
1 New HSK word(s): HSK2 + mei3 each; every
2 Old HSK word(s): A pron * mei3 every/ each/ per/ every time B Adv * mei3 each/ per


Mỗi +
Grade E word(s):
每次 每当 每逢 每隔 每况愈下 每年 每人 每日 每天 每月
每 [mei3] je, prooft, wiederholtjeder (jede, jedes) (Pron)

Häufigkeit: 68.11 Komposita

我每晚洗澡. I bath every night.
我每天早上刮脸. I shave every morning.
每个人都是注定要死的。 Everyone is doomed to die.
每个母亲都爱她的孩子。 Every mother has affection for her children.
每个学生发了一本课本。 Each student was issued with a textbook.
我们每个星期四下午开会。 We have meetings every Thursday afternoon.
爸爸每天早上走路去上班。 Father walks to his office every morning.
父亲每晚都坐在同一张椅子上, Father sits in the same chair every evening.
她每举办舞会,总喜欢搞得很排场。 If ever she gives a party she likes to do it in style.
他每天早晨花两个小时练习赛跑。 Every morning he spent two hours training for the race.
我们每年举行一次大学校友联欢会。 We hold an annual reunion of former students of the college.
他每次来电话时, 我好像总是正在洗澡. Every time he phones I always seem to be in the bath.
那青年通过每天给那女子送花而向她求爱。 The young man courted the young lady by bring her flowers every day.
我们每星期工作五天, 每星期六和星期日休息。 We work five days a week and have every Saturday and Sunday off.
我妹妹认为,她能极力说服父亲提高她每月的零用钱。 My younger sister thinks she can argue Father into increasing her monthly pocket money.
会议每年举行一次。 The meeting is held yearly.
她给孩子们每人一美元。 She gave the boys a dollar apiece.
她每月都存一点儿钱. She sets aside a bit of money every month.
并不是每个人都喜欢这本书。 Not everyone likes this book.
要满足每一个人绝非易事。 It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone.
请于每段第一行缩格书写。 Please indent the first line of each paragraph.
我妹妹每周去一次美容院。 My sister goes to a beauty parlour once a week.
他每次度假都会带他的狗去。 He never goes on a vacation but he takes his pet dog.
本市每年举行一次夏季音乐节。 This city has a music festival every summer.
每个人都是自己命运的创造者。 Everyone is the architect of his own fortune.
这家饭店除星期一外, 每天都营业. The restaurant is open every day except Monday.
我们的假日过得好无聊,每天都下雨。 We had a mouldy holiday - it rained every day.
我每天至少要把厨房地板擦洗一次。 I have to mop the kitchen floor at least once a day.
把你的名字填写在每页上端的括号内。 Put your name in brackets at the top of each page.
我很忙,所以不得不中断每周的访问。 I'm so busy that I have to discontinue weekly visits.
他们对办理的每项业务收取一定的费用。 They charge a fixed rate for each transaction.
一如既往,我们将继续每星期四开会。 We will continue to hold meetings on Thursdays, as heretofore.
法语教师每隔一周给这班学生做一次听写。 The French teacher dictates to the class every other week.
这位教师要使班里的每一个人都弄懂课文。 The teacher makes sure that everyone in the class understands the text.
我每天早晨吃一碗麦片粥。 I have a bowl of cereal every morning.
每年春天河水把山谷淹没。 Every spring the river floods the valley.
他们标明每艘船的新位置。 They plotted the new position of each vessel.
这些树是每隔20英尺栽种一棵的. The trees were planted at 20 ft intervals.
每周六琴在村里的公用草地上骑马。 Every Saturday Jean went riding on the village common.
这个勤奋的学生每天天亮以前就起床了。 The diligent student gets up before dawn every day.
我对发生的每件事的细枝末节都记得清清楚楚。 I had remembered in minute detail everything that had happened.
因为地震,每天飞往这个城市的航班暂停了。 The daily flight to the city has been temporarily suspended because of the earthquake.
我愿借此机会感谢每一位为这个项目辛勤工作的人。 I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.
飞机以每小时900公里的速度飞行。 The airplane flies at 900 kilometers an hour.
