
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 期限 + qi1xian4 time limit; deadline; allotted time
1 Old HSK word(s): D N * qi1xian4 time limit


Khoảng thời gian +
Grade E word(s):

期限 [qi1 xian4] Frist, Laufzeit (S)Stichtag (S)Termin (S)

Häufigkeit: 2.64 Komposita

对投资期限较长者可获百分之二的奖励. A premium of 2 per cent is paid on long-term investments.
缴纳租金以每季度末为期限。 The rent is due at the end of each quarter.
这项专利期限为3年。 The patent runs out in three years time.
现在已经过了退课的最后期限了。 It's past the deadline to withdraw.
1979年这个期限临近了,最初支持平等权利修正案的一些州后来改变了主意,投票反对这个法案。 As the1979 deadline came nearer, some states which at first had backed up the Equal Right Amendment changed their mind and voted against it.