
1 New HSK word(s): HSK3 比赛 + bi3sai4 competition (sports etc); match; CL:场/场chang3,次ci4
1 Old HSK word(s): A v;n * bi3sai4 match/ competition/ game



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Grade E word(s):

比赛 [bi3 sai4] Match, Wettkampf (S, Sport)

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天气的变化打乱了我们体育比赛的时间表。 The change of the weather has mucked up our sports timetable.
他们试图预测这场足球比赛的结果。 They tried to forecast the result of the football match.
尽管我们尽了全力,我们还是输掉了比赛。 Despite all our efforts we still lost the game.
这位冠军为了下一场比赛正在进行训练。 The champion is in training for his next fight.
我们可以以2比零或2比1赢得这三局两胜的比赛. We can win the rubber 2 games to nil or 2-1.
他们的足球队在昨天的比赛中表现突出。 Their football team performed very well in the match yesterday.
英格兰队如果不改进打法, 就会输掉这场比赛. Unless England improve their game they're going to lose the match.
他在昨晚的比赛中独得了48分。 He made 48 baskets in the game last night.
必须对那些专在足球比赛时打架的社会渣滓严加惩处! These scum who fight at the football matches must be severely dealt with!
哲瑞米是初出茅庐,所以我们并不指望他在这次比赛中表现得很好。 Jeremy's just being blooded, so we don't expect him to be very good at the game.
我已报名参加跳高比赛. I've entered for the high jump.
比赛因天气不好只得取消。 The match had to be cancelled because of bad weather.
不论下不下雨,比赛照常举行。 Rain or shine, the game will be held as scheduled.
昨天下雨了, 结果比赛被取消。 It rained yesterday and in consequence the match was canceled.
由于下雨,取消了比赛。 Owing to the rain, the match was cancelled.
他留着劲在比赛结束时用。 He saved his strength for the end of the race.
由于他的参与,我们赢了比赛。 We win the game because of his participation.
他鼓起全部的勇气参加比赛。 He mustered all his courage to take part in the game.
这些队在各自参加了一场比赛后不分胜负。 The teams are all square at one match each.
那个有名的运动员已经没有优势赢得那场比赛了。 The famous athlete had no vantage to win the game.
下星期,他将要参加一场国际象棋比赛。 He will take part in a chess tournament next week.
戴着皮护手套的摩托车手们正在等待比赛开始。 Motorcyclists with leather gauntlets are waiting for the start of the game.
比赛结果使双方皆大欢喜。 Everyone of the two sides is happy at the result of the match.
姑不论胜负, 这场比赛想必十分精彩. Win or lose, it should be a very good match.
大群的观众到场观看比赛。 A vast crowd turned out to watch the match.
我在比赛前把手表交妻子保管. Before the game I gave my watch to my wife for safe keeping.
将通过电台转播这场比赛的实况解说。 A running commentary on the match will be broadcast over the radio.
比赛後我浑身疼痛. I'm aching all over after the match.
`黑寡妇'马下一场比赛赢定了. Black Widow is a (dead) cert for (ie is sure to win) the next race.
主队以悬殊比分垂手赢得(这场比赛的)胜利. The local team won (the match) hands down.
足球比赛中恣意闹事现在已经达到愈演愈烈的地步。 Football hooliganism is now reaching epidemic proportions.
比赛是如此令人兴奋,以致我把即将来临的期末考忘得一乾二净。 So exciting was the game that I forgot all about the coming finals.
老天爷好像成心捉弄人,很多人前来看比赛却偏偏下起瓢泼大雨。 Ironically, most people came to watch the match on the day it poured with rain.
专门小组聚在一起策划或讨论一个问题、裁判一场比赛或在无线电台或电视台小测验节目中充当一个队的一群人 A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue, judge a contest, or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program.
他让他的马退出了比赛。 He withdrew his horse from the race.
比赛因雨延期。 The game was put off because of rain.
这场比赛我们务必获胜. We desperately need a result from this match.
预计他在比赛中会轻易获胜。 He is expected to win the game with ease.
这匹马在比赛中没有取得名次。 The horse finished up nowhere in the race.
我的车轮子在汽车比赛中途脱掉了。 My wheel twisted off in the middle of the car race.
比赛中的马临近终点时拉开了距离。 The horse is stringing out towards the end of the race.
那个德国姑娘在100米比赛中刷新了自己以往最好的成绩. The German girl improved on her previous best performance in the 100 metres.
半场某些体育比赛被划分成两个阶段,其中之一被称为半场 One of the two playing periods into which certain games are divided.
预赛,选拔赛确定比赛资格的预备竞赛或测试,如在体育运动中 A preliminary competition or test to determine qualifications, as in a sport.
我喜欢观看田径比赛。 I like to watch field and track events.
发起人安排这位年轻的拳击选手同一位更老练的拳击手比赛。 The promoters matched the young boxer with a more skillful fighter.
他在比赛中坚持跑完了全程,不像大部分选手那样半途而废。 He managed to finish the race, unlike more than half of the competitors.
奥运会是举世瞩目的体育比赛。 The Olympic Games commands the attention of the world.
太阳队在第一轮比赛中被淘汰了。 The Sun Team was washed out in the first round.
我们队在这次比赛的预赛中遭淘汰。 Our team got beaten in the preliminary rounds of the competition.
政府拟采取措施严禁在足球比赛中闹事。 The Government intends to clamp down on soccer hooliganism.
她在比赛的第一轮比赛中遭淘汰. She went out in the first round of the tournament/went out of the tournament in the first round.
因为那些野蛮的助威者,足球比赛不得不暂停。 The football march had to be paused because of the barbaric supporters.
比赛结束前十分钟罗布森上场替代威尔金斯. Robson came on in place of Wilkins ten minutes before the end of the game.
标枪一种用于投掷距离的比赛的金属的或带金属尖端的长矛,长约2。5米 A metal or metal-tipped spear, about 2.5 meters in length, used in contests of distance throwing.
他在足球比赛结束以後受到一帮暴徒的殴打。 He is done over by a gang of thug after a football match.
曼彻斯特联队在一场友谊比赛中击败了凯尔特队。 Manchester United beat Celtic in a friendly.
场后围栏用于阻止球被投出或打出比赛场地的一种屏障或栅栏,如在棒球比赛中 A screen or fence used to prevent a ball from being thrown or hit far out of a playing area, as in baseball.
链球由重16磅(7。2千克)的金属球和一条长链或木把手组成,人手持链端或把手在田径比赛中将其投远以争高低 A metal ball weighing16 pounds(7.2 kilograms) and having a long wire or wooden handle by which it is thrown for distance in track-and-field competition.