牧师每星期二作履行神职的访问。 The priest makes pastoral visits every Tuesday.
每次她动一下腿,就发出一声呻吟。 Each time she moved her leg, she let out a moan.
他向每一个愿意听的人抱怨他的不幸。 He moaned about his misfortunes to anyone who would listen.
汤姆每次转身都把被子往他那边再拉一些。 Every time Tom rolled over he pulled more of the bedclothes to his side.
做试验前,老师给我们每个人发了一张滤纸。 The teacher gave each of us a piece of filter paper before doing the experiment.
中央C音相当於每秒钟振动256次. Middle C is equivalent to 256 vibrations per second.
作者从每本卖出的书中可得10%的版税。 The writer gets a 10% royalty on each copy sold of his book.
刘师傅把每道工序做给我们看,然后让我们自己干。 Master Liu demonstrated to us each process, and let us do it ourselves.
松鼠,啮齿类动物的代表;举例介绍每一个生词的用法 The squirrel, an example of a rodent; introduced each new word with examples of its use.
每个人都有自己的名字. Each man has his own name.
他每次来信都向你问候. He always asks after you in his letters.
图书馆每周五对读者开放。 The library is open to readers on every Friday.
每逢下雨屋顶就漏雨. The roof leaks whenever it rains.
每周配给我们两个鸡蛋。 We were rationed to two eggs a week.
每个人都应该遵守法律。 Everyone should comply with the law.
每天晚上他都埋头读书. In the evenings he buries himself in his books.
我的儿子每晚都去上补习班。 My son go to cram school every evening.
我国每四年一次人口普查。 The census is taken one time every four years in our country.
这项工程对每个人都大有好处。 This project is of great benefit to everyone.
我们每年给三个研究生的奖学金. We give three research fellowships a year.
士兵们为争夺每一寸土地而斗争。 The soldiers contested every inch of ground.
每个人都必须遵守这条政府法令。 Everyone should obey the government ordinance.
拥有世界冠军是我们每个公民的骄傲。 It's a civic pride to have a champion.
教师给我们每个人都分配了假日的工作. The teacher has assigned each of us a holiday task.
每月都从运河中打捞出几辆旧汽车来. Several old cars are fished out (of the canal) every month.
你应很好利用宝贵的每一分钟去学习。 You should make good use of every precious minute to study.
他每次外出都会顺道去那家书店待一会儿。 He never goes out but he drops in at that bookstore.
他下决心每天要读一小时有益读物。 He made a resolution to read something profitable for one hour every day.
每个星期五下班后,他去看望年迈的父母。 He comes to visit his aged parents after work on every Friday.
他总是用这样得方式说话,所以每个人都讨厌他。 He always talks in such a way that everyone dislikes him.
我们每人各据一间小小的办公室,与其他人分隔开。 Each of us is boxed off( from the others)in his own little office.
伙食费方式是每人20美元,吃五顿早餐和四顿晚餐。 The meal plan be20 dollars each for five breakfast and four supper.
我没来得及把每件事都安排好, 因此心里七上八下的. I haven't had time to arrange everything, so I'm all at sixes and sevens.
那老太太每天去买报纸, 不多时便觉乐在其中, 因为她主要是想和店主聊天. For the old lady buying the daily newspaper soon became an end in itself, since she really just wanted to chat with the shopkeeper.
土豆每磅20便士. Potatoes are 20 pence a pound.
我每月的收入是200多磅。 My monthly income was just over 200 pounds.
这个港口每年货物吞吐量达1亿吨. This port handles 100 million tons of cargo each year.
旅馆中的每个房间都有一个单独浴室。 Every room in the hotel has a private bathroom.
医生告诉他每天饭前吃两片阿斯匹林。 The doctor told him to take two tablets of aspirin before every meal.
他们与雇主达成的协议是他们在工资方面降低要求, 但每周工时要缩短. The bargain they reached with their employers was to reduce their wage claim in return for a shorter working week.
每个人有一对肾脏。 Each man has a pair of kidneys.
每一星系都有无数的恒星. Each galaxy contains myriads of stars.
我们的薪金每年会自动增长。 We get an automatic increase in pay every year.
