
4 New HSK word(s): HSK4 污染 + wu1ran3 pollution; contamination; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 传染 + chuan2ran3 to infect; contagious HSK6 感染 + gan3ran3 infection; to infect; to influence HSK6 + ran3 to dye; to catch (a disease); to acquire (bad habits etc); to contaminate; to add color washes to a painting
6 Old HSK word(s): B VA * wu1ran3 pollute/ contaminate B VA * ran3 dye C N * ran3liao4 dye/ dyestuff C VA * chuan2ran3 infect/ be contagious C VA * yin4ran3 print-dye/ print and dye D VA * gan3ran3 infect


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Grade E word(s):
传染病 传染性 耳濡目染 感染力 浸染 染布 染发 染发水 染色 染色素 染色体 宣染 渲染 一尘不染 扎染 沾染
染 [ran3] abtönen (V)anstecken (V, Med)färben (V)verunreinigen, beschmutzen (V)

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这块布料染的不好。 This piece of cloth has bad coloration.
落日把天空染成金色。 The setting sun gilds the sky.
小男孩的手指让墨水给染脏了。 The little boy stained his fingers with ink.
我们应该使用无烟煤以防止空气污染。 We should use anthracite to avoid air pollution.
这种新的传染病对抗菌素有抗药性。 This new type of infection is resistant to antibiotics.
他对他的选民表现出很有感染力的热情。 He expressed infectious enthusiasm to his voters.
因为污染严重,许多美丽的鱼类正在面临绝种。 Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the severe pollution.
他们这些颠覆性的思想是对我们年轻人的精神污染。 They are contaminating the minds of our young people with these subversive ideas.
工人正在一个大桶里染布。 The worker is dyeing cloth in a vat.
他们只用天然颜料染毛织品。 They used only natural pigments to dye the wool.
油轮沉没了,石油污染了海面。 The tanker sank and the oil polluted the sea.
他的血透过衬衫染污了上衣. The blood soaked through his shirt and stained his jacket.
你最好不要碰这些衣服,好避免传染病。 You'd better not touch these coats to avoid contagion.
这会引起污染,破坏我们的海洋和江河。 It will cause pollution and the destruction of our seas and oceans.
水源污染已经达到危及居民健康的程度。 Pollution of the water supply reached a level pernicious to the health of the population.
我丈夫不允许我染指甲。 My husband doesn't allow me to paint my nails.
白喉是一种严重的传染病。 Diphtheria is a serious infectious disease.
污染对这一物种的继续生存造成了威胁。 Pollution poses a threat to the continued existence of this species.
这种疫苗用以为全体居民预防传染病. The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against infection.
我们担保这些染料不褪色. We guarantee the fastness of these dyes.
她把旅行的事大大地渲染(夸张)了一番. She gave a highly coloured (ie exaggerated) account of her travels.
很多东西使水污染,例如轮胎、垃圾和塑胶袋。 Many things pollute water, such as tires, trash, and plastic bags.
流感是一种传染病,其特征是发热、全身疼痛和疲乏无力。 Flu is an infectious disease characterized by fever, aches and pains and exhaustion.
他的悲观情绪感染得大家情绪低落. His pessimism has the effect of depressing everyone.
蓝色染料,蓝色颜料加上这种色彩的色素或颜料 A pigment or dye imparting this hue.
附近的居民们一致赞成市政委员会关于关闭这座小印染厂的决定。 The residents in the neighbourhood all applauded the council's decision to close the small dye factory.
物理学家们正在研究对环境危害少的发电新方法,与此同时,许多发电厂也在实现现代化以减少污染物质的释放量。 Physicists are studying new ways of generating electricity with less damage to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluting material.
化工厂发生爆炸引起了害怕污染的巨大恐慌. The explosion at the chemical factory caused a major pollution scare.
化工厂发生爆炸引起了害怕污染的巨大恐慌。 The explosion at the chemical factory cause a major pollution scare.
染料渗透进去了。 The dye works its way in.
