
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 朝气蓬勃 + zhao1qi4peng2bo2 full of youthful energy (idiom); vigorous; energetic; a bright spark
1 Old HSK word(s): D * zhao1 qi4 peng2 bo2 full of youthful spirit


Sôi động +
Grade E word(s):

朝气蓬勃 [zhao1 qi4 peng2 bo2] angeregt (Adj)frisch (Adj)

Häufigkeit: 0.1 Komposita

在各条战线上都有精力充沛朝气蓬勃的青年人。 On every front there are young people abounding in vigor and vitality.
朝气蓬勃的具有或拥有青年人特点的,如活力、朝气或热情,与青年人有关 Marked by or possessing characteristics, such as vigor, freshness, or enthusiasm, that are associated with youth.
指挥官朝气蓬勃和欢欣愉悦的神态使士兵们勇气倍增。 The leader's vital and cheerful manner filled his men with courage.