他每逢圣诞节都宣讲同一教旨. He preaches the same sermon every Christmas.
划龙舟时每个人都拿着一枝桨。 In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar.
罗马每年要接待数以百万计的游客. Rome welcomes millions of visitors each year.
这个芭蕾舞女演员的每一个动作都很优美。 All the moves of the ballerina were graceful.
在市区线以内车速不能超过每小时35英里 Cars cannot exceed35 miles per hour within city limits.
根据你的合同,你每年有十五天的带薪假期。 According to your contract, you get 15 days' paid holiday a year.
他们不仅抢夺你的财物,还要把每样东西都捣毁。 Not only do they rob you, they smash everything too.
60岁以上的人的锻炼时间减低到每日十分钟. The period of exercise was geared down to ten minutes a day for men over 60.
我们学校同最近的一家商店每月订购50盒粉笔。 Our school contracted with the nearest shop for50 boxes of chalk a month.
他虽然啃着苹果,但却很留神地监视着她的每一个动作。 Munching the apple as he was, he had an eye for all her movements.
旅馆的单人房间的价钱每天从20美元到50美元不等。 The tariff at the hotel ranges from 20 dollars to 50 dollars a day for a single room.
月亮每28天绕地球一圈. The moon circles the earth every 28 days.
《每日回声报》拥有读者逾一千万人。 The Daily Echo has a readership of over ten million.
每个男人都有他的用处,每个女人都有她的藉口。 Every man has his uses, and every woman her excuses.
每一个演员在临到开始表演之前都会心惊“腿”震。 Every actor has cold feet just before the beginning of a show.
同函奉上55美元书款支票一张,外加每册14分邮费在内。请查收。 I am enclosing a cheque for$55.00 which covers the cost of the book plus the postage charge of14 cents a volume.
里根先生将近2兆联邦及贸易负债(亦即每户3万元)将是经济成长的绊脚石。 Mr.Reagan's nearly$2 trillion in Federal and trade debt(or$30, 000 per family) will be a ball and chain around the neck of economic growth.
这个凡人叫阿拉喀涅,她有一手非凡的纺织和刺绣本领,每当这位少女干活儿时就连林中和喷泉中的神女们也都拥来观看。 That mortal was Arachne, a maiden who had attained such skill in the arts of weaving and embroidery that the nymphs themselves would leave their groves and fountains to come and gaze upon her work.
合伙契约两个人或多个人签订的法律契约,每个人都同意为一个商业实体出一部分资金和劳力,从而每个人都可分享固定比例的一部分利润和承担固定比例的一部分损失 A legal contract entered into by two or more persons in which each agrees to furnish a part of the capital and labor for a business enterprise, and by which each shares a fixed proportion of profits and losses.
他每天大便两次。 He goes to stool twice a day.
每星期我去游泳两次。 Twice weekly I go swimming.
我努力想听清他讲课讲的每一字每一句。 I tried hard not to lose a word of his lecture.
糕饼每块20便士. The cakes are 20p each.
并非每一对夫妻都相称。 Every couple is not pair.
植树是每个公民的义务。 It's our civic duty to plant trees.
我尽量去拜访每一位女士。 I was all for calling on each of these ladies.
学生们每天轮流打扫教室。 The students clean the classroom everyday in turn.
灯塔每一分钟发出两次信号。 The lighthouse flashes signals twice a minute.
他每次将一粒花生扔进嘴里。 He tossed the peanuts into his mouth one at a time.
别再为我们花的每个小钱费心思了. Stop niggling about every penny we spend.
不要灰心,每个人都有转运的一天。 Don't lose your hope, every dog has his day.
每个零件在装配前都经过仔细检查. Each component is carefully checked before assembly.
我妹妹每天都吃天然食品,但是我不吃。 My sister eats natural foods every day, but I don't.
该代理机构每年可为约2000名秘书安排工作. The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum.
现代社会的每个人都面临着激烈的竞争。 Everyone in modern society faces the keen competition.
我深信每个人都是靠出卖什么东西生活的。 I am convinced(that) everyone lives by selling something.
他分别审查每一证据。 He examined each piece of evidence in isolation.
