
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 母亲 + mu3qin1 mother; also pr.mu3 qin5; CL:个/个ge4
1 Old HSK word(s): A N * mu3qin1 mother (used in written Chinese)



Mẹ +
Grade E word(s):
母亲 [mu3 qin5] Mutter (S)

Häufigkeit: 37.87 Komposita

我母亲已经五十岁了。 My mother is fifty years old.
每个母亲都爱她的孩子。 Every mother has affection for her children.
她母亲去世对她是个沉重的打击。 It was a great blow to her when her mother died.
她渴望摆脱母亲的操纵. She longed to escape from her mother's domination.
他不听母亲的劝告,参加了那次聚会。 He disobeyed his mother and went to the party.
我的母亲因我撒谎而愤怒。 My mother was wrathful with my lying.
孩子喂饱后不哭不闹的满足状使疲惫的母亲很满意。 The quiet contentment of a well-fed child satisfied the tired mother.
我母亲是一位教师。 My mother is a teacher.
那位母亲生产顺利。 The mother had an easy delivery.
母亲昨天补了一床被子。 Mother pieced a quilt yesterday.
她紧紧拥抱著她的母亲。 She gave her mother an affectionate hug.
她因母亲偷看她的日记而生气。 She was angry for her mother's peeping at her diary.
母亲死后,我收到许多安慰信。 I got many letters of consolation when my mother died.
不是父亲而是母亲出席此一仪式。 Not father but mother was present at the ceremony.
他对他的母亲的敬爱给了我深刻的印象。 He pressed me profound in his respecting and loving to his mother.
简伸长脖子张望,在人群中找她的母亲。 Jane craned her neck to look for her mother in the crowd.
你离家不归, 你母亲极为伤心. Your mother is very grieved by your refusal to return home.
他的母亲已经把他训练成循规蹈矩的人。 His mother has trained him to be a very proper young man.
那个小男孩在他母亲身边跳跳蹦蹦地往前走。 The little boy skipped along at his mother's side.
他一走了之,而让他的母亲为他的赌债发愁。 He took a powder and left his mother to worry about his gambling debts.
还好。顺便问一下,你母亲怎么样?她好吗? Not bad. By the way, how is your mother? Is she all right?
自从我们看望你母亲以来到现在有多长时间了? How long is it since we visited your mother?
我母亲好些年前讲的故事我都回想得起来。 I can recall stories that my mother told me years ago.
请向您母亲转达我的祝愿。 Please convey my good wishes to your mother.
他因与母亲分离而感到不快。 He was unhappy because of his separation from his mother.
我母亲和我一起向你表示美好的祝愿. Mother joins (with) me in sending you our best wishes.
他这人疑心太重, 连自己的母亲也不相信. He's so suspicious he would distrust his own mother.
母亲总是想把我们的谈话引回到家庭争吵的话题上来。 Mother always tries to lead the conversation back to the family quarrel.
那位年轻的母亲把孩子抱在怀里。 The young mother held the baby to her bosom.
我母亲上星期没有给花园里浇水。 My mother didn't water the garden last week.
母亲设法培养儿子对音乐的兴趣。 The mother tried to foster her son's interest in music.
母亲在白天把她的孩子交托给幼儿园。 The mother gave her child over to the kindergarten during the day.
听到新生儿的哭叫声,倦极了的母亲笑了。 The exhausted mother smiled at the wail of her newborn baby.
连续几个小时她都在唉声叹气,希望能从她母亲那弄点钱。 By sighing away for hours, she hoped to get some money from her mother.
别的男孩都叫汤米娘娘腔的男孩因为没有母亲在旁他就不肯出来玩。 The other boys called Tommy a mama's boy because he wouldn't come out to play unless his mother stayed near him.
惯常想知道自己的孩子在哪里的旧式母亲,如今有了个想知道自己的母亲在哪里的孙子。 The old-time mother who used to wonder where her boy was now has a grandson who wonders where his mother is.
我母亲非常慈祥。 My mother's character is very benign.
这个孤独的孩子渴望母亲的爱抚。 The lonely child is longing for the caress of his mother.
他母亲去世的噩耗使他非常震惊. The news of his mother's death was a terrible shock to him.
玛丽的母亲去世了, 她父亲依然健在. Mary's mother is dead but her father is still alive.
这个贫穷的母亲怅惘地回忆她已经逝去的青春。 The poor mother has wistful reminiscences of her lost youth.
当她母亲回家来告诉她,她的狗已被车辗死时,这个可怜的小姑娘痛哭起来。 The poor little girl cried her heart out when her mother came home and told her that her dog had been run over.
我以为他母亲已去世,幸亏在我寄出吊唁信之前,我碰到了一个那天上午还在医院里见过她母亲的人,他使我避免了这场误会。 I thought his mother had died, but fortunately I met someone who'd actually seen her that morning in the hospital and he set me right before I sent off my letter of sympathy.
他母亲去年去世了. His mother passed away last year.
他非常挂念他有病的母亲。 He is full of concern about his sick mother.
她预见到母亲的一切需要而事先做好安排. She anticipates all her mother's needs.
他请求他母亲答应他去看马戏。 He pleaded with his mother to allow him to go to the circus.
她和母亲坐着轻便双轮马车去购物。 She and her mother got on the gig to go shopping.
我们探望母亲很不是时候--她家里已经来了客人. Our visit was ill-timed my mother had guests already.
母亲打发孩子们赶快去上学,然后就开始干起活来。 The mother hustled the children off to school and started working.
由于这位母亲为儿子照顾得无微不至,把他弄得没什么出息了。 The mother took so much care of her son, that she has make him be good for nothing.
我母亲恰巧那天出去了。 It happened that my mother was out that day.
他最好的乐曲创作灵感来自怀念他的母亲。 His best music was inspired by the memory of his mother.
她的母亲帮她编辫子。 Her mother helped her to plait her hair.
他的放荡的行为使他的母亲极为苦恼。 His wild behavior was a great distress to his mother.
母亲把她那顽皮捣蛋的儿子按在膝盖上揍他。 The mother set her naughty son over her knee and beat him.
那孩子因其母带他回家而生气地捶打著母亲. The child pummelled his mother angrily as she carried him home.
比尔的母亲为比尔所属的俱乐部会员们准备热狗当点心,汤姆的母亲因此说她要招待得更好,除了给你们热狗外,另再加冰淇淋。 Bill's mother gave the boys in Bill's club hot dogs for refreshments, so Tom's mother said that she would go her on better next time by giving them ho dogs and icecream.
他还管他母亲叫“老太婆”呢。 He called his mother"old girl", too.
他为父母亲兴建了一楝新房子。 He has built his parents a new house.
父母亲常会发觉难於跟他们的小孩沟通。 Parents often find it difficult to communicate with their children.
基蒂对我们抚育孩子的方式一向吹毛求疵,但是她当了母亲之后,就开始改变她的腔调了。 Kitty used to be very critical of the way we raised our children, but when she became a mother herself she began to change her tune.
他的妻子琼是一个健壮、浅薄的女人,也是孩子们随和的母亲。当她一听说自己高贵的地位时,便立刻想入非非,暗自打算为她的年轻漂亮的女儿找一个显赫、门当户对的婆家。 And no sooner had Joan, his handsome, shallow-minded wife, the easy-going mother of his many children, heard of her exalted estate than her romantic soul began secretly to devise a brilliant and fitting alliance for her beautiful young daughter.