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桌上 [zhuo1 shang5] auf dem Tisch

Häufigkeit: 7.69 Komposita

桌上有两只苹果和一只橘子。 There are two apples and an orange on the table.
桌上有个水果盘。 There is a fruit bowl on the table.
我在他桌上留了张便条。 I leave a note on his desk.
别乱动我桌上的文件。 Don't disturb the paper on my desk.
球从桌上滚下来。 Off the table rolled the ball.
她看到自己办公桌上又是一堆要处理的东西就暗自叫苦. She groaned inwardly as she saw the fresh pile of work on her desk.
在桌上的银相框里有张她丈夫的照片。 In a silver frame on the table there is a photograph of her husband.
他在餐桌上举止粗鲁, 在座的人颇为难堪. His ignorant behaviour at the dinner table caused much embarrassment.
桌上那包糖果对那孩子是个难以抗拒的诱惑. The bag of sweets on the table was too strong a temptation for the child to resist.