每一排瓦都搭在下面的一排上. Each row of tiles laps the one below.
安全驾驶之规则适用于每个人。 The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.
我挣的每一便士都是辛苦工作得来的。 I have had to work for every single penny I earned.
我享受医疗待遇,每年才交一块钱。 I only pay one yuan a year for all the medical care I get.
政府对每包香烟额外提价十便士. The Government has clapped an extra ten pence on a packet of cigarettes.
双拍子的每小节含有两拍或偶数拍的 Consisting of two or a multiple of two beats to the measure.
我每天打壁球,一个星期体重减轻了十磅。 I sweated off ten pounds in a week by playing squash every day.
一个人的第一个印象是,每个人都是匆忙的。 One's first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush.
每当谈到我开车违章判罪问题时,我妻子忍不住要以此事当面责备我。 Every time the subject of my motoring conviction comes up my wife can't help throwing it in my face.
他来回走动着,大骂这场延误事故,因为每耽误一分钟都在消耗他的钱财。 He was walking to and fro swearing at the delay which was costing him so much money every minute.
聚合物许多天然和人工合成的化合物中的任一种,通常具高分子的重量,包含最多可达上百万个的彼此重复且相连的单位,每一个单位都是一个相对较轻和较简单的分子 Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule.
缴纳租金以每季度末为期限。 The rent is due at the end of each quarter.
我们每 月要付300英镑抵押贷款. We're paying out 300 a month on our mortgage.
乐队的每个成员都必须跟着拍子演奏。 Every member of the band must follow the beat.
邮车每周只到这个偏僻的村庄一次。 Mail comes to this remote village only once a week.
由于酗酒,迈克尔谋职时每次都遭拒绝。 Because of his drinking, Michael was refused a job at every turn.
她所说的每一件事都体现了信仰和行动的完美和谐。 There was a happy chime of belief and practice in everything she said.
她对每一个建议都不接受,只是双肩一耸,眉毛一抬了事。 She brushed off every suggestion with a shrug and raised eyebrows.
我们每人凑2英镑, 让约翰去给大家买吃的. We each put 2 in the kitty, and then sent John to buy food for everybody.
他告诉我说中央C音相当于每秒振动256次。 He told me that middle C is equivalent to 256 vibrations per second.
在乾旱时, 每天有几小时停止供应自来水. The water was turned off for several hours a day during the drought.
她的学费是每学期440英镑, 音乐和舞蹈课另外收费. Her school fees are 440 a term; music and dancing are extras.
每年都有一些修这门速成课的学生觉得课程负担太重而于圣诞节前辍学的。 In any year some of the students on this crash course find the pace too hot for them and drop out before Christmas.
偿清了欠债之后,他长久以来一直在每个圣诞节寄给我20美元钱。他这是为了表达他的感激之情啊! He kept on sending me$20 every Christmas long after his debt was paid. That's gratitude for you!
说到网络,它们都有一个网址,“site”指的是一个场所,而网址就是每一台上网电脑所在的地址。 And on the Web, there are Websites. A"site" is a place, and so a Website. And each site had its address.
每次使用时,必须先使其中某些部分(诸如地址等)完备起来或详加规定才能运行的一组指令。 A set of instructions in which some parts such as addresses must be completed or specified in detail each time the set is used.
光度视网膜亮度单位,相当于每平方米有一烛光亮度的表面,通过一平方毫米的瞳孔区域,到达视网膜的光线数量 A unit of retinal illumination, equal to the amount of light that reaches the retina through 1 square millimeter of pupil area from a surface having a brightness of 1 candela per square meter.
我想他在讲演中所要说的每个问题,对你来说,都可能是老生常谈,但是,因为我不是人类学家,我倒觉得它趣味横生,资料丰富哩。 I dare say anything he had to say in the lecture would have been old stuff to you but since I'm not an anthropologist I found it very interesting and informative.
每人都有自己的长处和短处。 Everyone has his own strong and weak points.
每一种教条都必定自有其得意之时。 Every dogma must have its day.
他每两年有一次探亲假。 He gets home leave every two years.
每个人都有苦难需要承受. We all have our crosses to bear.
