分就在这里。人口191,262 The capital of Wisconsin, in the south-central part of the state west of Milwaukee. It was chosen as territorial capital in1836 and settled the same year. The main branch of the University of Wisconsin(founded1848) is here. Population, 191,262.
不过,任何解决[苏联经济失调]办的法都受到权力危机的影响,在改革与开放,经济与政治之间产生一种自相矛盾僵持不下的情况:任何振兴经济的办法不过煽起民众的忿怒并损及政府威信而已。 Any solution [to Soviet economic malaise], however, is hostage to the crisis of authority, creating a catch-22 stalemate between perestroika and glasnost, between economics and politics: any measure to shore up the economy only fans public anger and reduces the authority of the Government.