那个男人被发现患有传染病,因此他的房子必须用烟熏来消毒。 The man was found to have an infectious disease, so his house had to be fumigated.
不纯洁或不干净的;污染的 Not pure or clean; contaminated.
嗜中性染料的不一定非用酸性或碱性染剂染色不可的,也易于用中性染剂染色的,尤其指白细胞 Not stained strongly or definitely by either acid or basic dyes but stained readily by neutral dyes. Used especially of white blood cells.
病,疾病有机体的某一部位、某一器官或系统处于病理状态,由各种因素引起,如传染、遗传缺陷或环境紧张,而且以被视为相同的一组表象或症状为特征 A pathological condition of a part, an organ, or a system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms.
耳鸣一个耳朵或两耳中的声音,如嗡嗡声或哨声,在没有外界刺激的情况下发生,通常由某种特定情况如耳朵感染、使用某种药物、听觉管道堵塞或头部受伤引起 A sound in one ear or both ears, such as buzzing, ringing, or whistling, occurring without an external stimulus and usually caused by a specific condition, such as an ear infection, the use of certain drugs, a blocked auditory tube or canal, or a head injury.
我看我已经受细菌感染了. I think I've caught a bug.
日本的确是个美丽的国家,但最近日本的大都市已被污染。 It is true that Japan is a beautiful country, but its big cities are lately polluted.
如果一项促进和平的安排开始进行,沙特阿拉伯将直接参与有关航运及污染等地区性问题的多边谈判。 If a peace process got under way, Saudi Arabia would participate directly in multilateral talks about such problems of regional concern as shipping and pollution.
废气已过视为城市空气污染的原因。 Exhaust gas has been incriminated in air pollution in cities.
汽车放出的废气在污染我们城市的空气。 Gases from cars are poisoning the air of our cities.
倍数性一个细胞中染色体基本数目的倍数 A multiple of the basic number of chromosomes in a cell.
药量已被减低到某一水平,既足以对付受感染的细胞,又不会干扰正常的新陈代谢。 The dosage was geared down to a level which would work on the infected cells but not upset their normal metabolism.
潜伏的传染 A latent infection.
我决不接受贿赂, 一尘不染. I wouldn't sully my hands by acceptinga bribe.
他被感染了一种潜伏性的传染病。 He was infected with a latent infection.
对比染色剂,对照染色剂一种对比颜色的染色剂,用来染制主染色剂染后显不出的显微术标本成分 A stain of a contrasting color used to color the components in a microscopic specimen that are not made visible by the principal stain.
裸露的伤口很快就受到了感染。 The open wound soon became infected.
感染力蔓延扩散的倾向,如学说、影响或情绪等 The tendency to spread, as of a doctrine, influence, or emotional state.
由於受感染的风险很大,无菌注射针的使用受到了重视。 The high risk of infection put a premium on the use of sterile needle.
那位生物学家先把标本染色, 然後再通过显微镜进行观察. The biologist stained the specimen before looking at it through the microscope.
剧毒的,致命的极度传染性的、恶性的或剧毒的,用于疾病或毒素 Extremely infectious, malignant, or poisonous. Used of a disease or toxin.
接触性传染病一种(可)由直接或间接接触来传播的疾病;接触性传染病 A disease that is or may be transmitted by direct or indirect contact; a contagious disease.
经理化检验证实:使用该器无放射性污染,对人体绝对无毒无副作用。 Physical and chemical tests verify that this Recovery Device has neither radioactive pollution nor toxic side effects.
肝炎肝部发炎,由传染性或有毒性因素引起。症状为黄疸、发烧、肝部肿大和腹疼 Inflammation of the liver, caused by infectious or toxic agents and characterized by jaundice, fever, liver enlargement, and abdominal pain.
走马疳,坏疽性口炎嘴或生殖器部分严重的经常为生疽性的发炎,通常在感染了传染病后发生,最常发病于卫生条件极差或营养状况不良的孩子 A severe, often gangrenous inflammation of the mouth or genitals, occurring usually after an infectious disease and found most often in children in poor hygienic or malnourished condition.