每张床的尾端放有备用毛毯. Spare blankets lay at the foot of each bed.
喜讯传遍了祖国的每个角落。 The good news spread to every corner of the country.
中国菜在每一方面都是精美的。 Everything about Chinese food is refined.
文件每日存取, 使之不断更新. The files were accessed every day to keep them up to date.
每一种规则都有例外。 There is no rule but has exceptions. (=There is no rule that doesn't have exceptions.)
我总是每天一早就仔细查阅我的邮件. I always start the day by going through my mail.
每年都要花费大量金钱在烟草上。 A high amount of money is spent on tobacco every year.
我们现在邮购业务是每周期1,200美元。 Our mail orders are now running at$1, 200 a week.
这所学校每年招收六十名男女新生. The school admits sixty new boys and girls every year.
每年都要花费大量金钱在广告上。 A large amount of money is spent on advertisements every year.
要闹清楚每个习惯用语的意思是不容易的。 It is no easy thing to get at the meaning of every idiom.
双方并非在每一点上意见都一致, 但已达成和解. The two sides failed to agree on every point but came to an accommodation.
人性就是这样,所以在场的每个人都感动得流下眼泪。 Such is human nature that everybody present was moved to tears.
每次创建或更改一个条目时,会自动按字母顺序排列。 It is automatically alphabetized every time an entry is created or changed.
每个阶级或等级上的人有为比它高一级的阶级或高一层次的人尽责任的社会。 Society where each class or level have a duty to serve the class above it.
交错书写方法一种古代的书写方法,其中每一行交替地自右至左和自左至右书写 An ancient method of writing in which the lines are inscribed alternately from right to left and from left to right.
智者并非每一件事都懂。 A wise man doesn't know everything.
这项裁决并非对每人都公正. The ruling was not fair to everyone.
现在每个人都想要尽快发财致富。 Everyone is trying to get rich quick nowadays.
他每次买汽油都记在报销帐目上. Whenever he buys petrol, he puts it on his expense account.
他非常仔细, 把每一个细节都核对过了。 He was careful enough to check up every detail.
允许你每月从帐户中提取两次存款. You are allowed to make two withdrawals a month from the account.
我每天尽量腾出一些时间锻炼一下身体. I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises.
惊险故事连载每一集都在悬念中结束的情节剧连载 A melodramatic serial in which each episode ends in suspense.
每逢他晚归, 妻子总要追问他晚上到哪里去了. Whenever he comes in late his wife cross-examines him about where he's spent the evening.
票据交换结算总额票据交换所中每天进行的交易总额 The total of claims presented daily at a clearing-house.
低音的与一相对少量的每秒钟音波周期相对应的低音的 Having a pitch corresponding to a relatively small number of sound-wave cycles per second.
人生是一所病院,每一个住院患者都一心想换自己的床。 Life is a hospital in which every patient is possessed by the desire to change his bed.
串联一系列部件或网络,其中每个部件的输出传递到下一个的输入 A series of components or networks, the output of each of which serves as the input for the next.
新牧师访问了他教堂所属的各个家庭的每个成员,以便更好地了解他们。 The new minister called on each of the families of his church in order to become better acquainted with them.
为保证设备的正常运转,每个品目都应包括一套标准定额的附件和专用工具。 Every item shall include a standard complement of accessories and special tools to ensure the normal operation.
验证协议的程序,它从一个给定的初始状态机械地产生出一切可以到达的状态,并且审查每一状态下用户定义的条件的有效性。 A program for protocol verification which mechanically generates all states reachable from a given initial state and checks the validity of user defined conditions in each state.
她每天早晨都梳辫子. She braids her hair every morning.
他的粗鲁的举止使每个人震惊。 His coarse manners shocked everyone.
平均每天被窃取的货物价值为15英镑。 On average, 15 worth of goods is stole every day.
我的房东要挟说要把每周租金提高10英镑. My landlord's threatening to put the rent up by 10 a week.
抽头扑克牌戏中每一次赌注的一部分凑集成的钱 A fund made up of a portion of each pot in a poker game.
我的项链有一个心形的垂饰,但我并非每天都戴他。 My necklace has a heart pendant, but I don't wear it everyday.
