
1 New HSK word(s): HSK6 服从 + fu2cong2 to obey (an order); to comply; to defer
1 Old HSK word(s): B VA * fu2cong2 obey/ submit


Tuân lệnh +
Grade E word(s):

服从 [fu2 cong1] sich unterordnen (V)

Häufigkeit: 4.9 Komposita

通知她交纳罚款,但她拒不服从。 She was told to pay the fine, but refused to comply.
士兵已训练得绝对服从命令. Soldiers are trained to obey without question.
可以逼人服从, 却无法逼人生爱. You can compel obedience, but not affection.
军人应当绝对服从命令。 Soldiers are expected to obey their orders without question.
他要求追随者对他绝对服从. He demands unquestioning obedience from his followers.
服从命令在军队中是很重要的。 Obedience to order is very important in an army.
默许的以无反应或不行动作为回应而接受或服从于某一行动的 Receiving or subjected to an action without responding or initiating an action in return.
军人必须服从命令. Soldiers must obey orders.