
1 New HSK word(s): HSK5 构成 + gou4cheng2 to constitute; to form; to compose; to make up; to configure (computing)
1 Old HSK word(s): B VA * gou4cheng2 compose/ constitute


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Grade E word(s):

构成 [gou4 cheng2] Gestalt, Ausbildung (S)beruhigen, abfassen (V)bilden, formen, abfassen, einsetzen, erzeugen, gestalten (V)vervollständigen, packen (V)gestaltet (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 3.14 Komposita

云层的构成方式有好几种。 There are several kinds of cloud formations.
这一千本书将构成学校新图书馆藏书的基础。 These 1000 books will form the nucleus of the new school library.
人体的组织是由细胞构成的. Human tissue is made up of cells.
所有权构成控制或处置财产或所有权的合法权力的所有要素同时符合的条件 The coincidence of all the elements that constitute the fullest legal right to control and dispose of property or a claim.
葡萄状的由成串的部分构成的,用于腺体 Having a structure of clustered parts. Used of glands.
人生是以哭、泣、笑三者构成的,尤以泣为最。 Life is made up of sob, sniffle, and smile, with sniffle predominate.
手臂和腿是人体的组成部分, 是构成完整的人体必不可少的. The arms and legs are integral parts of the human body; they are integral to the human body.
刹帝利四个印度种姓中的第二级,负责执法和维护社会安定。在古代印度,它由皇族和武士阶层构成;在现代印度,它表示职业、统治和军事阶层 The second of the four Hindu classes, responsible for upholding justice and social harmony. In ancient India this was the royal or warrior class; in modern India, the professional, governing, or military class.
四个四分之一可构成一个整体. Four quarters make a whole.
经过化学分析,我们知道了矿石的构成。 After chemical assay, we have known the composition of the ore.
四个构成的一组因共同的财产或行为而联系在一起的四人小组或联盟 A group or combination of four associated by common properties or behavior.
犁一种农具,由在一根横梁端部的厚重的刃构成,通常系在一组牵引它的牲畜或机动车上,用来破碎土块并耕出槽沟从而为播种做好准备 A farm implement consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually hitched to a draft team or motor vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing.
角蛋白一种不溶解的较硬的蛋白物质,是头发、指甲、角和蹄的主要结构成分 A tough, insoluble protein substance that is the chief structural constituent of hair, nails, horns, and hoofs.
耙一种由一个沉重的框架和尖齿或垂直向上的耙片构成的用于打碎并摊平犁过的泥土的农具 A farm implement consisting of a heavy frame with sharp teeth or upright disks, used to break up and even off plowed ground.
天文学外层空间事物的科学研究,尤指天体及天文现象的位置、大小、分布、运动、构成、能量及演化的科学 The scientific study of matter in outer space, especially the positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, energy, and evolution of celestial bodies and phenomena.
称号的与称号有关的,有称号性质的或构成一个称号的 Relating to, having the nature of, or constituting a title.
天空和大海构成了一幅和谐的画面。 The sky and the sea make a harmonious picture.
三层刺网一种三层竖向安置的渔网,由一层细目网夹在两层粗目网中构成 A vertically set fishing net of three layers, consisting of a finely meshed net between two nets of coarse mesh.
天体要素在古代和中古时代被认为是充满于月球空间并且是构成恒星和行星的元素 The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets.
对许多小女孩来说,童话故事构成了她们的梦幻世界,她们小小的生活天地也系于神话仙境。 For most little girls fairy tales are the stuff that dreams are made of, and their little lives are bounded by the fairyland.
珊瑚是由某些水螅体构成的. Coral is formed by certain types of polyp.
铜合金铜与锡、锑、磷或其物质构成的一种合金,含锡,也可不含锡 Any of various alloys of copper, with or without tin, and antimony, phosphorus, or other components.
没有一件事情比得上有朋在远方更使这地球显得如此广大的了;他们构成纬度,也构成经度。 Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make latitudes and longitudes.