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他每次来电话时, 我好像总是正在洗澡. Every time he phones I always seem to be in the bath.
他每次度假都会带他的狗去。 He never goes on a vacation but he takes his pet dog.
每次她动一下腿,就发出一声呻吟。 Each time she moved her leg, she let out a moan.
汤姆每次转身都把被子往他那边再拉一些。 Every time Tom rolled over he pulled more of the bedclothes to his side.
他每次来信都向你问候. He always asks after you in his letters.
他每次外出都会顺道去那家书店待一会儿。 He never goes out but he drops in at that bookstore.
他每次将一粒花生扔进嘴里。 He tossed the peanuts into his mouth one at a time.
由于酗酒,迈克尔谋职时每次都遭拒绝。 Because of his drinking, Michael was refused a job at every turn.
每次使用时,必须先使其中某些部分(诸如地址等)完备起来或详加规定才能运行的一组指令。 A set of instructions in which some parts such as addresses must be completed or specified in detail each time the set is used.
每次创建或更改一个条目时,会自动按字母顺序排列。 It is automatically alphabetized every time an entry is created or changed.
他每次买汽油都记在报销帐目上. Whenever he buys petrol, he puts it on his expense account.