
1 New HSK word(s): HSK4 杂志 + za2zhi4 magazine; CL:本ben3,份fen4,期qi1
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * za2zhi4 mixed-substance/ impurity



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这本杂志发行量很大。 This magazine has a large circulation.
这本杂志登载优秀的小说。 This magazine published excellent stories.
有的人看到色情杂志能激发起性欲。 Some people are sexually excited by pornographic magazines.
许多杂志发表了由俄国航天探测器获得的有关金星的信息。 Information about Venus obtained by Russian probes has been published on some magazines.
这家商店起初只出售报纸和杂志,后来又增售青少年读物。 At first this shop sold newspapers and magazines only, but it has since put in juvenile books.
他把一捆就杂志卖给了旧书店。 He sold a bundle of old magazines to the second hand bookstore.
时装杂志看起来很有光泽。 Fashion magazines are glossy.
该杂志的销售量为2000份。 The distribution of the magazine is 2000.
报刊杂志刊登了许多名家的文章。 The newspapers and magazines carry a lot of articles written by famous experts.
我订阅了几份杂志。 I subscribed to several magazines.
该杂志对防务内幕的透露引起了极大的关注。 The magazine's disclosure of defense secrets caused great attention.
这家杂志刊登了一个中学生所写的短篇小说。 The magazine publish a short story write by a high school student.
该杂志被归类成淫秽出版物,已被海关没收。 The magazine is classed as an obscene publication and seized by the customs.
你订阅哪一种杂志? Which journal(s) do you subscribe to?
这一杂志下周要发表一篇关於教育的专题文章. This magazine will be running a special feature on education next week.
杂志一种载有专论、小说、图片或其他内容的期刊 A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other features.
彼得将他的那部新小说搁置了一年,与此同时,他给杂志撰写一些稿件以便赚点钱用。 Peter set his new novel aside for a year while he wrote some magazine articles to make a bit of money.