
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * cun1zi village/ hamlet


Grade E word(s):

村子 [cun1 zi5] Dorf

Häufigkeit: 3.04 Komposita

村子的礼堂专作举行庆典和会议之用. The village hall is given over to civic functions and meetings.
这间屋子在村子的中心草地上,处于引人注目的位置。 The house is in a prominent position on the village green.
住在那个村子里的人们的头发全是赤褐色的。 All the people living in that country have auburn hair.
这个村子里家家户户都没有自来水. The houses in this village are without water.
这两个村子相距三英里。 The two villages are three miles apart.
村子里的居民知道这件丑事。 The villagers knew about the scandal.
两个村子合作修建了这座水库。 The tow villages joined forces to build the reservoir.
我匆忙离开那个村子, 甚至没有时间和我的向导道别。 I left the village in a hurry and even had no time to say good-bye to my guide.
除了村子尽头的岔道外,还有一条大路。 There was one street apart from a tributary road near the end of the village.
这个村子周围有湖泊与沼泽地, 隔断了与外界的联系. The village is shut off from the world by lakes and marshes.
这个村子海拔多少? What is the altitude of this village?
我们村子有很多贫困家庭。 There are many needy families in our village.
这些村子里的农民常常以实物偿付帐单。 Farmers in these small villages often pay their bills in kind.