
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 枯燥 + ku1zao4 dry and dull; uninteresting; dry-as-dust
1 Old HSK word(s): D VS * ku1zao4 bored


Nhàm chán +
Grade E word(s):
枯燥 [ku1 zao4] eintönig, langweilig, uninteressant, trocken, reizlos (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 1.39 Komposita

尽管(她讲的)内容有些枯燥, 但由於她善於表达, 大家仍听得津津有味. Although the subject-matter (of her talk) was rather dull her witty delivery kept the audience interested.
感谢您使我们把枯燥的学习变成了巨大的乐趣。 Thank you for making learning not a dull thing but a great joy.
很少有老师能使学生对那些需要刻苦努力才能学好的枯燥学科感兴趣。 Few teachers are able to interest their students in dull subjects that mean a lot of hard work.
从松岭回来后,办公室似乎变得枯燥无味了。 The office seems so dull and prosaic after Pine Ridge.