每个人都埋怨自己的记忆力,却无人埋怨自己的判断力。 Everyone complain of his memory, no one of his judgement.
每一处农庄都有大批购买来的和配给的仆人从事开垦荒地。 For its rough cultivation each estate had a multitude of hand—of purchased and assigned servants.
驱邪仪式古罗马每五年普查人口后对全体国民进行的净化仪式 A ceremonial purification of the entire ancient Roman population after the census every five years.
这种日历现在与季节基本保持一致,尽管每年仍有26秒钟的误差。 The calendar now nearly keeps in step with the season, although there is still on error of26 season, per year
函数两组元素一一对应的规则,第一组中的每个元素在第二组中只有唯一的对应量 A rule of correspondence between two sets such that there is a unique element in the second set assigned to each element in the first set.
描述逻辑函数的一种表,表中列出输入值的全部可能组合,并列出与每种输入组合相对应的实际的输出值。 A table that describes a logic function by listing all possible combinations of input values and indicating, for each combination, the true output values.
分期付的款可於每月最後一日交付. Instalments are payable on the last day of the month.
该报每周刊登一篇关於一个优秀运动员的简介。 The newspaper publish a profile of a leading sportsman every week.
消耗量就是以每小时加仑表示的所耗费的燃料总数。 Consumption is the total amount of fuel consumed expressed in gallons per hour.
让每一个渴望名声的人捡他自己(喜欢)的式样的内裤去吧。 Let every man who pants for fame select his own style of pants and go ahead.
我们每个人都以其独特的、有局限性的判断标准来看待这个问题。 Each of us views the problem from his particular and limited frame of reference.
那音乐老师每星期来两次,为的是填补多罗西与萧邦之间的一大段空白。 The music teacher came twice each week to bridge the awful gap between Dorothy and Chopin.
技术规范中叙述了每台设备或全部设备所需的附件、专用工具和消耗件。 Accessories, special tools and expendable required with each unit or totally are described in the technical specification.
坐在窗边的那个老家伙不太引人注目—人们记不起他是什么时候开始就每天晚上光顾这家酒吧。 That old fellow by the window is part of the furniture—he's been coming in this pub every night for longer than anyone can remember.
贝西奖一种自1984年以来每年由“纽约市舞蹈剧院创作室”颁发的奖项,为在舞蹈和表演艺术方面取得的成就而设立 An award given annually since1984 by the Dance Theater Workshop in New York City for achievement in dance and the performing arts.
人生是一种考验,而这个世界就是考场。每一代都要面对一些问题--可能是相同的问题--只不过问题的形式不同。 Life is a test and this world a place of trial. Always the problems- or it may be the same problem will be presented to every generation in different forms.
据悉,在审理戈蒂时,格拉瑟对联邦调查局、检察官、被告律师以及媒体毫不客气。他打了好几通电话给塞申斯,要他必须查出《每日新闻》的消息来源。 Glasser, who rode roughshod over the FBI, prosecutors, defense lawyers and the press during the Gotti trial, made a series of telephone calls to Sessions demanding that the sources for The News story be found, sources said.
减去食物与能源的费用以后——这两项每月可能大幅变动——成品制造价格指数仍以略快的速度攀升百分零点四,相形之下,四月份仅上升零点二。 After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April.
利用多次垂直扫描来重显一幅完整图象的扫描技术。电视中使用2:1的交错率,即每帧分两场,垂直扫描两次,一场扫描奇数行,另一场扫描偶数行。 In scanning, the technique of using more than one vertical scan to reproduce a complete image. In television, 2:1 interlace is used, giving two vertical scans(fields) per frame; one field scans odd lines, and one field scans the even lines of the frame.
"父母们所了不解的是,脂肪提供非常宝贵的热量,并且每个细胞都需要脂肪和胆固醇才能生长,"她说。"胆固醇的名声太坏,我们从来看不到它好的一面,但是它对孩童,尤其两岁以下的,极为重要。" "What parents don't understand is that fat provides very valuable calories and that every cell needs fat and cholesterol to grow, " she said. "Cholesterol has gotten such bad press that we never see it in a good light, but it is essential for children, especially those under2."