
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 模仿 + mo2fang3 to imitate; to copy; to emulate; to mimic; model
1 Old HSK word(s): B VA 仿* mo2fang3 copy/ imitate


Giả +
Grade E word(s):

模仿 [mo2 fang3] nachahmen, imitieren, kopieren (V)

Häufigkeit: 8.19 Komposita

他们看着电视里的快步舞并且试图模仿。 They watched jig on TV and tried to imitate.
他的演讲风格是模仿首相的. His style of public speaking is imitative of the prime minister.
这演出纯粹是拙劣的模仿. The performance was an utter mockery.
他非常擅长於模仿朋友的言行. He's very clever at imitating his friends.
汤姆把他叔叔的声音和姿态模仿得惟妙惟肖. Tom mimicked his uncle's voice and gestures perfectly.
在期末联欢会上,学生模仿教师惟妙惟肖令人捧腹。 The students did some marvellous impressions of the teachers at the end-of-term party.